HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-11-06 9AW42 -- -- -- - V_ ai -� ----- - -- --4- -r- L-k 14 - 1-4 - -- - -- - I Ain-( - -v -aa X-1 ICERS I (Q $? — 1 � --�� !mil�_�v� ✓_�c� ✓ —c a�v ------ -- li - --- -__--- __� -` - �-✓--- _ __'-ill-./- - -/ - _ ----_ - --_-_-�---__- _- _- _ --_ t - -- liL 149),A--If z- �''�-�- � -�-----�i_ '�-�/�%=` - -== � _ --`�iv�✓tom��.�� --_�'(/__-1�✓!���--��' -'�, --------i zov --------- -- - --- --- -- ----- - ---- ,I I ---- ----------- ---- -- ----- --------- - ------- - ------- ----- ------- -- - -- - - --- -- -_:-��� -���`'(/_lit --------------- ---- - --------- ------ --- ---- -- --- ----- - ------- --- r i - I I 120 3 L CERS RING,CLERK IES TREASURER DGET,ATTORNEY NSON MARSENGINE -- tLEY ENGINEER /1 11 vnfAy'\ t — iLEY RECORDER jv 191_ 4" air c - -- S A c lud 00 i _j 1 , 1 i 1 A i -_y i 1 f 1 a 1 -- -- — - - -- - -- - -- � r e - - -------- — -- - --- -- -- - - - - - - -- --- ---- ------- - --- ---- ---- -- - -- 242 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CITY HALL OFFICERS ED MANNING,CHAIRMAN C E LAYERING CLERK -- w/ ER W D STEELY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH R M BLODGETTREASU ATTORNEY _ � E E FRENCH IC F SORENSON MARSHAL D O STEWART ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA J C FOUNTAIN ENGINEER ^� M E HELME J W SHIRLEY RECORDER r 191 a a1110 All- i v� J'� a 1 E - - - ---- - - ------- 42 - ( r. Black River Falls, �Wiscons,in, October llth, 1911. r D ear sir t - Enclosed please f nd resolutiOns passed by the �l_tVl Coon Council requesting aid which speaks- for itself. Will you•kindiy make an appeal to your people 'r to he'1p out suffering city as soon as p6asible and oblige , Yours very truly,J . . me gi111vrity, Mayor, Chairman- Co:bmittee e B. L. Van Gordon,'' ' , Chairman County Board. ( , H. A. Richards, Cashier 1st Nat . Bank. Jo H. Mills , Cashier Jackson Co. Rank. t" J . H. Levis, - - Reel--Est>ate . i )-0-f r � - r � Al Alw a 2W42 f Black River i alls, V?{sconsin, C jP dU{ October Ilth, 1911. Rescal've6 : � Z "��Cz 106 I By the Co=on Council of the City of Black River Falls, 7118 . th,,t the na;Tor be and is h'ereb-, requested and emporEred to make an J 116,1" I appeal th the Preeldent of the United States, the Governors of the different States in the Union and the Mayors of the different cities � throughout the land for- aid 3n money to aid our grief stricken city /CY whose business ;portion and a large portion of the residence district ` ! i has bcen griped out by the flood on October 6th, 1911, and whose loss exceeds $1,500,000.00 . , Resolved further, that we request all contributions be sent by draft•to the Mayer and be deposited by hint in the barks and dis bursed on carders of the Common Courcil. We make this appeal fop a deserving and needy people,- trust _ t I ing that 'the foot? peopl ? of our land will respond prc mgtly and 11ber— ally to so worthy a cause, "remembering that the Lord loveth a cheer— ful giver." lase F. Austin t ,R B. H. P_-i'-;ht Seal. of City j . F. Lun'l A. Eric'r_ ;n R. 0 . Ge",h :sdt J. J. Me: llivray, Mayor. _ Thos . King . K. H. Parsons , Clty Clerk. Samuel Luna F. G. Preszon T� I I I - t /- 1 -