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Approved March 173i I-Or 12 13 The Board of Trustees ca" the; City of Huntington Beach 14 i do resolve as "ollows: A' 15 Section 1. That the public Interest and convenience 16 requiYo, and the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington 17 Beach hereby Order, the following street work to b,S- done a to I ------ - ------ 18 ul t: 19 (a) That a cement curb be constructed at grade along -20 the cast side of said Eighth Street In said City, from the 21 northerly line of Ocean Avenue to the northerly line of Wal ^- - 22 t HV nut Avenue, and also that a cement curb be constructed at 23 grade alone; each and both sides of said Ninth Street, between 24 Vie northerly line of Valnut Avenue and the southerly line of .215 Oliva Avenue 'exceptlng ,such portions of said Streets between 26 said points along which a cenent curb has already been con- 27 StruCted and now is to the official line and grade ) in ac— cordance with 0"pactfIcatIons Xio. 1, as adOPted by OrdinaAce 29 I No. -08 of said City of Huntington Beach, for the construction 41- 30 of cement Curbs In the said City of Huntington Beach, on file 31 In the office of the City Clerk of said City; and In further accordance with the plans, Profiles, and crass-sections for i 316 LAY �� A A Q/I/1, � c Said work on file in the office of the City Engineer of said � — 2 City, Said plans, profiles, and cross-sections being numbered 3 No. 30, to which specifications, plans, profiles, and cross- , - 4 sections reference is hereby made far a more articular de- s c t i � P -- —Z 5 scription of said Work. 6 the said curb shall be so constructed that the outer 7 ed€, of the horizontal surface shall be on a line in said ` 8 street twelve and One-half (12 1 f 2 ) feet from and Parallel to -----------1�- s the prtaperty line of the abutting property of said street. 10 (b ) That a cement curb be constructed at grade along --- -- - - . 11 the south side of said olive Avenue from the west lino of �-- 4 wE 12 First Street to the cast lino of S1Rth Street; also that au ----- -- --- 113 cement curb be constructed at grade along the south side of �-------) - sa$d 07alnut avenue, from the west line of Seventh Street to 45 the west line of Eighth Street (excepting such portions of �- — 16 t said avenues between said points along Pahich a cement curb --- ---- .r Fll7 --� ryas alrea.c.y been constructed and now is to the oafficia,l line and grade ) in accordance with Specifications a`7©o 1, ad(')pteQ. by Ordinance No. 25 of the said City of Huntington Beach, for ' the construction of cement curb in the said City of Huntington 4 Beach, on file in the office of the City Clerx of said City; -- _ -- -� T r, and in further accordance with the plans,, profiles, and cross- sections for said work on file in the office of tho City En- , - - - ---- - -- - ginger of said Cityr, Said plans, profiles, and cross-sections ------ - being numbered 110. 30; to ,�hich specifications,, plans, pro- -- --- -- --- M f'lles, and cross-sections reference is hereby made for a more -- - - - - particular description of said worX. r----- The said curb shall be so construc t:�d. that the oij ter - --- - --- ad.ge of the horizontal :surface thereof shall be on a, line - in said street ten (10) feet from and parallel to the prop- ! - . ,n ,- �----------- -- erty line of the abutting property of said street. j i (c ) That a cement Sidewalk five feet in width be con- -- -- 2 structed along, the east side Of SLUd Eighth street in said City, from the northerly line Of Ocean Avenue to the northerly line of 17alnut Avenue ; and also that a cement Sidewalk five feqt in Width bC constr*acted along" each and both sides of Ninth Streat from the northerly line of Walnut Avenile to the soutbarly line Of 311VO AVQnUe ; and also that a cement side- walX f1vo foot In Width be constructed alor4-,* the sout',j side of Olive Ave:= In -:,aid City Crom the west line of Fifth Street to the east line of SIXth Stroet; and also that a cement SldOwalX five feet 11,1 Width be constructed along the, South side Of Wal=t AVE)M10 from tho West line, of Save-ath Street to the west line of Eighth Street (excepting suail portions of USt hC'1'C11W0fOr6 naMO'd between said said streets and avenuos " f points along which a ce-ment Sidewalk five feet In Width has already been constructed and now is to the official line and grade ) In accordance with Specif Icatioxis 11o. 2,., as adopted by Ordinance No. 29 of said 01tY of Huntington Beach, fdr the construction of cemont sidewalks in said City of Huntington Beach, on file In tho offico o.-'L' the CitY Clerk of §aId City; and in further accordanco rith t1h.c plans, profiles., and cross- sections for said work on file in the office Of tnu City Rm- gineer of said City,, said i)lans, Pr0.1"i'4108, Z4PIel crass-sections bOinP numbered No. 7,00 to vThIch specifications, plans, pro- files, and cross-sections reference Is hereby made for a more particular description of sand work. Said sidewalk shall be so constructed teat the line of th-e inner Side of same shall be One foot from and parallel to the propc-,rty line of the a-r bUttinr.s property of sE�Jd :31rat�t. Section 2. That the Proceedings for the afor(,-L""4,.,d Im- provements shall be taken under the Provisions of an act of the Legislature of the Mate Of California, entitled,-, uAn act to Provide for work upon streets, lanes-, alleys,,,, IT courts., places and sidewalks,, and for the construction of severs within r.aunicipall ties. 0 Approved Rarch 13,1, 1335,, and the several zoo is amendatory thereof or supplementary thcreto., SOCtiOn 3- The CItY OlerX IS 110rebY directed to PUb- lish a notice of said Public work inviting sealed Proposals or bias for doing the said Worr, and referring to the - ---- — _- -- specifications posted or on file by two (2 ) insertions in the untington Beach 110-irs-,, a zlee*Kly newspaper Publishnd and cir- culated in said 011ty of Hunting,'ton Beach and hereby desIgnatud by the Board of Trustees of said City for that purpose. Said notice shall require a Certified Cheek or bond, either as required by lay,7,, and for -an amount 'which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal. E',aid C:Lty Clem Is also directed to post said notice with specifications conspicuously for five drays on or near the councl1 chamber door of the said Board of Trustees. shall certify to the, passage Section 4.. The (Dity Cler-k of this Resolution, and shall cause tte SaMe to be published by tiffQ (2 ) insertions In the HuntInIg-ton Beach News, a weelay nev�spapor published axed ,Circulated In said City of HuntJ11119ton Beach,,, and hereby designated for that purpose. Ho shall also past the said order conspicuously for two days on or near t1 o council chamber door of the Board of Trustees of t1je City of Huntirtston Beach., and thereupon and thereafter it shall take of f ac t and be in f orco. Plasoed and adop'U--.d by Vio, Board Of TIMDteeol Of tile City of Huntington Bocxh, anul oIgn,,;d bY lu"I'le Prei-AdGnt thoreof, t hi S day of 10)12. Prosoldent of the Bohrd of Trusteos of the City of Huntingtonj/lboach,, 0alifornia. 4 316 , Attest. dhd_BX_�:-0ffYbI0 ClorX of C ty Cloorr,the Board Of TI"UStOOS Of tbB QitY ry v of Huntington Beach,, California. Ito ( SEAL) II 1 /4 3 cx -7 L Or- 0'_'ATzit DV' 0AILT, 001UNTY OF 01UNGE-3 AACH CITY 01,' JRJUTINGTO1,41 DA J 0. B. LAVMAR,1Go CIty Clork and !,blx-Off Icio Olork, of tito Board of Trustecs of the: City of liuriting-ttor, Beach, Cali- fwm-la, do hereby' clartify that the foraGoing Resoluticil was 10�,d to the DOaro. of 1TUStC08 Of the City of Huntington Bea= tot trieIr meeting held on t tr.c swmc vas 1012, and tha z)as-oc(A' and t�dopt-clrj. bY Me said 130ard "Ot thc1r ruee Una: held on the, ay cof Chi// L A �j 1912j, by the follwU119 Vote : Noes: 0-Itat of-ark' d EX-Off I Ole rr, of SEAL) the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach 0allfornia. 316 I .. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFFICERS W D SEELY CHAIRMAN CITY HALL C E LAYERING CLERK ' E E O MANNING FRENCH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH S M DAVIS,GRAVESATORANEY ER ! - ----i/ M D ROSENBERGER E L VINCENT MARSHAL I ME HELME ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA S A MOORE,RECORDER '--------- — - y, i J C FOUNTAIN,ENGINEER DR G A SHANK HEALTH OFFICER b ✓// I I ' , 191 ' I, fI - (f l e s. ,i _ L will r r m ; �/ /�/✓l� ✓X t/di//r�, i f/� /%tfds d�✓- i/�'J �' t,'•�1 '.� //,�G .� 9 If 2 ' "�� ,�� �" F� .[":/�?"`.'L''L.i1i,�%:1.7 �� �_y v'� �?iYit.? rs✓" �J"�=- 4'7 �iGr(L' ��r"L'J/lam^-.,,,, c�L'f;��-G/�.��i cal/ mC.' !.�✓Y��1� � � x�es j .�-�f.��� �,p��n�,/U.1°�-'`��.Y �J^.�i ,r-'�s��.�i,�!��%/L✓d�, � .,�✓� C�..�'/✓�1�%G .�✓:i✓.-r�,� [r� I � - ----� - --- ,_Jam, �+' s � ,,�.�� f tV,' �l°Z��g. �° ✓�,� ✓t�N.���.?��-�, �if� �Z.�.,�,.��-�o� ��� ! --- ------- - O a/ --OM . 4 flap/ I I r i I { I