HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-03-23 i , -- m i - --V✓- - iG� =-_ - s Krn- /1-4t _ --- - d C -Xl a _ - OU lit 13 P a V Z,;I ------------- - dw r 4 C �l�vL - r /� 204 n OF TR MING ���/�/"f�� /nj CELY —"-✓o� — `/�. - "`-� !^f - �i - C/ -_�i�_(-WG�_�. ENCH \ \ /+�./ //� STEWART of the C I ------ -- -- — -<—(�- — --- ---- -- be and he: ------- — -- -- --- ------ --- — --- ------ - -- - - p- a sidewal] n erty line -- - -- --- --- -�i, ��,----- -------- ------------------- - ---- in accord cflc the City c ance rrith plans pro- - - eer of th, dii ect ion said City '- -------- - - - -- - - - - -- ----- - _ the Main021 \� ----- --- - —'_� — - -- Qom/ - - �� -------- Beach, pr - -- - - -- ------- - ---- - All fees I r ----- - - -- --- —/--- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -� -- --� ------- - by the sa I - ---- — -- - --- ---- — - S'�at e of -- - --- --------- - ------- - -- - - -- - --- - -- - - -- ---- - - -- --- County of --- - - ---- — -------- ----- - --------- -- -- -- --- --------- ----- City of H ---- ---- ------- -------- -- — --------- officio C of Punt ir j - - ----- ----- ---- ------ --- -- ------------ - -- — ------ -- foregoing Board of I - - - - -- --- --------- ---- - at their - - - --- --- - -- --- -- ---- - -- -- -- - -- - - ---- - - - --- --- -- ---- - - - - --- — -- - ------- ----- ------- ---- 1911. til _03 Aspecial meeting of t'�e Ejoard of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach , is lhereb7 called to be 1-teld at the City ',-,Lall of -cT)c City cf 'Funtlin,,ton BeacTi at the hour of 7 :1110 P. 11. of Tnursday the 23rd day of 1jarch , 1911 for ti-Le 0 Xloliovrifi- purposes . To take suc"I action on the procceding-, of the trLct Work on Ind-Lanapolis Street , iii the City of Tun- in-tOrL Beach including; the passing of a Pesolution Ordering Work to be done on said Street . , to the sa.L,�e elxtr�ntl ', [-at tl-,ey mighi act 2t a Regular Jllleetirg . To coXii,L1,cncc7vwvor� of Improvement of any Strcct A they may see fit , includin the sari icovement of INK XX, rev (,,va Street , to the sai,ie extent tnat- they nti.-ht -act at -, Regular _Leet- Ing . 3. To 11ave anrl listen to t1-Le first readilij- of an Ordinance a' inn t"ie cairying o-F concealed we,,pops in the City of Huntington Beacli and to act in the same extent that tP-Ley ffi-igl-it acr, at a regu lar i.,iect-Lng nre, .I(aent of t -!,c- Board of IT;tees of the City of Huntington, on California . Received copy pf the -within call for Special meetinj, or, the (�ay angl 'hour set opposite my name . iZ1— March -zly-1.911 at �4 ol clock P . 11. 21"arch 1911 at 4/ 1 o I clock P. m. o ' clock P. IT. at zo, o ' clock P . 11. 911 at J q V4�1 %,i' Air. _arch 1911 at o ' clock P . d a( a �k'gh a I Section 2 That the proceedings for the aforesaid improvements shall be taken under u6 provisions of an act ,of the Legislature of the State of Call- o forma, entitled "An act to provide for work upon and the construction of ,sidewalks and curbing within munici- palities," app,oved March 6, 1909 RESOLUTION NO. 199. Section 3 The Superintendent of Streets shall post notice of this work AResolution of the Board of Trus» as required by law tees of the City of Huntington Beach, Section 4 The City Clerk shall cer- Declaring Their Intention to Im- tify to the pas,,t e of this Resolution prove a Portion of Geneva Street and 4hall cause the same to be pub- In Said City, and Providing That lished by two (2) consecutive inser- the Proposed Work Be Done Under tions in the Huntington Beach News, the Provisions of an Act of the Leg- a weekli newspaper published and cir- islature of the State of California, culated in said City of Huntington Providing for Work Upon and the Beach, and shall post the same con- , Construction of Sidewalks and ;spieuousty foe two (2) days on or near_ j Curbing Within Municipalities, Ap- the council ch ouber door of the said proved March 6, 1909. Board of Trustees, to-wit* on or near - •the door of the City Hall of the City of The Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, and thereupon and Euntington Beach do resolve as fol- 'thereafter it shall take effect and bu= hws. - in force Section 1 9 That the public interest Passed and adopted by the Board of a6convenience require and that it is Trustees of the City of Huntington thcintention of the Board of Trustees Beach this 21rd day of March, 1911. ofthe said City of Huntington Beach ED MANNING, toorder the following work to be done, President of the Board of Trustees tawit of the City of Huntinl-ton Beach, Cali- (a) That cement curbs be construct- fornia elat grade along each and both sides Attest C E. LAVExaNG, olsaid Geneva Street in said City City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of from the East line of Alabama Avenue the Board of Trustees of the City of tothe West line of Delaware Avenue, Huntington Beach, California (eicepting such portions of said Gene- ,State of California, County of Oiange, ss vaStreet between said points along QZy of Huntington Beach. whieh a cement curb has already been I, C E Lavering, City Clerk of the constructed and uow is to the official City of Huntington Beach, and ex-offi- lineand grade), in accordance with i eio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of Sp¢oific,ations No 1 as adopted by Or- the City of Huntington Beach,dohere- diaance No 28 of said City of Bunt- by certify that the foregoing Resolu- ington Beach for the construction of Lion was passed and adopted by the - cement curbs in the said City of Hunt- Board of Trustees of the City of Hunt- ington Beach, on file in the office of ington Beach it a special meeting held thXity Clerk of said City; and in on the 23id day of 11areb, 1911, and further accordance with the plans, that the-same N%as passed and adopted prahles and cross sections for said work by the following vote onile in the office of the City Engl- Ayes—Helme,Seely Stewart,Freneb, iieer of said Ciry, said plans, profiles Manning - anlcross sections being numbered No Noes--Non- 21il to which gpectfications, plans,pro- C E LAVERING, o 111ii and cross-sections reference is City Cteik and ex-officio Clerk of the hersby made for a more particular de- Board of Trustees of the City of Hunt- aodpuon of said work +ington Beach, California Me Bald curbs shttll be so construct. bate of publication, March 31. 1911, cdlhttt the outer edge of the horizon- { ttdiurface thereof shall be on a line lasaid street ten (10) feet from and pFallel to the property line of the alitting property of said street fib) That a dirt sidewalk extending inyidth from the property line to the i iwer side of the curb be constructed aing each and both sides of Geneva SVeet in said City from the East line Oklabama Avenue to the West line ofDelaware Avenue (excepting such - pations of said Geneva Street between sad points along which a dirt side- 4 wdk of such width has already been 4tructed and now is to the official 112' and grade), according to the lol- , 9loiFing specifications The entire wth of said sidewalk space to be biught to grade, all lumps and clods o Ibi��eu and the surface�of said space e smooth and firm, and in further i as)brdance with the plans,profiles and Buss-sections for said work on file in i to office of the City Engineer of said I(ty, said plans, profiles and cross-sec- tons being numbered No. 21b, to ------- — i ihich specifications, plans, profiles i ad cross-sections reference is hereby iade for a more particular description said yy ork f I I i