HomeMy WebLinkAbout1913-02-21 c. «%i[J---��=""�`� - IIIT NZ --- e - — — � - -�'��—��-"-'-.i—f--1,�(.2.f%�-�'1/f/-�___ �.Q.� .T"' - -- -- ——CCU_ -1,G✓_ _ �7�t'�✓-------— a e —_--,_j�-/-!-U f� l_!/I/ _-_—_/ -o--- _—✓'e/d�✓U!�-L'=�C-v V�./�- --i�vv_(�/�ii� _ �U _ _ _ _ _ i ----- ------------------------- ----- ------ - City Clerk a"I x-Off imo Cl erle �f' the _ _--- - -- -- Board of Citzt Trustees of the GUY Beach, Calif ornw. U A - 365 --- q ARD OFI Y D SEEL MANNI --- L E FREN D Rosi E HELI BOARD OF TRUSTEES CITY HALL . OFFICERS ED MANNING,CHAIRMAN C E LAVERING,CLERK -____-- - -- W D SEELY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH R M RAVES,T ArrORNEY URER E E FRENCH D O STEWART C F SORENSON,MARSHAL M E HELME ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA J W SHIRLEY RECORDER 191 ca SPECT%L itiMETING of the Board of Truster-)s of the City of HuntingtonBeach,California,i s hereby called +. bs ,1—ld at ' I,- C:,ty Hall,of the sautd City of Hung nc ton. Beach,at - clock' . a�'Ta of tine 21 st.dayr of February219139for the purpose of considering and acting on the matter of havin?, Plans for a Municipal Wharf,approved by an Engineer, --------- - - --- - Presid&i--ito-P the Boar f Trustses of the City of THunti n_, on Bea.ciu, - -- -- -- - -- - -- California. ---- --- _-- F�_ecei.ved Copy this 21st.day of February, 1913. f + ----- - ---- -- --------- - -- --- -- ------------ - 4W,ya- 31-1 �i A4L— _ -- --- - ARD OF TRUSTEES CITY HALL OFFICERS D SEELY,CHAIRMAN �I T1 r� t� �a C E LAYERING,CLERK MANNING QTY ®F �^�UNT� �G�I'ON ES EACH S M DAVtSSATTORNEYRER � J E FRENCH u ll ll �`�' ll �v LLB-�11 II Il D ROSENBERGER E L VINCENT,MARSHAL -C E HELME ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA S A MOORE,RECORDER J J C FOUNTAIN,ENGINEER /- DR G A SHANK HEALTH OFFICER , A,,;I", RESOLUTION 303,l, Resolved that the office of City ^ngineer of the City of Huntington Beach,be and hereby :is declared vacant, Ayes: Helme,Howard,French,Seely. f Noes:None . I+ u Absent: Rosenberger. t Resolution 304, � I d i Resolved that Thomas H.James,be and hereby is appointed to the office of City Fangineer,of the City of Funtington Beach, California. Ayes: Helme,Howard,Rrench,Seely. Rbsent: Rosenberger. 4 Noes: None . r x 1 1 I '