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r , � 1 I / ► � it r � / / k / r Y s ' � 1 I �.rz�� � � i ,�.v� �� ��� ��� /� � �� � i� � I // / /` ' , , /.�/ � � � �- � � '� ,, - , � � �, j � / � � �i � / ' � / i' ��. � r �.� � � + , 6 01' r - ., ' O F F I GE R S DI REGT C,W.GATES HUNTING'T'ON BEACH COMPANY S TO DDARD E 'e. I ' E.J.GATES PRESIDENT DDARI) VICE-PRESIDENT C.W.GATEf t'"T STOOD VICE' OF HUNTINGTON BEACH S. P.VI CT I •/ VICE-PRESIDENT r! BEN WILLIA y.}� ' BEN WILLIAMS _ E. J.GATES VICE-PRESIDENT - ALEX. MILL tl H.LEVINSON Los ANGELES OFFICE 636 VAN NUYS BUILDING '"• +4'°* p - H. L. HEFF SECRETARY _ _ •:: �^ H. LEVIN50 ,; E.J.GATES _ TREASURER SUNSET MAIN 2061 H.L.HEFFN ER TELEPHONES HDME A1293 I, __ - _- - _ .-- —__-.— -✓C-",. ASST.SECRETARY . 13 0 1 -•,_----- - - -""- Los ANGELES. CAL.. I'4 - - - --- — March 2, 1914. . :, 1 The City of Huntington Beach, contro _ G,f„- Huntington Beach, California. - - -+ Gentlemen: We hand you herewith an agreement which this Company contro _ --,"- -- - - - ---' is willing to enter into with the City of Huntington 9 . - ---- - ---- — - -- -Beach. By the terms of this agreement the Huntington Beach -" ! 14 c ol'nt r0 - ------- -- - Company proposes to deed to the City of Huntington Beach y -- - �; ----- --�"- -- - ----- - -- -~ all of Block Four Hundred Seventeen (417) and Lots 2a 4; --- -� -- - 6; Sa 10a 12a 14; 16a a 1S 20. 220 2 a 26a and 28 of Block '' contra - Four Hundred Sixteen of the City of Huntington Beach. These t' deeds are to be placed in escrow with the First National Bank of Huntington Beach and if the City of Hundingtoncontrc L Beach within five years from the date of March 2nd, 1914 builds a City Hall upon either Block Four Hundred Seventeen21 � or the above mentioned lots of Block Four Hundred Sixteen, turns electa then the First National Bank of Huntington Beach is to deliver to the City of Huntington Beach the two deeds aboveof se] -- --- - - - �� mentioned. Should the City of Huntington Beach fail to build deter --- - -- -- --- a City Hall upon either of the hbove mentioned properties „'; power; -- -- - - plursu� tjState 23 d -- - — - --- = - -- - - - -- -- - - - A�i -- - - ----- -- - - ---- - - - - �� 32 and d 21 DIREC-TO Reo A�t, 1 :)Al�d Y H.E. HUNTING STODDARD JES I C.W. GATES S. P.VICKERS BEN WILLIAMS E.J. GATES CANVASS AND RETURN -- ALEX. MILLS CA "ASS ANL RET� H. L. HEFFNER H. LEVINSON I 2 I �•i - - '- - ` 3 Of the vote cast at the Special Municipal Election held 4 September 23, 1913. 6)14a For the purpose of voting on the following propositions: , 6 PROPOSITION NO. la 7 Shall the City> of Huntington Beach retain its powers of 8 control over street railroad corporations' 9 PROPOSITION NO. 2.. zo . Shall the. City of Huntington, Beach retain its powers of lch this Company 1z control over gas corporations? Huntington 12 PROPOSITION NO. 3. 13 antington Beach Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its powers of I , 14 control over electrical corporations? - tntington Beach P 15 PROPOSITION NO. 4. and Lots 2, 4, 16 Shall the Cityof Huntington Beach retain its powers of and 29 of Block p control over telephone corporations? zgton Beach. These 17 p 18 PROPOSITION N0. 5m First National - zo )f Huntington Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its powers of t 20 control over water corporations? ` starch 2nd, 191�+, rP Hundred Seventeen 21 And this being the first Monday after the holding of said � Hundred Sixteen, 22 election and the time fixed by law for the canvassing of , the re- 23 z Beach is to turns of said special municipal election held , on the said 23d day ie two deeds ,above 24 of September, 1913. and the Board of Trustees being satisfied that 25 said election was; fairly and honestly conducted for the purpose of ; _ 26 Bail to build determining whether the City of Huntington Beach shall retain its i 27 .were of control respecting certain classes of public utilities, toned properties p p P I 28 4 I pursuant , to the provisions of Chapter 14 of the Statutes of the 29 State of California of the Extra Session of 1911; approved December 30 --- - - - 23rd, . 1911. as here'inbefore set forth; on motion of Trustee 31 seconded by Trustee • I , 32 i -" -- — - - and duly carried. the said Board of Trustees proceeded fairly and I - I I f i 1 ' ' �4_ I i 21 1 in the manner provided by law to canvass the returns of said 2 election upon the propositions-: 3 PROPOSITION NO. la 4 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its i powers of control over street railroad corporations? 5 + 6 The total vote cast at said municipal election in the said j 7 City of Huntington Beach, and the vote both t4Yes" and "Noto-. on 8 said proposition No. 1, was and is declared to be as follows: 9 Yes. it rl 10 No: - i 11 Total: 12 PROPOSITION NO. 20 1 13 Shall. the City of Huntington Beach retain its 14 powers of control over gas corporations? ! I 15 The total vote cast at said municipal election in the said 16 City of Huntington Beach, and the vote both"'Yes" and T°No" on said. 17 proposition. was and is hereby declared to be as follows: { 18 Yes: ,3 19 No: 20 Total: 44 ,3 _ - ! 21 PROPOSITION NO. 3. 22 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its j powers of control over electrical corporations? 23 24 The total vote cast at said municipal election in the said 25 City of Huntington Beach, and the vote both "Yes84 and 1°No" on 26 said propositions, was and is hereby declared to be as follows: 27 3� , ! - Yes: i , 28 No: 29 Total: L g4 30 PROPOSITION MOO 4. I( 31 Shall the City of Huntingtoh Beach retain its 32 powers of control over telephone corporations? m2m y - ---------- -- --- --------------- - 1 ' f . ' I r 2:1 1 The total vote cast at said municipal election in the said 2 City of Huntington Beach,, and the Vote both "Yes44 and "No" on said 3 proposition,was and is hereby declared to be as follows: 4 Yes: ' 5 No; A? 6 Total: .1�' K. 7 PROPOSITION NO. 5® i . 8 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its -- pokers°. of control over water corporations? 9't v f. to The total vote cast at said municipal election in the said - G 11 City of Huntington Beach, and the vote both "Yes" and "No" on said 12 propositions was, and is hereby declared to be 'as follows: !! 13 Yes:: 3 14 NO: t . } i 15 Total: - r, 16 And the Board of Trustees,, having completed their work of } 17 canvassing the returns of said special municipal election, held 1 .. 18 on the 23d day of September, 1913p finds and declares as follows: ; 19 FIRST: ' 20 That. the whole number -of votes cast in the City of i, 21 ;; -•�� Huntington Beach at said special municipal election held on the 22 23d day of September, 1912, was j 23. SECOND: - _� . 24 That the propositions voted upon. at said election were: ! - :, 25 PROPOSITION NO. to 26 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its - - 27 powers of control over street railroad corporations? 28 And that the whole number of votes cast thereat for said �. 29 Proposition No. 1 was, ��� of which number were for 3o said proposition, "Yes,," and were against said proem 31 osition "No;" and that a. majority of the electors of the City of 32 Huntington Beach voting at said special municipal election held on ' a3— I ; I i. 1 21 the 23d day of September, 1913, voted against said Proposition - T No. to ,- -- ---- - -- ---- -- _ _ .� 3 PROPOSITION NO. 245 4 Shall the City- of Huntington Beach retain its powers of control over gas corporations? ! i, 6 And that the whole number of votes cast thereat for said 7 Proposition No. 2 was -,JI,--.of which number d..Z _ were for 8 said prop iti an, 'des, and _��� were against said proposi t io , I , �> 9 "No;" and that a majority of the electors of the City of Huntington i 10 Beach Voting at said special municipal election held on the 23d I - - j day September,, 1913, voted a -. - y of tember p against said'Proposition No. 2® I ' 6 A , . 4 12 PROPOSITION NO© 30 13 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its i - powers of control over electrical corporations? 14 ii ' - - - - - '�•. 15 And that the whole' number of votes cast thereat for said ' 16 Proposition No. 3 was' 2 - of which number YA were for 17 said proposition, "Yes," and D�� _ were against said proposition, 13 t°No;p' and that a majority of the electors of the City of Huntington - 19 Peach voting at said speed municipal election held on im 23d day 20 of September, 1913, voted against said proposition. No® 3, 21 PROPOSITION NO. 40 r, .,,, , i l it � - -- - - — ----- - •'� 22 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its 23 powers of control over telephone corporations•? 24And that the whole number of .vo esca .t thereat for said j 25 Proposition No. 4 was of which number '. were for - >' 26 said proposition, "Yes,"' and ®% were against said proposi- - - ' ( `7 tion, "No;" and that a majority of the electors of the City of 28 Huntington Beach. voting at said speckal municipal election held on I � -- - _ _ _-- - - _•� 29 the 23d day of September, 1913, voted against said Proposition No. � - 30 4® j 3132 - - - - - - „4_ - - ---- - - - --- - ,. - -- - - - 21 I 1 - IG 1 PROPOSITION NO. 5. 2 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its - - powers of control over water corporations? - _ - - -- 3 - l• 4 And that the whole number of votes cast thereat for said I. 5 Proposition No. 5 was „ ° '2 of which number _3 were for 6 said proposition, "Yes," and were against said proposi- 7 Lion, "No;" and that a majority of the electors of the City of I� 8 Huntington Beach voting at said special municipal election held '9 on the 23d day of .September, 1913, voted against said Proposition 11 IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED AND DECLARED by the Board of Trustees I_ _ 12 of the Cit • of Huntington Beach hat a majority of the r y � 9 California,n 3 y 13 qualified electors so voting on each and all of said propositions 14 have voted not to retain such powers respecting the classes of 15 utilities mentioned and described in said propositions, and the wa 16 said City of Huntington Beach has elected not to retain such powers 17 ;. of control respecting said classes 'of public utilities as mention- I' rt 18 ed and described in said. propositions. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the powers of control over each �- - � 19 j 20 and every such class of public utality mentioned and described in j - - ' 21 said propositions shall thereafter vest in and be exercised by i 22 the Railroad Commission of the State of California as provided by 23 law and the aforesaid election. 24 And the said Board of Trustees further finds and declares• , 25 that the ordinance .fixing the time and place for holding said. 26 special municipal election to vote upon all of the propositions. - 1 M +. • 27 hereinbefore set forth was given by publication in a nevtspaper 28 published. and circulated in the City of Huntington Beach; that 1 said publication was made in the Huntington Beach News• once a week t: so for a period of at least two weeks prior to the holding of the ' 31 aforesaid election and was: published therein -on the following ' 32 dates: August 15. 1913, and August 22. 1913; that said ordinance - - -5p I _ - I I ---- --- - - = 21 1 was published as aforesaid and is in the words and figures follow- 2 ing, to wit: - 3 14ORDINANCE NO. 108t° - -- - j 4 4An Ordinance calling and providi for a special election in and for the City of Huntingdon Beach, Ca1O 5 ifornia, for the purpose of submitting to the elector. of said Olt the question whether the City of Hunting- - . - s ton Beach shall retain its powers of control respect- ing certain classes of' publie utilities. pursuant to the 7 provisions of Chapter 14 of the Statutes of the State ' 3 of California of The -Extra. Sexxion of 1911; Approved ----- - ' 8 December 23rd, 1911. 10 The Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach do ordain. 11 as follows: j ti 12 _ Section 1. It is hereby ordained that in pursuance of a 13 petition of qualified electors of the city of Huntington Beach, 14 filed .with the Board of Trustees of said city on the 21st day of _ - ; 15 July, 1913. and presented to the said Board of Trustees according - ,' to law, a special election be, 'and is hereby called to be held in - - _ 17 the City of Huntington Beach, Lalifornia, on Tuesday, the 23rd day 18 of September, 1913. - - ' _ 19 ` Section 2. The object and purpose for which said special - x... 20 election is called is to submit to the electors of the . city of - _ 21 Huntington Beach the question whether said city shall retain its 22 powers of control over certain public utilities which now are or ' 23 may be operated and maintained in said city, or whether the said t:. 24 city shall surrender its said powers of control to the Railroad 25 Commission of the State of California, said powers to be exercised 26 by the said Railroad Commission, as provided in the act of the a, 1 : . 27 legislature of the State of California, approved December 23d, 1911. � PP -- t 28 and known as the "Public Utilities Act." .. . , ' 29 Section 30 - The propositions to be submitted to the electors 30 f, • of the city of Huntington Beach at the. aforesaid election,on the 31 are - date thereof„as follows: , ' 21 1 PROPOSITION NO. to 2 Shall the city of Huntington Beach retain its powers of 3 control over street railroad corporations? 4 PROPOSITION NO. 20 s Shall the city of Huntington Beach retain its powers of s control over gas corporations? i 7 PROPOSITION NO. 30 - - _ 8 Shall the city of Huntington Beach, retain its powers of — _ 1f 9 control over electrical corporations? 10 PROPOSITION NO. 40 - _ 11 Shall the city of Huntington Beach retain its powers of 12 control over- telephone corporations? - 13 PROPOSITION NO. 50 14 Shall the city of Huntington Beach retain its powers. of ' 15 control over water corporations?' # 16 Section 3. It is further ordained that the official ballot 17 used at said election c,;hall contain (besides the other things re'- 18 quired by law4 the following propositions and questions, in sub- 19 stantially the following manner: ± ; 20 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its "-yes:- -- r ' powers of control over street railroad torpor® 21 ations? 0- .----- . 22 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its powers of control over gas corporations? :_Yes. 23 - - - - - 24 Shall the City of Huntington Beach retain its ,-``-'-� - powers of control over electrical corporations? :mYes'�______d 25 .- �- .-------� - 26 Shall the Cit of Huntington Beach retain its •- - - - - 27 powers of con rol over telephone corporations? :_Yes -______� o- ------- 28 Shall the Cit of Huntington Beach retain its i 29 powers of confrol over water corporations? 3° - - F 31 If, at said election, an elector shall stamp a cross (X) in - - - j ~` 92 the voting square after the printed word "Yes , " his vote shall be - 21 1 co-anted in favot of the proposition. If an elector shall stamp a 2 cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word t9No," his 3 vote shall be counted against the proposition. In all other respec s 4 said ballots shall be in accordance with the general election laws - 5 of the State of California, so far as said general election laws s apply to municipal corporations of the Sixth Class. 7 Section 4. It is further ordained that said special election - 8 shall be held in accordance with the general election laws of the — - 9 State of California, in so far as said election laws are applicable 10 to municipal elections in cities of the Sixth Classy also in pur- suance of Chapter 40 of the Statutes of the State of California, of 12 the extrs session of 1911. approved January 2nd, 1912. The polling 13 place must be opened at six. o'clock in the forenoon of the day of 14 election and must be kept open until six oaclock in the afternoon ' 15 of the same day , when the polls shall be closed. 16 Section 5. It is. further ordained that the following qualifi 17 ed electors;• of 'the city of Huntington Beach are hereby designated r 18 and appointed as election officers, for the offices set opposite _ 19 their names, at said election, and that the polling place for said 20 election is hereby designated as follows: - 21 Inspectors: Guy So Miles and Ed. Manning. 22 Judges° C. S. Bundschuh and Joe IDamron. 23 Clerks: Geo,, W'. Wardwell and G. A. Corbett, - - -- -- I r 24 - - Polling place: The City Hall of the City, of Hunt ington Beach. . 25 - California.' 2s Section 6. It is further ordained that each and every member - 127 of said election board shall receive as compensation for his - 28 services on said board, the sum of five dollars. 29 Section 7. The City Clerk of the city of Huntington Beach 30 shall certify to the passage of this, Ordinance, and shall cause 31 the same to be published twice in the Huntington Beach News, a 32 weekly newspaper published and circulated in the said. City of - -- ----- --- -------------------- --- - P I i I • 21 b 1 Huntington Beach, and thirty (30) days after the last publication { thereof it shall take effect and be in full force© : 3 (SEAL). SNELY - - - " ' President of the Boardofrustees 4 of the City of Huntington Beach, California, _.1 5 ATTEST: s C LAVrBIXG O Clerkand ex-of.�icio clerk Of ,he Board of Trustees of the .,.: City of Huntington Beach, 8 California, ` 9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. . y 10 COUNTY OF ORANGE. J 12 I, Ca Ea LAYERING, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the ... 13 Board' of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was read to the - - 15 Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach at their adjourn-- c•.Y i .. .,. ., 16 ed regular meeting held on the 21st day of July, 1913; and that 17 the same was passed and adopted by the said Board at their regular 'J 18 meeting held on the 4th day of August, 1913, by the following - - w 19 Vote:20 -- Ayes: -- Helme, Howard, French, Seely. w 21 - Noes: -- Nona 22 Absent: Rosenberger 23 C LLMIDIQ - - - -- - " 24 (om) it Clerk a-a ex-o ficio clerk ofhe Board of Trustees of the 25 City of Huntington Beach, _ California. 7 And the said Board of Trustees further -find and declare that - - w , 28 all things necessafy and requisite and required by law and the - 29 statutes of the State of California and the ordinances of the City - - - - 30 ' 31 r. .. 32 - --- - --- - -- - - -- . I4 21 •I 6 1 of Huntington Beach , to be done in the calling for and in the 2 conducting of said special municipal election have been duly done _ __ _•- ` and fully performed. - 1�` 3 4 - — -( = . . 5 c — ' t. s BOARD OF f t . 7 MUSTEES - - :' of the 8 - CITY OF -- ; HUNTING- 9 V/t Al TON BEACH, ,I 10 11 12 i. s 13 ATTEST: 1 14 a Cler nd ex-of ci o cler 15 of The Board of Tru ees of the � City of Hunt ingt n Beach - - -- - - - -:. , 16 . California, - -- -- �. . 17 ( SEAZ18 19 - -- �I 21 — .s i 22 — 23 24 26 27 28 J' 29 30 31 32