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f 4
City Hall,
--� Huntington Beach, Cal. May 22nd,
1916. Mot:
} be
` _--_ Persuant to adjournment of May 8th, 1916 the Board of ;
Trustees was called to order at S oelock P.M. Mr. Aeffner.
to bill the and
Trustees all Trustees present Decker, Chapin, Huston, Tarbox,& Helme., i city for B.
present . Absent None. $25o per mo. exp,
t for Tru
---- Garbage Bids Follow'ing bids were reciived on Garbage handling: Life Guard. for
received. Joe Damron, Jun 1st to Sep 30th per month . 50.00 e
balanve of year. Prrmonth, 25 .00
Bid of Chas. Chas. Sailsbury, Per month, 29.00
Sailsbury ,
Accepted. Joe Washburn, Per month, 32o50
and it was moved by Trustee Tarbox and seconded by Trustee
-- Decker. that all bids be rejected except that of Chas. Sails®
bury, and ,that the- contract be awarded. to Chas. "Sailsbury
at the figure named in bid and that the President of the Board.
and City Clerk be empowered to execute contract, Carried. .
Weeds. . Follooing bids were received on ,cutting weeds in* the city,
f Bids Reed. J. W. Carroll, Burning grass, cutting weeds and burning or
removing. same., per lot, 1.00 T
Bid of J.W. J. L. Sanders, Plowing, per lot, 1.25
Carroll and 'it was moved by Trustee Tarbox and seconded by Trustee
accepted. Huston that bid of J. W. Carroll be ,accepted and all others
1 be rejected and that City Engineer draw up and execute con
tract . Carried. _
- Inter-cdanties .Communication from the Inter-counties -Gas Co. -..offering .to
drilling to sell bjat� distributing system ter .at an agreed price and 'if no
sell. . price could be t agreed upon to sell at price set- by -disinterest-
ed- ed party, as the Railrbad Commission. and it was moved, by
} Committee' to Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Trustee Huston that a "committ,66— Adjourn to
determine consisting of the Chairman of the Board, the City Attorney and . } May 29, 1916. Huss
���-- price. the City Engineer, with power to employ anUI assistance necessay - Mont
}� proceed to determine value of system and to confer 'with the
owners representatives . Carried. Appi
- -- Ord.#169 Ordinance No. 169 . entitled "An ordinance creating the .
Passed & office of City Manager and providing for the appihintment and ' Pre.,
t�----� Adopted° compensation thereof and defining the powers and duties of of t
said officer." wasread for the second time and on motion of .
�- Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Chapin. the ordinance was AttE
passed and adopted by the following vote.
-- Ayes. Srustees, Decker, Huston, Chapin, Tarbox and Helme.
Noes, None.
Absent, None. Clt3
4 - of i
Ord. #1170 Ordinance No. 170 entitled " An ordinance amending ordin Cit3
!i Passed & ante No.4 entitled an ordinance fixing the compensation of -
T adopted. certain officers." was read for the second time and on. motion
by/ Trustee Tarbox -seconded .by Trustee Decker was passed and
�~ adopted by the following vote :
_ Ayes. Srustees, Chapin, Huston, Decker, Tarbox and Helme.
Noel., None.
Absent, None.
Ord.#1711. Ordinance No. 171 entitled "An ordinance 6n provide for th --
Passed & issuance and sale of Ten thousand Dollars in Coupon bonds to --
--- adopted, ' borrow money to provide for the acquisition and construction
+ of a gas distributing system for the city of Huntington Beach
--- and to levy a tax to pay interest and create a sinking fund."
was read for the second time and on motion by Trustee Chapin -
` seconded by Trustee Huston was passed and adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
�y Ayes. Trustees, Decker, Huston, Chapin, Tarbox and Helme.
if Assessment The City Engineer presented assessment maps for adoption
maps of Sewer work .Laterals 12. & 13 . S.W.of Acacia Ave and Laterals
� nap roved � � j
p 10, 11, 12- .& 13 N. E. of Aea.cia Ave . - ;
r• _ +. - ---- : .. - —_- - ` _ ----- ems/ :i---;- ---,- t -} � .._: � -- ---
May 22nd, 1916 . .sheet No.2,
. May 22nd, —�
1916. i Motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Huston that maps —_ a
be approved. Carried.
Board of
Mr. Heffner. Subject of Life Guard on beach for season was discussed
to bill the and it was reported by Trustee Huston that Mr Heffner oV the H. _-- -
ox,& Helme., city for B. Co. agreed for his company that they would pay half of the
$25. per mo. expense and it was moved by. Trustee Chapin and seconded by for Trustee Trustee Tarbox that Mr. Heffner be authorized to put .in bill
ing: Life Guard. for $25 -000 per month for maintenance of Life ' Guard. Carried. --a
25 .00
29.00 —1
32.50 ----- ,
ias. Sails® 1
,ilsbury i
of the Board.
Carried. .
i in' the city,
end burning or
Trustee --- -
.11 others' '
:cute con-
, offering to
ce and 'if no - +
oged by ----
'commiittee=- ` Adjourn to There being no further business it was moved Trustee
Attorney and May 29, 11916, Huston seconded by Trustee Tarbox that the Board 'adjourn to
ante necessay Monday May 29th, 1916 . Carried.
with the ` -- ----�
. � Approved.
City Cler-k.
ating the • :`�/.� . . . . . .
ntment and President of the Board of Trustees �/ 4
uties of of the City of Huntington Beach, Cal. - -+
motion of
nance Was I Attest-
Helme. — -~
City Clerk rndfex,,-- fficio . CIerkof the Boarrustees of the
nding ordin= City of Hungton Beach, Calif ^�
ation of
d on. motion —
passed and
rovide for th —
n bonds to
nstruction -
ngton Beach
Ding fund." -- -- -
tee Chapin ;
by the- f of® ---
f Helme. ----
►r adoption — -
id Laterals