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City Hall.
Huntington `Beach, Calif. May 8th, 1916.
Adjourned Persuant to adjournment of May 1st, Board of Trustees met in Plans and Chag
Regular. specifications if is
regular session° for sidewalks and
on Olive Ave ° Intf
Trustees Trustees present, Chapin, Huston, Decker, Tarbox & Helme.
_ all
present. Absent Atone.
President Helme Presiding.
Request of Request of Inter®Counties Gas Co° to extend mains was .re-
Gas Co.
denoted. opened., and it was moved by. Trustee Chapin and seconded by
Trustee Dec#er that request be not allowed. Ca,i.-+ `A(-".
Attorney for Gas Co. was heard on question.
Motion was put. and carried.
Petition for the Petition of citizens to have Memphis St° opened across the .
opening of
Memphis St. S. P. Co°s R/N and that the Board of Trustees take the matter
I across the R' -
S. P.. ` R�iY up. On motion of' Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Huston, the
matter was referred. to .the City Engineer.
Adj. to
j Mir. Garber0' Request 'of Harvey Garber for .permission to construct - May 22nd1. Tam
'to lay. w.;. ; � to-
Sewer. sewer .in Alley ,Lateral .22; from Walnut -dive to Trunk line was��::r
presented and it was moved by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Apt
Il Trustee Decker and carried that the request be granted and that
f the City Engineer. be instructed to oversee the work. Pre
Ord. #169 . Ordinance No. 169, entitled "An odinanee creating the office Tri
Manager. of City Manager, and providing for the appointment and compere-
Reading° cation. thereof and defining the powers and duties. of said
` officer." was read for the first time. °
� Cii
i, Ord. #170 . Ordinance No. 170 , entit&&d9"An ordinance amending Ord-
---- Clty inance No.�4 of the city of Huntington Beach,entitled ang
Ma,rshalll ,ordinance fixing th`e compensation of certain officers." was
Salary read for the first time .
�--- and Ordinance Wo.171 entitled "An ordinance to provide for the .
f Ord.#171. issue and sale of Ten thousand Dollars in coupon Bonds to
�- Authorizing borrow money .t'o provide for the acquisition and construction
.�-- - - Issuance of of a gas disttibut�:ng system for- the city and to levy a tax to
$100000. pay interest and create a sinking fund." was read for the ,
first time.
-- First sreading.
1 - Agreement with the Southern Counties Gas Co. to supply gas
' Pres.& Clerk at City Limits was presented and on motinn by Trustee Tarbox
authorized to seconded by Trustee Chapin the President of the Board and the
sign City Clerk were authorized to sign the same on behalf of the
_ agreement city°
for gas.
-f- ---- It was moved -by Trustee Tarbox and seconded by 'Trustee
Aitty to Huston that City Attorney be instructed to appear for the city
:- --- appear at in the hearing before the Railroad Commission on petition of-- ---
Gas hearing;
- the Inter counties. -Gas. - -
- May 8th 1916 . Sheet 2.
may 8 th,. 1916. I
�- Motimn was mde by Trustee Tarbox and seconded. by Trustee
^ustees met in _-- Plans and Chapin that City Engr be instructed. to draw up plans and spec-
specificationsifications to 'have sidewalk and ctrb laid on lot 28, BI.202
for sidewalks and. Lot, 28 B1.205 on tAlbitt Ave, also to prepare resolution of ---
on Olive Ave . Intention. Carried. i
Tarbox & Helme.
id mains was .re-
seconded by
pened across the
ake the matter
ustee Hinton. the
construct Adj. to .•No 'further. business appearing-it' was. moved- 1bg�,Trustee
Tarbox 4nd ' seconded by Trustee Hu$tmn' that the Boarrd adjourn
ink line vPasii' h. to- Monday, , May •22nd 71.916. Carried.
. ,. ;
econded by _ --
granted and that t , City Clerk.
work. - l - 0 .0 . 0 0 . • . 0 0 0 ---
President of the Board of
reating the offtce Trustees of the city of -a
Huntington Leach, Cal.
ent and compere-
es of said
o o � • o o . • • 'o
City Clerk and Exmofficio Clerk of the Board of
mending Ord- Trustees of the City of, Huntington Beach, Calif. -'
itled ang
Dicers.9° was v�
provide for the . --
a Bonds to
levy a tax to -�
ad' for the �i r
�. to supply gas --
7ustee Tarbox
Board and the
)ehalf of the
I: by Trustee ---
dr for the city '
i petition of- —