HomeMy WebLinkAbout1910-10-10 to'!ON NO. 148 -- fON OF THE BOARD ] -- -- - - -- ---- - - -i - - - - - t�� --- -- - - - EES OF THE CITY OFI ` ON BEACH DECLARJ P st 2rENTION TO IM I -'PORTION OF ACACIA 1 'aOF SAID CITY AND -` THAT-THE PROPOS- i l�J_- URK BE DONE UNDER"� PROVISIONS OF `AN ACT --- ""��� -1-------- E TURF- CALIFORNIA-­,PRO-,4 i FO'R'WORK UPON 'AND' CONSTRUCTION'Y OFF•SIDEI! AND CURBING, WITHI ALITIES, APPROVE 1909 b, ] I of Ti e —� i .�Ni Beach do,-resobve � a ['lie the public o c r nvenience 1 equzre, an� ani he intention,of4he Boar of the39City of Hunting -�- ��-----�-�--- - _ h .,to order tfollon,zu ` done, ment curb's §? §t`r lac held ong each andc Both,-si(W '-- Avenue from tki rues,,,p op Alabama Anentie to the r,ty line of El__­­ ,t' u w a- �; �- ✓J� � ,. --- - ��- _ � n Stich portionsiC�.o "�t;� s� ��l" •, ✓ —_�`U�-� ///��� I ^� v nue between,$~,k`s"ayi `i point a cements ciiTbhas al l - _ •v/__ " o-. constructed'Y%;air.rjdnd now his 1 al line and rade-,anclvnt the right,.*Wayp o4f nth i acific Railrola+d, Gomt)an'' a+nae with sp ciflcation-jNo; ed by ordnance \To, 28,of, of Huntington�Beabb,,�,.far., uetion of cement.,"cus bs }n�' pf Huntingto"T* each, ri h`.office of the Ci IeM°df + and in further laccor an�Ce plaas, profiles and �cross4 rJ said work on f1 m cthe Ahe City Engineerof rsilf plans, profiles an`ny�rbssf i being numbered No13: specifications, piaa ;'ppro= cross-sections reference,y1 na-le for amore, particulnr of said` work, aid cut bs shall be so con- / `that the outer edge of the J_V— --- --- _ _t ow, -— --- - n al surface thereof shall bE i in said street-ten (10) fee parallel to the pro�iert lie abuttin nd tothe property ;of sal, n 2 That they proceeding aforesaid improvement sha a •en under as act of the legisL YAJ - - of the state of California, e "An act to piovide for woi and the construction of Sid and curbing within municip! c - - - �G---- - - - - _ _ _ _ ♦ ie approved March 6, 1909 stun 3 The Superintendent shall post notice of this we -—-- - - - - - --- _ ired_by law w� F .; ;�:��. �,. t . may. ,� !� .. ��--�- �, � � � ,� � �� - - � j - �. • � � � � � ' '� � � / � a � � 1 , � .�-�� � ! � - -1 �� • , � � i �, , 1 / - � �� � � i � ;,� ,,� j ,, I ,, � r 1 ��� / � t a �11 � / i / � � � � � � �/j// � ,! �l, ' > > � `'� 'J � 1 ' / � r. � � i 11 1 1 �, , , , . � � .�, � i i 1� � � a / i 1, � � ► , � , , , s�. / i, � � i ' � � ; j � i � 1 - ,, r � � / - r � � , / / � ' R j j , � i 1 � �l � � � � ' � �' � � '` �� � �- ,a i„ � %� � � � G/f� , � � ' . /� / / �, ., ` � � 1. -� , f ,,,�// fi� � ,, � / � � % e � �� � � � � l' � / lI � � ,, r " r � /�� � , � f ,, l � ''� , . l / �, . � � �' / 1 ► � . r' � � l ' ` �� _! ! � � , , , �, ,� i t � 1 '' ' f . � " '� 1 � � �� � i � � � � • �� � - / / .�- � ,1 � ' � � � � i � � J / � I / �. � i l � j' � 1 � ��� r r � � r ,Ji, � •� r � , /' s � h� ��� �' / 1 �� ! i �� / , C / �� � I/ • , , � r � � i' �r'°II � � �� !l � . �� r � � �� �� 1 , ,,� .,r, r • ,w w t:ZI=SOLUTION NO - �� J A Resolution of the Board Qit�/LQiLtie.Q�- If true City of Hunting D+ ciarinr, their Intention z Portion of Seventh Str Cify, and Providing Tha posed Work be Done Un, `•` � � �p /�--±+ - - - - -sions of an Act of the o"the Ste-te of Caiifornia for'✓5';.,rvk Upon andthe C of riev�alksand Curl: ----- - -- - - - - - - -/-- - -- - - -- - --- - --- - t Municipalities, Approvei - ------- i 1909 The Do,�7d,v'otnTiustoe�oi r 13untin;ton Beach, do rest ',PCThv 1 That, the p --- —t-� - ��// - -- -- - --- --- -- -- -- est and convenienceat equtr at is the Intention of the Bc _ ? tees of the Citv of Huntln; -- - (-- --� - -- -- `--- -- - e -- -- to oictei'the folloivingtxivor'. cement stcl ( {+ f,et in v. lUh be, eonstFc e tc,h and both sides of Sevi from tha Forth line of OeC to the South Lne of Paltn ceptino sueh porttons of s, �� --- - - -- - - - Stt eet nevi c cn s. - Gt/ -,/v ACC �l - - - - - - - - ` ,IL1 po- - wh ch a vein nt sulcit a4 eidth h^,S aheidy heeu --- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 't,'Id rocs , to the oltic,i - ---- - --- } i acle) 1 is of a inee I1 i ted h3 - -- 1- _--- ---- - E No LJ of the said City of Beach, for the construction sidewalks in the said Citv ton Beach, on file m the c --- -- -- -- -- -- - l City Clerk of said City, an i I accordance with the plans -- - i cross-sections for said we ¢ the oi.ice of the City Lnf ii - - -- --- - -- ---------- - --- - ---- ---- ----- ------- Citi, said plans, profiles ti �✓ -- - - L/ Irons being numbeied No specihcat�ons,-plans, prohl E � -- - - - - - - --- - -- - - - tions ieference is hecel / t _ =,' ;a"o -fir -- - - -- � inoi c pa.titular deserip - ---- - woi k Said s tile walk shall be sc ----- ---- - - - -- --- - - -Uv �= that t tie line of tao ral inner same sh ill be pira]lel to a -U-� - - -✓-�` Q'9� < - _ _ c, __�" -____ __ from the property line of property of said street (b) That cementembs . — ed at grade along each an - ---- �' 2 �•- J - - -W°C_u v`Cl - -- - l;�/ of Seventh Street from th - -- of Ocean Avenue to the S Palm Avenue (excepting C/ II of said Seventh Street, l f points, along which a cen ah eady been constructed the official line and. grad ---------- dance «Ith Speciitcatio adopted by Ordinance ] City of Huntington Beael struction of cement curbs .,uf Huntington Peach, < office of the City Clerk and in further accorda I -- 4-- -c-c-C plans, profiles and cro, said woi k on file in the ___ City Enn sneer of said Ci t i l profiles and cross-section tiered No 19. to which II - ------- -- - -- (--- f plans, profiles and cross- 4 ------ --- -�- - - - r --`- -- -�-- ----- - ence Is horebi made for - --- - f { ulat desc,ttl ion of said a f�i ---- - - -- - - - - - -go 04- - VO= of I - 116� y 1 Section 4 The City Clerk shall ----- — - �-`-- ziON NO. 148 certify to the passage of this Res- r ` - • " olution and shall cause the same to ---- ----- R Old OF. THE BOARD be published by two consecutive in {� OFFICERS OF "v5 OF THE CITY OF sertions in .the Huntington Beach f `I\VERING CLERK HL ON BEACH, DECLAR. News, a weekly newspaper printed, i 9 � RAVES,TREASURER INii I' INTENTION TO IM3 published and circulated in the city of 9 LODGET ATTORNEY PROVE A PORTION OF ACACIA Huntington Beach, and shall post the I a' :1 )RENSON MARSHAL RESOLU,TION\NO. 149 BRIDE ENGINEER AVENUE, OF SAID CITY AND;,same conspicuously for two days on or AL1 nRLET RECORDER PROVIDING THAT THE PROPOS-near the chamber door of the Board of TH A RESOLUTION,, OF THE BOARD a- --��- 7 rustees, to-wit the door of the City � ED WORK BE DONE UNDER) OF TRUSTEES OF THE`-CITY THE PROVISIONS OF AN ANTIC Hall of the City of of R OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DE- OF THE LEGISLATURE- OF E Beach, and thereupon and thereafter t , CLARINe THEIR INTENTION TO —191 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8PR0' it shall take effect and be in_force IMPROVE•A PORTION OF MAG. - --- VIDING FOR-`WORK UPON ,ANDv Passed and adopted by the Board f NOLIA AVENUE, IN SAID CITY, THE CONSTRUCTION =OF••SIDE, of Trustees of the City of Huntington ' t Beach this 10th day of October, 1910 ! AND PROVIDING THAT THE WALKS AND CURBING,, WITHI`h' " y PROPOSED WORK BE DONE - MUNICIPALITIES, APPR01/EI7 ED MANNING, i UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF /�/ MARCH 6, 1909 ;• President of -the Board of Trustees ' -t_/�"_ - C ! AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE of the City of Huntington Beach, JJJ � 'The Board of Trustees of the Cit � OF THE STATE:°OF CALIFOR- _ -� v of Hunt,agton Beach do,tresobve,al California NIA PROVIDING FOR WORK rollow's ATTEST UPON AND THE CONSTRUC- _ - C E LAVERING, r tiecttoa 1 19iat the public inlet TION OFes ,. SIDEWALKS AND ffr City Clerk and ex,ocio Clerk-of the t. I rt and convenience iequire, ani CURBING WITHIN IYIUNICIPALI- 0a it s the 't intention=of,-,the Boaii Board of Trustees of the City of TIES, APPROV,EDx"� MARCH 6, ;, Huntington Beach, California ----- o 'Frus ees of the Citr of tintr�ng 1909. �d• ' 1.1 i y Mate of California County of Or- "° rim Beach, to ordeK,aithe, -folloxx,Q1 I The Boards°got-Trust es rOf the Cite Section 4 The CttS Clerk shall a� Y 11 ange, -City of Huntington Beach, ,f rtr p V " a 1� -— _ work to be done,Ad:wit"" of Hunt ngto"n Beach -do `resolve a, certify to the passage of this resolu- �— a "Ms• z21 I� Ss. �y That cement curbs b^ constructed follows ' �� ,'r'' �,." tion;and shall cause the same to be + A�� >sxP n. 1, C E Lavering, City,-Clerk of" -- a grade along each' ands both'ssrde 1 Section 1<�• That the pulilic inter published by two insertions in the - -- s t"-u rvr,,S-na the City of Huntington .Beach, dd• , or acacia Avenue from tG4est prop • est and canvenientce Wiilre awl Huntington Beach News, a' weekly x hereby certify that the i foregoing ka r,' eni line of Alabama Aivfmue to the that it is tlie> intention of Ghe Board newspaper, printed and published In I - Resolution was passed and adopted K nl east pro�rty line of Eleventh:-4-, ) P of Ti ustees-of the eity,,of Huntington said City of Huntington Beach, and ty 6`tke, r i• at an adjourned regular meeting of texcephv such portions;t0 A 5 said i / Beach,+�"to Qrder the following wort, 'shall post the same conspicuously, _ d` u = ( the said" Boaid of Trustees :of-the, to be done,'`to-wit `e'` -;"i' . for two days on or near the ch' mber - Acacia Avenue between, s � Points s °•'F^ �=s(, l City of_Huntington Beach, held-+on along Which a cementKcunb0 has_,al; , Y +4-, That Cement cu"rb§i bbt ebnstructe,l door of the Boaid of Trustees of the - - reads heea constructed rabic'°ndxv vis the loth day,of October, 1916',rIi.by they .�e , i',, -. - at grade alongy£�each, and both side, City of Huntington Beach, to-Rit a'I lollowin vote ti v "� to the okial line andi,�g'r:ade-and1$a1q g I'. R4}.`, of Magnolia Ayenue-.,from the weg� on or near the door of the City Hall �- So exceputg the right,pfrway o to AYET • 'Helme, Seely Manning_ti" i ; t NOES None }- .t'; p"operty line of Alabama Avenue to of the City of Huntington Beach, and bou.hern Pacific Railroiad, Comf�tl the east property line of Eleventh thereupon and thereafter it shall L C �x �0 5` ABSENT r French, Stewart ° in accordanoe with s_ _ l tidns No' , J v street (excepting such portions or take effect and be in force - —_ "' " a, C E LAVERING, f i an adopted by ordiiTan'c`e ;No' 28 of, --_- said Magnolia Avenue between said Passed and adopted by the Board City Clerk,anil eX•offimo Clerk of�thd 4 the City of Huntington Beacli, iarl_ points along which a cement curb or Trustees of the City of Hunting- the construction of cement�.,Curbgjn� Board of Ta ustees of the C,Ih of has already been constructed and ton Beach this 10th day of October, i the City of Huntmgton�Beach,r on I Huntington Beach, California now is to -the official line and grade 1910 c 1 we in the office of the CO'Clerl:'0 Date of Duhl Ica tion Octohei 14, and also excepting the right of wax ED MANNING, aid Cit and in further accordan�re 1910 _p or the Southern Pacific Railroad Com• President of the Board of Trustees of i c 5'r'r r,,"h the Plans, profiles and 10ross :or rm�issv is yeah an0 b¢tl¢ve'mmne ,-^°..�J piny), in accordance with specifics the City of Huntington Beach, ` .� !E . omn nnrl flnnnrlaliv ctlons for said work on filet in the, tions No 1 as adopted by Ordinance California See o'the City Engineer Jot tspiiii i No 28 of the City of Huntington ATTEST l x sad plans, profiles any rdss-t) - Beach, on file in the of ee of the C E LAVERING, ctrons being numbered No.m a",.- CitS Clerk of said City, and in fut- City Clerk and ex-ofBcio Clerk of l i nhih specifications, plan ;`_t4pTo- ther accordance with the plans, pro- the Board of Trustees of the City e; aid cross-sections reference, is files and cross-sections for said worst of Huntington Beach, California /J I 'rebi made for a more= particuina,, I on file in the office of the CitS En- State of California, County of Or- 1/ scriptnn of said' work gineer of said City, said plans, pro- ange, City of Huntington Beach, The said curbs shall be so cony tiles and cross-sections being num- SS rutted that the outer edge of the o "' bered l�0 14;"xst which specifications, I, C E Lavering, City Clerk of `_-- - t )rizonial surface thereof shall ba plans, profiles,`arid cross-sections ref-I fiche City of Huntington Beach, Cali. I a line tit said street.ten (10) feet erence is hereby' made for a more forma, do hereby certify that the ' --- am and parallel to the, proberti I particular d's-c`gption or said work foregoing Resolution was passed and ae or the abutting property ,of said The said curbs shall be 'so con- adopted at an adjourned regular �,reet strutted that the outer edge of 'the meeting of the said Board of Trus- Section 2 That the-, proceedings horizontal surface thereof shall be tees of the City of Huntington Beach, i�r the aforesaid improvement shall I on a line in said street ten (10) feet held on 'the loth day of October, be taken under an act of the legisla ^' trom and Parallel to the property 1910, by the following vote I ire of the state of California, en- ' line of the abutting property of said AYES Helme, Seely, Manning ;,fled "An act to provide for work street NOES None upon and the construction of side- Section 2 That the proceedings ABSENT Stewart, French - - sulks and curbing within municipal- for the aforesaid improvement shall i C E LAVERING, ♦ uies," approved March 6, 1909 be tal.en under an act of the legisla- City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Section The Superintendent of rure of the State of California, en- I Board of Trustees of the City of" t mreets shall post notice of this wort: trtled "An act to provide for work Huntington Beach, California _ as required by law _ -- Y upon and the construction of side- Date of publicatlon ? October 14, _ calks and curbing within municipal- L910 � i rues,,' approved March d, 19o9 Section 1 vThe Superintendent of Street; shall post ruyllee Of thl,, work k ---- -- as ioqurred hc^ 111� i I OJT 161 or TRUSTEES CITY CLERK X%nning,President --Tifu of__ M D Rosenberger Warner CITY MARSHAL _ v Stewart y E C Wright Noward � CITY R ERGravesER Hclme -nNEY CITY RECORDER v p Blodget W D Seely a° nxr r f1�tt1' itt, Z� 19 t7- cX1g7 re n - ---- a--- — — 1 i Y h t - , s - , f • - a# } + 1 1 ~—_ -E-OLUTION NO. 1 00 f z _gage profiles and cross-sections being num-i 7 McaF03,3F } oZ)?I�tans,1[,AP o0Ai,0 to fit 3l:LUTI,ON OF THE BOARD OF 1 bered No 12, to which specifications,1 'TRUSTEES OF T�HEF ,CITY OF fllan5, profiles and cross-sections re AO fl� DK3 Q\Rg 2322C1 Z III HUIVTINt^aTiON BEACH, DECLAR- I fierence is hereby ,made•for a more it ING TtI,EIFI INTENTION TO" IM- particular description of "said work Y 1 PROVE AI PORTION OF-ALABAMA The said curbs shall'be so`construct- ed that the outer e$ a of the horizon- AVENUE; OF , SAID, CITYv,;AND u g PRLYIDIsNG THAT 'THE PRO- til surface thereof shall be qn^a line i 6 6c' r1 WO`RK1 BEt.DONEI UNDEP_ in said street ten, (10) feet from,and r z I P� THLF PROV'ISIO NS''OF AN ACT OF parallel to, the propeFty,line' 0the YAM,T$AO],1 „Aq THI',) I_�GISALIFORNIA PROVIS Di LATURE, OF = THE abutting property of said street O^20,AS;{(AZ OF��C } Section 2 T1hat-the ' proceedings ' asaAaaM 0t1i3931H -r3 • _ '�'�T� (B> { - T�I',.":-OR-WORK UPON AND THE for the aforesaid improvement;,s'hall a s I.S FONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS be taken under anl'act of ttie-19 sla; AND�ICURBING; WITHIN MUNiCI-� ture of `the State=of California enti-, ALf,I ES, APPROVED MARCH 6, }led "An act to provide for work upon ;,909 and the construction of sidewalks,and j curbing within municipa9tties,'i >,ap-' 3 � The Board of Trustees of the City4, proved March 6, 1909 Huntington,Beach' do 're'solve as lsy.,r Section 3' The',Superinfoudent 'of Streets shall post notice ' f this Rork y .t That the public=interest as required by law'�;,Z,,,,.A d convenience require, and (that it l Section 4 The City Clerk shall I intention of the'Board`of Trus- - 1' certify to the passage of this Reso- > _�•las,,ofthe City, of Huntington Beach, °, lation and shall cause the same.to•be so ord r,the following work to be �tdone, to-vpt published by tRo conseicutive inser- " IIIIII, That cement curbs'be constructed 1 bons in the Huntington lieacli;News, r :i iNeekly newspaper printer and pub ,, i at'gi ado along each-and both ,sides of lished in said City of Huntington t;,:labama Avenue from the,South prop- beach, and shall post the same`-`con �erty lne of Indianapolis Street to the spicuously for two days on or'n'earJ the I-'*Iprth�property line of Atlanta`Street chamber ,door of the Board; of iTrus AcepEing such portions of said Ala-1, t lama Avenue between said points d tees, to-wit the door of,the Gity Hall , l� of the City of Huntington Beach, and I along which-a cement curb has already 1, I thereupon and thereafter it shall take been constructed and now is to the I office line and effect and be in force grade) in accordance passed and adopted.4tiy the• Board' with specifications No, 1 as adopted ` I t .by Odinance No 28 of the City of of Trustees of the Cityr.gf Huntington Beaoh this 10th day of Qctober, 1910 Huntsgton Beach' for the construe• , E,D `M,A.NNING,- Jton of cement ,curbs in the City of President of the Board of Trustees,``of ``�;HunU,gton Beach, on file in the office s' gtan Beach, of tle City Clerk of said City, and the Cbty of HuntinCalifornia in fvther accordance with the plans,7 >, t Attest r= roses and cross-sections for said , C E LAVERINGr,'�s, orl on file in the office of the City 11 6`i ngaeer of said City, said plans, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the• II Board of Trustees o _ the City Lof Huntington Beach, C liforma i;`Z State of California, Couutx,of ;Grange,,) jetty,„of Iuntington oWr, I, C E'Lavering, Cify)Clerk of the, l (City of Huntington B6anh 'do Hereby l °r certify`that the,foregoinlg, resolution 6 'was passed and adopted- at..an air lourned regular meeting1of the\ said Board of'Trustees of the'City of Hunt-, ` ington Beach, held on i%e loth Clay of o j October, 1910, by the following•vote- -_• i I AYES Helme, Seely, Mmdnning t NOES None ABSENT }Stewart French City Clerk of the ,City of Huntington Beac'h,t ,California 'Date of publication`;"Otto er 11}4t'h, 1910 1 6 s s,� sir.•,,�_ a I , ,J