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171 � '(7W - -- City of Huntington lay of October, 1910 ED MANNING, --- ie Board `of Trustees oF N, - zntington Beach, Call- -_ - --- ---�=✓�/ - -- --- - - -- --!/U_1�^ - - -- - ------` officio Clerk ofithe _ _ _�jt/_(�j��[ the City of Hunt- r rnia 3each. �ss - City Clerk of the 3each, and ex-of l- r` - -d of Trustees of (� -1�-p/��� ngtOII Beach, d0 "sJy^ - /X — /- � =�fv(/-v�-"� - — —� — - -G ----- he foregoing Res- j T' --f-�4 IIJJ - - -- - - -t was passed and Board of-Trustees -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - ---- `/__-/ -- — - -- - City Clerk of said eting of said Board he 17th day of Oc- said Resolution -�/ � - - - - —-�Cwvi following note --- /,� 9 - —"--- - --' Seely, SteRart, %` Z/`----�V� l�3 E LAv1;RING, -- oMclo Clerk of the l ��� the City of Hunt- -- _ , Oct n - J O 23 1910. _,_/'/_O_R nrintina _ --- ---�� -- -- -` - - - a1 �`-�Z - - -- - ----- - _ - AC -- 7// -c -, - - --- ---- -- - - PkIk l��/ - - - - . ro - - 06W GUrk and .9;+• 4io CUrk of the 21 04 of xmiank