HomeMy WebLinkAbout1912-06-10 - {f
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Upon motion ofmra - --seconded by It3rr a the
resolution with reference to the employment of the Raymond
Conex°ete Piling Coo passed by the Board of Trustees on -- - -
�C June 3, 19129 be-qn_ d_ the same s liox-soy -
__ -
follows; _
Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City , -
of Huntington Beach, California, that the Raymond Concrete
- - -
P312 Company ,of New York be and it is hereby ,employed by the
City of Huntington Reach to make all necessary soundings and.
-- - prepare complete plans and specifi,cotione in detail for, the -- -
proposed reinforced+ ; concrete p1essure' pier- proposed to be
�. built and const3nicted ,by said City, of ,Huntington- Beach '
for the sum of three p er cent. of the pontract price of said ( �
--- --- pier -
- ?end, be it further resolved that in -°ase the said d�41
Raymond, Concrete File Company is not the successful bidden for
the contract for the construction of oaid pier then the said
Raymond Concrete Pile Co�dpany is hereby employed to inspect the
cons ruction of said pier under and pursuant to the Board of � - ---
------___-- Trustees of said City, and said Raymond ,Concrete ,Pile Qoinpany
- _-- is to receive as full compensation, for such inspection further - r 4r;
/� - -- sum of two per cent of, the contract, price of said pier, provided,
however; , that in case the bonds voted for the construction of,
�` - - --- said pier should not be sold,- then and--in tbzC t 01�dt the said -
- Raymond Concrete ,Pile Company is to, h"ave and, receive nothing
- - -- - for as r work or plans dole by said Company and, this reselutioni -
-- shall be void, and of no effegt-
In case said bonds are sold then the engineering fees
!0_ �� -- -- - -
' provided for in thio resolution are to be paid to said Raymond. f,E
1 Concrete Pile Company at the time of the first installment of _
�' -- - —� - moneys are to be paid the successful bidder or contractor.
and the inspection fees are to be paid pro rata as the work of
___-- _-- onstruction is completed.
City of Rr 11*1 — -
after 17'.. alnrdl—
tr,ke offect wid be jLn full farco .
�� � � _ �' � ?-ucmd and %dopted by tke Iic),ard of Truntoes o,13.' the
Of"'huntille'l,"On Bc-srtch this day of
"'i ty
"Lola. 7
Previrlout of the 3a��rd of r I e s
UY tho ("Ity of yrunti.,q 4`,al.
k O-n- a
� ty Clerk mrA w,-Orficl,o �"Ilerk of tho
Dorrd of Trustoes of ssld City .
-L-e 1 0 y C1 ork, oll the City of Hunt inCt on
-mc'L, do hv, eby certify th-3t tb.,-, forceoing Reoclution
Imssed qnoz idopted at a regul,-r moct3mg ol' anid
"zu D oird of Trtmtec s hold or the
c AL- 1410% by th(�, 'follordrig v o t
Ve i x . ( ��t r. %�l1Qdf �l f�. 51i � /
ci ty "'Olerk- of t;x i,;ity of
11untington Be�,-cn, CaliforniF4,
Date 'Of public'Ation