HomeMy WebLinkAbout1910-08-01 ' r U aZ- t --- _--_ — ---moo2___Oclad - — - -- _ — —_— _--_-- -- -- ---__--__ - _----_ --- --_-- _ awt - ---- --------- - � �—- - ---- ---- ------- ---- ----- - - -- - ------- -- - -- - ------ - `"� �' ram`' - ------- - -- - vo- - - r ---_- - - ---- -- -�� - ---- 0, } I -- . ----- — — -- — — --— v r , I Al -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ----- (_L ,w- - - - ------------- 1� o i _ I _ a� 9— --- - -- ----- -- ----- - - - - - Q/P7 ze —-- - -- - — --- - - - -- —----- - - ------ - Lt,--- -- ____P - - - - -� - I _ I I i �l - - - I wl- r OARD OF TRUSTEES RESOLUTION NO 137 - ------ - — - - -- - - -T- - --- -- -"-` - Resolution,of Intention ofthe II f of Trustees of the City of H _ _ _ _-_ ------------- ---- -- •- Beach,+;;California, Deli 4t Ation to ImproviI { --- ---- -- - �— — �'li±�? -- -- — --- ---- — -- ofJWalnut Avenue, In�S"a Huntington Beach`.,, li,l-- -- -------- --- - - - --- - -- --- -- - -� - - - - -- - - - - it�resolved by the Board c II n t t �Y` s ofAth'e City of Huntington .srloN 1 That the pubheli onvenience require and Mt ention of the Board'rof Trus t'ity i-= C of Huntington Beach t oRowing work to be done, —� - - hat the entird width of ,ih sa - -- ---- -- ----- - ------ - - ---- ----- ---- - ---------- -------- -- --- - ---- ------ ---- y o,fiWalnut Avenue in om he East line of Eleventhl t+ ----- - - - ----- ------- - - ---- ---- --- - h West line of,Third stree ersections of 's I I - - - -- ---- --- ------ -- ----- - - - - - - - -- --- -- ----- - - a ingl such tportions f said s ersections of streets as a i ed b Y flaw to be kept in o � rc P , bey any person of)eompan g a lroad tracks thereon,"au( -- - - ---- ----`-----'- -- - - ---- -` ---- eep AWg such portions as ha fad been graded and sanded a =the official line and ace excepting the intersection o �Svenue. and Main Streel sanded and oiled to the i _ __ _ _ _ _ _ e iu• accordance with the° Qe"s',%'and cross-sections for j I on`file in the office of the '-- ------ - ---�-- - -- - --- - - - sneer of said city, said plan being numbered No 1 i - ---- -- -- ------ -------- oss- ection No 11, and in,furtl h ance with specifications ,for Fl sanaing and ihng streets i - - - --- --- � --- 'i of idu tington Beach, on the City Clerk of sai its s cations i being Numbe a adopIt lJy Ordinance Numbd said city, and which said plans �I es cross-sections and specific �� I� ---- -- - -"--- '- -- - rf T1 feriPd to for a oi i d 1ption of said work II — _ _ - -------- --- --- -- '1 he Street Superinto �IC t post notice of this work 'law He shall atlso to be published by,eo n in the Huntington,, I' - - -- - weekly newspaper, jul ulaIt in tsa'id Cit;-"Of$i which is herdby desi, Board of Trustees ___ __--_ T -_-__ -- ------------------- ___ of Huntington Beach er in which said 'notice 'i s''ed by said Street Si I ---- ------- -- ------- -- ---------------------- - ------- -- -- --- - --- - - -- -- - -- I� -- - - - - - -- - - - ---- --- ------- -�-- ------ - ---- --- -- ----- - I� -fm-- -- _ _ --------_--_ ------ - _ -�