HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-07-03 221 zp i 41 r4 W YTIO AITIA-U -ll -io Nrrj< �r�n��,�,, - - --- —� - - -- - -- - - - -�- -� - -- --� Y'd`f UO3 EMMAFOOl ----- ILL ,k, Zn-Ox - goo r- a, /✓l/y1.I J V / �r-k- qk zzk ' v �y ----- --- --- --- --- - go - < << \ II 1 � I;w _ a 90 k��-a—Z - -- - -z,_ 'SIX\ b�ruar�of w£� off' ! i f 1 i I 4 BOARD FEES CITY HALL OFFICERS ED MANIIRMAN C E LAYERING,CLERK CITY Off' HUNTINGTON BEACH R E GRAVES TREASURER � W O SEI R M BLODG ET ATTORNEY E E FRE C F SORENSON MARSHAL -�_�------ o o sTI ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA J C FOUNTAIN ENGINEER M E HE J W SHIRLEY RECORDER 191 -- ---- _a a C,4 RESOLUTION i�O. A Resolution of the Board;,,Of Trustees of tqe Cilvy of Hunt ingtoi i Beacb awarding contract for the removal of garbage in the City of Huntington Beach. The Board of Trvsteles of' tne City of 11,untinSt,on Beach do resolve as follows: Section 1. That whereas tn ; -3o-ai-J of Trustees of tne City of Hurltingtcri Beech, having- in oDe;I session Oil tile, -1-34 dey of 1911, ' at pub ic�y opp-ned" the regular rrieeting of said Bo�urclr� V off ey e-6 4d- e,!mo-mi6d. aa-, declarp.d all ceale%cft -0roTjosaLs or s --,%r — doing tlie followirg des,-,ribed aork, to-vilt: The re=val of garbalge fron hotels, -C restaurants, boarding -1-10uses and the Tent City every d a Y nces three times . 9 t Sunday, ai,,q from reside Pal,'h weck from !,,r--y 17- th Se member 1,--)th, a d the ramoinder of the ycar from hotels. rest auramt s. boardill'o" houses ancl Teilt City ( When in use) tiiree each and from rEs-Idences, t-,rice each week. S-0tion 2. And whe-reas b 1 d v'i Ct, < filed with tibe City Clerk for the doine, of sa'.11d viorlc, to-wit : that. of and that of and vTiereas thic 3oard fi-nd,�, treat the said bxft ax? 7 � is the regular rGspon-ibie (ior sai,' ruorh emet tha'k-, tne bil '.)f s&id perc-,o-n as a rea onable bid: Section 3. NOW ThEREFORE Zhe said Rr)ard! of Trustees 'L.--reby al7,vrards sald contract to Lne sesd Ao- C cii 999, r X lo,mest regular resbqnsi-ole oidder, to-wit : to 0 Sect iorle4. The City dlene, is hereby r1irebted 1 to posb notic le with s ci -Cicat , ris of a"�, rd con cuou�:!ly Cat riss /a s ST f r_4r 1;)l Cojjn_ for five de S OYI 0-1, h6pr tb c olan 11 amber or of to t 111 s Bob .0 of T Y ry tee t 0 wit on or near ti;/Cloor of the 7 City Hall of t.Ze City of Huntington Beach. Sect 10'a The City ClerX shall certify to the passage of this Resolution eud thereu-, on and ther after it shall ta:1:e effect ai-.,d be ii� force. Pas­,ed aol by the Beard of Trustees of tt,o. City of 11un4uA27pt,),,1 Beach and sjF_�iicd by trip President thereof this day of 77r(7:TY1!eI1L1 of tFre Bbi rcl_ of/Aru;-,tees of tiae City' of Hunt i I-I,, ton !0­30at 'Cal- i-forniao ATTFST: CP_ City Cl -- awl(d---- ex-off tcio Of Fir R, the Board of Trustees the city of huntington Beach c.-Iffornia, Approved t-nis clay of 'President the Bo,artrll o ru-.s- tees of the City of ilwl'ti/gtoil Bes0t h, Cali T P �2(i1ic -- - /_LPL—-- - - - --- - --- - - - -- -- --- -- - - - 1 1 1 - t T-tntE' Jf CaIzT'c:f7"?tas �J loxanty C f ty of Hunt ingrt on Beech- L. LAVEROI G, City Ciprk and ex-officio -- dle f the Board oL Trustees of the City of Hvntingto — Tj acn, 'Co \herek f cert-Lfy th t t'rtt' foredoirjFT resolutzo.c pisset 1� -and alopted by ti- Board of Trustees of tf:e City Of --- Huntiagtin `r E;cach arA ,;i�npd by ".*hc President thereof 0$ 1€ f aV of '1 09 A a-nd t-:iat ` t the rfie ^Taspassed Wir h fol lowing vote: -- -- 0 AYES LI /o i. DOES �-y� k ABSE14T � CI y Cl4V - ey-of o Clerk. of --� — - T 1 the Boar,? of Tru 3t �s of the City of Hunt3n?ton Beach, Califortsia. - - --u^mil — -� I I a�---a-f7/1 �i ut � �1 _ -- ---- — - T7_co�, ��