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_*N, �vd 41 ' F. GllZrir ,ZA__9X__ 0 V- _1fY , 1 5 I 4 4 ` 15S all 0 ZY,- Odj ` 7 V I� bV r -- ------- - ----------- ------------------ to �k lk L- -a �,—AL—S rje v c I �r ' I yz P 4- BOARD OF TRUSTEES CITY CLERK E R BRADBURY ` RESOLUTION NO 137 SEC 3, The City Clerk shall certify CITY MARSHAL y to the passage of this Resolution of In- E C WRIGHT Resolution of Intention ofthe,Board tention and shall post the same con- CITY TREASURER - ---- -- - - i of Trustees of the City of Huntm - x�` R E GRAVES a, g , spicuously for two days on or near the — ton Beach,a�S,Cahiornia, Declaring CITY RECORDER y ,a council chamber door of said Board. W D SEELY Theirintention to Improve ha-Pot- He shall also cause the same to be lion of,Walnut Avenue, In SaidiCity published by two (2)insertions in the ;of Huntington BeacH.,, Huntington"Beach News, a iveekly newspaper',published and circulated in _ $e it resolved by the Board of Trus- thesa>i1 Citv" of Huntington Beach, ` — tees of the City of Huntington Beach , "'r�r., , and hereby�,designated by the Board SECTION 1 That the public+interest of Trustees df,,said City of Huntington Senr4, Tal-, i and convenience require and y3 t is 'the Beach fortt'atlpurpose, and thereupon -- - _—__ intention of the Board'^of Trustees of , � the City of Huntington Beach to order` and thereafte?"�t shall take effect and ----- -- be yin dull,for"cep,,- the following work to'be done, do-wit --_ That the entire width of.the-road- Passed and adopted by the Board of ` .1 Trustees`of: theM„City of Huntington l way of,Walnut Ave a said tyyl Beach this',15th day of August, 1910 �,i I � � `�?:•,�..1� O.ED MANNING,from the)East line of ,Eleventh-street 1 +• i> ( � � ' `Presi'dent�of�tliexBoard of Trustees i - + to the West line of l Third street' in-) " + 1 - -- j I , ,' I of the,City,of Huntington Beach, Cali- eluding all intersections ,of streets` y --- --- -- - (excepting such portions of said streets forma. } andii}tersections of streets as ara re- Attest C E. LAVERING,- i / quired bylaw to be kept in order or City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the, ---- Board of Trustees of the City of,Hunt- repair by any person or")company'hav- in ton Beach California c ` ing,railroad tracks thereon and also g - excepting such portions as have al- State of California, ready been graded and sanded and oil- County of Orange, ss i i l i . ✓ .City of Huntington Boaeh � ,�, -- ed to the official line and accepted, I, C. E. Layering, City Clerk of the �� - --- - and excepting the intersection of Wal- City of Huntington Beach, and'ex-offi- i - ---- -_- _ :nut Avenue. and Main Street), be- cto Clerk of the Board of Trustees of ! - ,graded,sanded and oiled to the official sand city, do hereby certify that the. _ grade in accordance with the plans;' foregoing Resolution of Intention was rprofiles'and cross-sections for said ; passed and adopted by said Board of work on file in the office of the 'City", Trustees and attested by the CityN -- ngineer of said city, said plans and Clerk of said city at a'regular meeting toflles being numbered No 11 and P % ' of said Board of Trustees held on the toss-section No 11, and in,further,ac- "- - ,- 15th day of August,,1910;and that said rdance with specifications ,for grad-, Resolution was aded by the followL,"'f ng,sandi opt ng and iling streets in the ing`vote City of Huptington �Beaeh, on file ;Ayes-Helme, Stewart, French,fi in Ha , the office of the City Clerk of said city, - said'specifications being Numlier Four ' Noes;gNone as adopted by Ordinance Number 3506fai'"' r Absent-Seely said city,and which said plans, pro-'',- C. E. LAYERING, i4 files, cross-sictions and specifications''` City Clerk:and @x-pf�iciO'Cler o 0 r e ; ferrPd to for a i$ore par; Board,of Tru3kees;of the City of"Hunt-,'°*,; - r a,s ,lition of said work` ; , f ington Bed4h, Cah1grnia.ya� _T _ 2 'he Street Superintendent, j ___� --- -- - a 'post r3tice of this work as•re=`) lr- _ ii+ed'by law He shall allso r"cause-,,, _ notice to be published by,iloiie _ tion,'in the Huntington,J.+beach — ws,a'w`eekly newspaper, published t 2 and circulated in sand City"' Hunting. -- --- - d Bea&wwhich is hereby designated 't -- said Board of Trustees of the - ---- -- --- _ a. izy,of Huntington Beach as the — t apes in which said 'notice shall i bhsi'ed by said Street Superin- 4� nn - " BOARD OF TRUSTEES , CITY I _- _ ED MANNING, PRESIDENT _ =,_ - ,, E ��� CITY " E RESOLUTION`N,O.�188 �� '� , �- ,� �-c-�, j I - - - ton,Beach, whi „ h is li cd of e e ed CITY d '� > t } T ` ; "Iby Tr s R A Resolution'of Intention ofthe'Boarda • the said Boar y -Y --- - -- - - of Trustees,°ofith'e City of Hunting- said Ctty of Huntington?;each asthe CITY C // ton Beach, California, Declaring newspaper in which saldlA{nbtice`shall l W Their Intention to Improve a-Por_ be published by said, Street Stil)er�n„fi e tion of Olive Avenue In Sald Clty,of ; ,^`,g r,,r SEC 3 The CitS Clerk sliall certify 4, IT ' _ -_ --- Huntington Beach. <,_. to the p Issag e of this Resolution of�ln w' ; tendon and Shall post,;the` same con- _ ,`13e it resolved by the Boardoof`Trus- spicuurs1v foi two (2);day,s'on;o near e cj� (�ttj ;tees of the City of Huntington Beach_ h�,, � �' ° ' o ` 'the Council chamber ,doom°©f• ;said IV SECTION 1. That the public interv.„ I + p Board He shall also cause ,the° -same I --- esti and convenience requite and it is to be published bytwo""(2)tinsertions C } bite intention of the Board of Trustees t, ---`- - _ In the Elunttngtoe,?'Beaeh,�News, a t ------ - -- of the:City of Huntington Beach to or- s a M- veekly newspaper published%,and cir- 4 de'r'the following work to be done to- ! ' ,r i 'T-r c°ulatecl to said CttyrF of', unttngton -- - wit h1 r �tThat the entire width of the road- ,Beach, and hereby destgnatiediaby' the Board of Trustees of,the ,said itty of " — - btLG�] way of Ohce Avenue, to said city, H-uAtin;ton Beach for that; purpose,' I from.,the East line of Eleventh Street 1 "1 ' �f and tberei�ipon and tliet,eafter t ,shall to'the East line of alley between First take eftleev and be in,force and Second Streets, including all in- - t - - - „Passed anadopted by the Board of - - tersectto>s of streets, (excepting such Trustee's of 'bIie City of Huntington portions'of'satd streets and intersec- t Beaclt"this115th1 day of August, 1910 tions of'streets as are required by law t d' "111" t,. ----- �� e �$" FD MANNING, /J^t to,be kept to order or repair by any ,.. I M Breslile*ntlof the Board of Trustees person 'or company having railroad " h ` of the ity of Huntington Beach, Ca - tracks ,the'reon, and also excepting for"nra ¢' such'por'tions as have already been Att e )a i r y st C. E LAVERING, I graded'a'nd•sanded and oiled to the of- r , ^City,Clerk and ex-offcto Clerk of _ ficial line=and accepted, and excepting l — the Board of Trustees of the City of then iffitersection of Ohre Avenue and 1 /J r A, Huntington Beach, California. e, MatntStreet), be graded, sanded and ri,, x f� �d,., v I Starts di,6altfornia, oiled to,the`oYhcial grade to accord- Oran ----^ " „ County o'f ge, ss `d - ance„with°the plans, profiles and cross-I City of Huntington Beach ) sectibbs'fortsaid work on file in the of-; I, Cx�fs `Lavering,i City Clerk of the _ fits of the City Engineer of said city, I City,ol'Aunttngton Beach and ex-offi- l satd,plaris,and profiles being number- cto`Cle'r'k of the Board of Trustees of ed No'',l0iand cross-section No 10, and the said city, do hereby certify that in further accordance with specifica- the`foregoing Resolution of Intention ttons for`%grading, sanding and oiling was passed and adopted by said Board - - - 9 - 1 streets,in.the said City of Huntington of Trustees and attested by the City Y L--r •- Beach,�on file in the office,of the City Clerk of said city at a regular meeting ---- r Clerk oftisatd city, said specifications of said Board of Trustees held on the i y t being Number Four as adopted by Cie 15th day of August, 1910, and that said - t - -- -------- -===I� dtnance No 35 of said city, and which Resolution was adopted by the follow- I said plans and profiles and cross-sec- `ing vote ttons and specifications are hereby re- � Ayes-Helme, Stewart, French, ferred to for a more particular de- , Mani ing I i scriptton of said work Noes-None -- `� ------ ---- 9E0 2 The Street Superintendent Absent-Seely. shall:post notice of this work as re- J C E,LAVERING, `-t �-'- _ R quired bye law , He shall also cause ' City Clerk and ex-ofhcio Clerk of 1 � — ;said notice to be pubhZe'a1by one (1) I 'the Board of Trustees of the City of I ----!-V y- --- r ti�sertion in 'the rHunting°ton_Beach Huntington Beach, California - dews,'a weekly" niewspaper,vpublished t ' _ - anciciircul'ated in said�,Ciiyofrflunting- I __4� 1-11- t f( - - -------- - - ------ - ------- --- -- -- ------ _--- - ------- ----------- ------ - -- ---- - --- - - -- -- - ---- - 'nt - -- - -- --- - --- ---- - --