HomeMy WebLinkAbout1910-09-19 r _ rivt�`� x f 1 t •si N,J��� i'�{�2 x��Ca �u.t'��`L ��� �x.i�` ---__ — —.—____----_ - .. 4;.;. sot o� A .l. ;' — — � -S ` / 1 - ^J�7'✓��W._^ ' i' 1 1 ` ate r -- - - LL - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- - --- �-- - } --/-dam-- --- - - ---- ji - a - - - ` -- --- Zc�D/r-r ----✓�- �-- ---- - --- --- --- - L-4 Wa s. \ ` ` QJ 162 r _ I � c orders AV CO i IV p�� -- - — aL— --- t — - - - -- -- ( -- J,, >, aC nco — — — (3 J t yr i^Iox'k t;a' VO c •� I AvollUc 4 {� �JjfjV r0cp C:dt r C � OJI Ur[mW I V ' or ally, �> puoa ^tit ---- - --- to ishCE' c0i, - --- --- - ---- --- --- -- ---- - ----- -- inter cOt r - ,Ir , f-,i:•"tjjor a= rl t coo" �z� I I , c OFFICERS -* C E LAYERING C _ R E GRADES T EACH eF ; R M BLODGET C F SORENSON J L MCBRIDE J W SHIRLEY BEE GLUT I ON NO. A Rc:�olution of the City of Hunt Lnrtoll Bcach, flying the tax rate of said "it,y y �9 for the fi�c�',l year of" 1010 - 1c,11. The Board of Txust,.^.s of trr t;itvr of H.untingtnr Beach do resolve as fol1.Ow Sect loll 1 This Board of r-,,,stcr-s horeby { flxi::[.: t?10 tax rate fo'" t.'C: f1sCil1 y0a2^ of lDlO 1911 Z ` at one hun�'rcd sly c,--nts on each Orle hundred Dollars ., of assesscd valuation of the City of -I. mitin,,!,t r, Bfiac:h, )oill- ": 14 el , ' a of sixtemi cents ( 10) for tho l Lhrary fund. and 7 mmoty cents ( Q-OX) for all other purposes. 3 Section 2. The ;ity Cl�rk of the City of Htuit tngton B a:,h shall certify to the pass go of t h2 s resolution and shall serve a c,--rt if_i.cd c`oijy tbornof can t he n the (runty Auditor of the, County, oJC Orango, State of Calif l rn i El Pas4ed and acloptad lay the -Doard of TruGteos of the ' k City of Huntington ton H ?,cii, this "44 day 0f � 4; :dries Lcicxa� of fiyhe I3o, `af Trus- B(,.nach, Califo'rnta. 6. ATTEST: / City clergy: and ex-off'ic lo,W1�x ^ � of the 3oaru of Trustecs f the C tty of Hunt ii4gton, Beach, California. � ' 1 '�:Y�� -. _ .-• -n � - z _e '� '- N � }`-'-.�`As,. "'�����,",�r�"`":'''`-.,µ-me �,.�, f i " 1 i I , l L ♦�tti, y �ti'w^ 1 jS 17 J y, Itt S� s V statc of California, County of Orange, r" city og Huntington roach.. �; t djF� I , C. F. Levering t`.it=> Clcr.a of the City of t d Himtlrsi7;ton Bcach and ex-efficio Cl-r{c of tllic Board of Trustco, of said C Lty, do hereby certify that the -Eoregofng 3Flti 4 ,t1X Resolution �I-ms re to very Boa rdk of Tr stcns of t o City of rip Hunt ingtor. reach on � /9 _, 10,310, e no passed and adoptod at a rcgular meeting of said F3ceArd of r. _ 'r 1G r 'r 3'_ '_ Truotces on th Lti_14 day of _, 1910. byt'f3F". following vote. AYE-S + ` &L�_ 7, f �^--- -- - NOES Y'7 d—It A13 Si.tai,C, C9. Yav_t� c1ty C erk r^.MCa C G f1C�i? C7L' °K i of the Hoard of Tru_ctec;s of the E City o ' Huntington Be-oh, Calif'orria.. t` F � « 30 V:: k ...r..,�..S..J '�-.�� ...�+'J� F.....w --•-_.'- NSA ' ' 4 } yy t / J