HomeMy WebLinkAbout1910-10-17 119 r� S 'Tbe * � k shahl ce t1fy }ssage o h s resolution o£ xnnci'shal post the same con-apicuy on o 'near the Council Kf - - �-� Chamber door ofsaid Board r'He shall' ql -- e a- two cause Ghe same to be,pubiished by - 1- two (2) xnser,,.ons ina,the' Huntington - id Beach.- News, -a<1 weekly newspaper t, published and'circulated in the said - is City of Huntin}ton Beach, and hereby - h designated by the Board of Trustees si of said City for that purpose _ -- lie i Passed and adopted by the Board of - -� - q,�/of Trustees of the City of Huntington x - s%G%/ lei Beach this 17th day of October, 1910 --- _ �� �--------_ it ED MANNING, - — _--_— 'at President of the Board of Trustees om ,s of the Gity of Huntington Beach, Cali- the 1 forma - ing ° Attest l C E LAVERING,the City Clerk and ex-of6cio Clerk of the r__ rxih Board of'Trustees of the City of Hunt-'and ington Beach, California ting l State of California, and r County of Orange, ss Y Y of Huntington City Beach fired � g pair I;C E Lavering, City Clerk of the rail- City of Huntington Beach, and ex-oHI- cio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of - - - - - -� sept- -- - -- - _ been j- the said,City, do hereby certify that , l- ficial the foregoing Resolution of Intention `-- nded p' was, and adopted by said Board ecor- of"Trustees and attested by the City and Clerk of•said City, at a regular meet- ile in 4"of said Board of Trustees held on said the 17th day of October, 1910, and that s-sec said 'resolution was adopted by the j ♦ � � -- - �c't- _ -G����� - r ac- " follew>-9 vote grad- 4 t r Ayes--i ielme,Seely,Ste wart,French,. x the �y Manning ale in Noes--None I said �� C E. LAVERING, - 3.`5 as City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the + ♦ - - - - - \ --- f said ° Board of Trustees of the City of Hunt- rofiles .,. ington Beach, California ins are k Date of publication October 28, 1910. _ !G%'( _ \ irticu= ` - - - N. -- -- C /� - Subscribe for the Newa. mdent as re- cause Beach lashed -� ----------i-__ - - - ---- -_ __ - �- Hunt _ - desig- - if the as the - 5h,i11 perm- - - - ter----- -- � - `� -_ 7 �' ��y i �i i � ,�, / � ,� � ' � � i • , ` �� � ,� . 1/ � � i / / � � � � � � �� � � 1/P � �'��� r . � � � � � � , ' ' , I , / / i / - ��� � �° /,� • �. �,� � � i / . �. , � i � � �', � � � � � �- � ,,uo � � ;; � , r �� �' �" � � 1 / � I I'. I' � I • � • ', ' / i r %' i �'/ it • i1 � � � �/i � � � � i � ° j � ' r / �� � ` �� � r, % / ,, �i � � :� " � i � � �� � � �'iJT � �, � � � � �: t �� / 9 G � ` / / • �i�®j �i d �, �' � % / � ' � � � r � / � i �, " ,/► ; i �I � � � � � fI � ��� ���/ � �� � v , , 'I � � , �, � ; / / , � � � ' � / �' � , , � '� l i i ip I �� � f , � � � +: •;. , � k__Y._- _� _ .. _ �_..._- _�._ __. _ ___-.... - T. - _ - -- _- ___.__ __ ___ �� f � �`� � o �`'� � �v s� �; � � �� � � �� ,� c„�s r . 100 G Uo,4,3 ,tf , s d ay :* a c lerk shall certify RESOLUTION NO..1,54 tS o theE passage of hs resolution of in- „�,—' �� 3 tendon, anal 'shall st the same con- A Resolution of Intention. of the �, spieuously on o near the Council a Board of Trustees of the City of d� Chamber door of said Board,`Ho shall _ Huntington Beach, California, De- ' also cause ttie same to be,published by claring Their Intention to 'Improve e' W : ae 1_ two (2) inser ions in,-she' Huntington ti,t a Porion of Seventh Street In Said , ' . 'r - - - �'"r. City of Huntington Beach i- Beach News, .i� weekly newspaper 1 published and circulated in the said Be it resolved by the Board of Trus- is City of Huntington Beach, and hereby tees of the Citv of Huntington Beach i, designated by the Board of Trustees SUCTION L That the pdhlic interest - of said City for that purpose and convenience require and it,s the .i Passed and adopted by the Board of intention of the Board of Trustees of, Trustees of the City of Huntington I - - k,, the City of Huntington Beach,toordei Beach this 17ith day of October, 1910 d, the following work to be done, to-wit I ED MANNING, t! That the entire width of the roadwaN president of the Board of Trustees of Seventh Street,in, said City, from (t l the North line of Ocean Avenue to the s of the City of Huntington Beach, Cali- South line of Palm Avenue {including ' forma.y " Attest , 1 C E LAVEItING, p all intersections of streets, except the City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board {U _ intersection of Seventh Street with of'Tirustees of the City of Hunt- Orange Avenue, Olive Avenue and �- ington Beach, California _ Walnut Avenue, and excepting _ �t P g `4 State of California, such portions of said streets and County of Orange, ss y intersections of streets as are required 5 City of Huntington I by law to be kept in order or repair 1, C E Lavermg, City Clerk of the by anv person or companyihaving rail- City of Huntington Beach, and ex-offi- F j road tracks thereon, and also except- j eio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of � — fI ing such portions as have already been r the said City, do hereby certify that graded, sanded and oiled to the official the foregoing Resolution of Intention - +j, line and accepted),be graded, sanded y' was-,passed and adopted by said Board },I and oiled to the official grade in accor- of°,Trustees and attested by the City (; dance with the plans, profiles and Clerk of said City, at a regular meet- i Icross-Sections for said work on file in ing of said Board of Trustees held on _�?✓�G� the office of the CityEngineer f said th`e'17th day of October, 1910,and that l City, said plans, profiles and cross-sec- - said ''resolution was adopted by the Lions being No. 19, and in further ac- follewiing vote j cordance with specifications for grad- ,= Ayesr-Lielme,Seely,Stewart,French, ing sanding and oiling streets in` the ' Manning. ? !+ City of Huntington Beach, on file in Noes-None the office of the City Clerk of said `j C. E. LAVERING, --- �_ City, said specifications bring No.-5 as # City Clerk and ex-offieio Clerk of the adopted by Ordinance No 69 of said ' Board of Trustees of the City of Hunt- -- _ � City, and which said plans, profiles . ington Beach, California and cross-sections and specifications are Date of publication October 28, 1910. , j hereby referred to for a more particii- - the News f b bscrie or . lar description of said work.' - Su SEC 2 The Street Superintendent shall post,notice of this work as re- quired by law He shall also cause I III 1� t said notice to be published by= one in- ` sertion in the Huntington Beach �A _ - --- -- - - News, a weekly newspaper, published - and circulated in the sail City of Hunt- ington Beach, which is hereby de5ig- ynated by the Board of Trustees of the e said City of Huntington Beach as the jnewspaper in wlvch said notice Shall + G be published by said Street Superia- i.__tendent OI l 4 _zZi i -�- y '✓ - ha �/,// BOAPDOF TRUSTEES OFFICERS ; CITY HALL ED MANNING,CHAIRMAN C E LAVERING CLERK o E CITY ®F HUNTINGTON BEACH R E GRAVES TREASURER E E FRENCH ATTORNEY ` - E C F SORE SONMARSHAL D O STEWART J L MCBRIDE ENGINEER — -- ---- M E NILME o� ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA J W SHIRLEY RECORDER Vic --— o �— J f� -- 1A � -- 00 � s � n � I _ ' -- ---- = --- --- - r I Vr / � I ,r r RESOLUTION NO 156 1_ _ - Passed and adopted by the Board of _ nion of he Trustees of the City of Huntington A Resoluion of lne - � Board of Tru I of Beach this 17th day of October, 1910 y ED MANNING, Hun ington Beach, California, De- Board of Trustees claring Their Intention to 'Improve president of the - of the City of Huntington Beach, Call- a Portion of Alabama Avenue-in the forma. Said City of Huntington Beach - - C.E ZAVERING, RR Attest: _ 6 Be it resolved by the Board of Trus- J, -T-� - ' ' - - 'P-�-•; _ __ __ tees of the City of Huntington,Beach �q-- n� SECTION 1 That the y a/ ublic inter- ' � est and convenience require and it is City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of Hunt- _ )T the intention of the Board of Trustees ington Beach;California Hunt- of the City of Huntington Beach to or,-- , - Aer the following work?ito ,be done, to- ,,,- 1 State of California, ;,- i (County of Orange, ss wit * i City of Huntington Beach. That the entire width of the road- j i I,C E. Lave'inz, City Clerk of the way of Alabama Avenue in said city i 'City of Huntington Beach, and ex-offi- - from the South line of Indianapolis if Icio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of - f Atlanta Street to the North line o / i the City of Huntington Beach, do Street, including all intersections of i hereby certify that the foregoing Res- 7 -- streets (excepting such portions of j iolution of Intention was passed and said streets and intersections of streets ''' - - T - -- - - - 1 i adopted by the said Board of Trustees - as are required by law to be kept In and attested by the City Clerk of said order or repair by any, person of coin- City at a regular meeting of'said Board - pany having railroad tracks thereon, of Trustees held on the 17th da`+of Oc- and also excepting such portions as tober, 1910, and that said Resolution have already been graded, sanded was adopted by the following vote ` - I and oiled to the official line Aces-Helme, Seely, Stewart, ' and accepted), be graded, sanded -- - -- - French, Manning Q and oiled to the official grade I Noes-None f � _ in accordance with the plans, profiles ; C E LAVERiNG, "and cross-sections for said work on file City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the , ` in the office of the City Engineer of j Board of Trustees of the City of Hunt-said City, said plans,profiles and cross- , ington Beach, California } sections being numbered No 16, Date of publication, Oct 28, 1910 and in further- accordance -withwC_f _iol%urintina specifications for grading, sanding and np oiling streets in the City of Hunting- Lou'Beach on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifi ca- tions being Number Five as adopted i by ordinance No 69 of said city and which said plans, profiles, cross-sec- tions and specifications are hereby re- ferred to for a more particular descrip- tion of said work. I 1 SECTION 2 The Street Superintend- � Q- r ent shall post notice of this work as required by law He shall also cause I7----- - - - 4 said notice to be published by one in- - sertion in the Huntington Beach News, } ' a weekly newspaper, published and t - -- circulated in said City of Huntington I ,` Beach which is hereby designated b` y c I =�— said Board of Trustees of the City of I e Huntington Beach as the newspaper I r - in which said notice shall be published e lJ by said Street Superintendent SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Resole- ---- tion of Intention, and shall post the t same conspicuously for two (2)days on j or near the council chamber door of f {( said Board He shall also cause the 57jo same to be published by two insertions v r in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper published and cir- culated in the said City of Huntington ri f Beach, and hereby designated by the Board of Trustees of the City of Hunt- ington Beach for that purpose - ---- , - — ---- -L -�- - -- ---- -> iaC�O Gje>~kif - - --- - - - III - � '' - - o o © • r 1 � a- e — - e `. Y IOU- IiESOLU710N NO i60 The,,tIl curb's shall be so construct- ed th it the oator edge of the horizon- tal suI ta(`a theteof shall be on-aline in of the City of Huntington Beach, OFFICERS - -- - - - said ,tied, i?, feet from and parallel ❑eclarn� fheirintentiontolmprove to t,u ,i,o,),rty lire of the abutting C E LAYERING-CLERK a Per tion of Seventh Street of Said h R E GRAVES,TREASURER ►� �_w.___ 1 - properti' of Srld stleeb ` City, and Providing That the Pro- - R M BLODGET ATTORNEY SCc 1'uat t lie pioc�edul s for the posed Work be Gone Under the Pro- aforc,ari i,t tieuvc inert 'shill`>beaken� C IF SORENSON,MARSHAL - - — - - J L McBRIDE ENGINEER visions of an Act of the Legislature under an kLu u. the L,I<_isi atu re-of the I J W SHIRLEY RECORDER cffhe St2�eofCalifornia, Providing Stal o of Caiit,irrlt efaC&l y"-�An Act forVio-kUponandtheConstructton �`, -A-' j of Sidev.-I-Iss',,anc1 Curbing Within to prot,uie i r iti irk ut ,n°ancl the con- structii,i (.I s d +.=t' ; antl c,,ibing � -- MtJ9,c,pal ties, Approved March 6, within nia ve 1; ,trilI � "- approved ' �>4{# i�Iaich (I, IaUJ -- The Bui,-Jvdt"'Trustees o�tR�fCrty of , ; D C 11, P t)CIInte'-riert of 4 flvnlingtc,n Beach, do resolve ays„fo1- 5ti , - ,f ,' „ ; ,n,a of thi, M ork lens i j ` t SFCTIY v 1 That the public inter- � Th; t_I,t 1 i-I('sh 01 certify est and wnveniencearequire and that '+L ��oluti in' ind at is the intention of the Board of'P,ru�s- ih ttl c i , to Lc pill i.shed i tees of tna City of Hunt nnrton- Beach to t 'I�C' in-cwo'is in the to ordel'the folion inggwoelt to be done, Hui n, ,ii' 11-tc n `Fe,ti q, a is e©k1y newaii'icr 1, 'ut,1 aiu pii_uhedt in � (a) 7'11N1,4�6rnent sidewalk five Darl UON 01 Lfttt,. ra'oa Taach, and V \ f"et in c, d h be const uct,ed aloe; sliatt hu5r tt�c smile ;oa-wcioisly _on etch a'itl botli sicles of Seventh Street of •,e i, t i,c- ch i nbt r due' of the 30aid - item the I,orth line of Occan Avenue � ca; a i ti,te�>, 10 IN it thn do)' of the City - to the South flue of Palm Avenue ex- 1 ( , IItl1 of thy, City of itua,ivartur_ 3each, cepti"',sueh portions of said Seventh n 1 t tier eu iUn,tn i ttiureatter It shall Street oetisten said points, along ( taica eel ,�, tn,l 'i, r.; torte wh ch ti ceni-,nt sulcis ilk five feet in pa,seu o"(t adopted by the Board of # i tlth tii5 .tltcrcl heed consttucted "'t -,cc, cr the Citv of Huntington i a^�1 rot' , to trio official Line and k 13cac r. th 5 I nth t'�ay of October, 1910 _ f,ule) i iccortlance with spec,ttica- 1 D n'lANNIRTG, ? a,lo, ted by Ordinance -,t lent of the Boaid of Trustees No 3J of the said City of Buntington j of tlic C=ty of Huntington Beach, Cali- Beach, for the construction of Cement ;I lug nr i - .. -- — - sidewalks in the said City of IIunting- Attest C E LAVERING, ton Beach, on file in the office of the I Cit} Cleik and ex-officio Clerk of the City Clerk of s tid City, and in,further Board of I'rostees of the City of Hunt- accordance with the, plans,profiles and I ington Beach, California. __- - cross-sections for said ,Nork on file in State of C1,11forn,a, flip office of the City Engineer of said C irinty of Orange, Sss Citi,said pl ins, profiles and ctoss-sec- I City of TIcntington leach, —"- --- --- tions being numbered No Ii, to itihich I, C E Lavei inh, City Clerk of the speciftcibons, plans, piohles andcioss- j City of IIuntin,ton Bach, do hereby i -- =etions reference is hereby Tnade for �� certify this the toregoing Resolution a more pa,titular description of said was passed and adopted at a regular j - - - wet - ineetnig of the L'otiid of Trustees of 1 Said sidewalk ,ball be so constructed the City of 11 uutington Beach held on that the fine o � ) r the inner side of the the 17th day of Octobei, 1910, by the fulloti rule same shill be parallel to and one foot � I Ayes—s—llcline Se tely,Stewart Tench, from the property line of the abutting property of said street Manning (b) That cement curbs be construct- Noes—Novo --- - ed at grade along each and both sides Absont—No=1_ of Seventh Street from the Notth line C E of Ocean Avenue to the South line of City Cleili and es-ofhcro Oleik of the i Palm Avenue (excepting such poi irons Board of T>ustees of the City of hunt- i mtrton Beach, California. of said Seventh Street, bet�r ecn said I I points, along which a cement curl?has 1i 1'=,J of Publication,October 28,1910 already been constructed and now is to the oWciai line and grade) in acc,or- �- j dance with Specifications No I as --- ' -- 1 adopted by Ordinance No 28 of the !t City of Huntington Beach, for the con- structton of cernent curbs in the City 1111 of Huntington Bleach, on file in the othee of the City Clerk of said City, ' and in fur tiler accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections for said wo,,k on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City, said plans, —"- - protles and cross-sections being num- Ca beied No 19 to which specifications, - - -- ---- - plans, profiles and cross-sections refer- h ence i5 hareb� rude ter a more partic- -__—i i lat de�ei l oiron of said work " i 4V a I it