HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916-06-05 i
City Hall, Huntington Beach, Cal. June 5th , 1916.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of --- !
Huntington Beach, called to order at 8 oclock P. M. -
29ths 1916. F Roll Call Trustees resent Helme Chapin, Tarbox Decker and- Huston,, -'
I' � p s p� s 9 i
,d of Trustees President Helme Presiding.
Officers.-. -- -r -_Reports,.of City Electtkcian,...Recorder, Plumbing Inspector
Byuilding.-Ins,pector and,-,dtiy. :Forepter were- presented and -read,. -�
Helyne. _.�-u' :,: :it was 'moved* by :Truete'e 'Tarbox ;and seconded',y ;Trustee` Huston. , ,.
;.that reports be ocepted and-planed on file... y , Carried. -
. - -. - J
�i Gas Owners of. Gas Distributing System presented a petition for ---+,
Distributingl;he approval and signatures of the Board, addressed to the R. R.
system to Commission asking that the Commission furnish an Engineer to -�
Attorney, Nelson, be place a value on the system and asking for permission to make
valued the ' transfer of the system to the city of Huntington Beach. .
view the. rep- for . It was moved by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Trustee Huston and,
purchase. carried that Trustees sign the petition and agreement.
regard to fi x- j
" Delinquent Statement from Security Investment Co. of delinquent assess-
be bought made i Assessments meat for street work on Block 505, addressed to the H. B. Gram-
Block mar School District .and given to city by them was presented and
Co . would set 505 it was moved by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Trustee Decker and
carried that Statement be returned to the Grammar School Trustees
$11,000.00 as the city has no title to the block.
Meters and Pry'eparrdd` d6mmunication .from Preparedness Parade Committee of Los,lapis i3 Ajageles was .presented .and read. and it•-was moved by Trustee Tarbox
nits was ,not--._ �ariadeb`, seconded by .Trustee' Chapin acid carried that the communication - -. -�
be referred to Mr. Spehoer of the Home Cadets. _ -
ade them a ,ten -7
-:r `-' `, ' ' { Demands The following Demands having been approved by the Finance ti
hart did not allowed. Committee it was moved by Trustee Huston seconded by Trustee
Tarbox and carried that they be allowed:
s and proposed H. Baskerville, Fish, 21.70
H. B. Co. Phone &- Water, 159.43 Milo Washburn, 5.00
ion who with the Pao. L. & P.Co. 68.72 L.A.Rubber Stamp Co. 5.37
Frank Vidal, 2 . Pao. L.& P.Co. 2.16 _ a
ners should put Kellow & Brown, 38. Roy L.Ross, ' 13.90
City Garage, 5.50 J. H. Winn, 1. -y
nter into gn R. H. Dow, 1. LaBolsa TileCO. 5.42
La Bolsa Tile Co. 12. . Western Electric Co. 45.67
Burkhart to H'*B.Sheet Metal Wks . 11.40 S. P. Lumber Co. 40.50
Chas. R. Nutt, 48018 Ja W. Carroll, 300. --
forward the The Neuner Co. 6 . S.Cal.Blue Print Co. 2.37
Am. Surety Co. 25. F. A. Asher, 15. - �
of Trustees. A.P.Middleton, 35. Joe Damron, 45.
- Roy Blodgett, 18 .25 .Burroughs MachX Co,. 2.5'0 --
received noth- WaM.Hoge., 10. ..D. 0. Stewart., 16.
First Natl Bank:, ' 90. Hv B.. Co.. 13p19.
Carl' Olson 9`. . W. Spencer, 158.75
J. Tinsley, 41.55 Chas. R. Nutt, 51.11
by Trustee Tarbox A. P. Nelson, 50. J . 'Tinsley,
G. 1. :.hank, 30. U. ,t . t:'arner, 15. --
Carried. E. E. French, 100 F. jar. Parcel, 65. ^�
F. M. Bunton, 65. Gertrude Dowty, 60.
DeLuz. Mr. R. E. braves from the Chamber of Commerce asked the Boadd
City Clerk. .� Allowance if it would assist the Chamber to participate in the Celebration
$25 . at Santa Ana, on the 16th, and it was moved by Trustee Chapin,
for seconded by Trustee Tarbox and carried that Ah. allowance be made ----
Float. from the Music and Promotion Fund of $25.00 for a Float.
Tract Mr. Spencer presented. a map of Tract #62, a subdivision
62 of the 5.1/2 of the S.E.1/4 of the N.E.1/4 of the S.E.1/4 of ---
map Sec 34,T.5 S,,E.11 W. S.B.I . and it was moved by Trustee Tarbox,
# approved. seconded by Trustee Chapin and carried that the map be approved. -
June 9th,,02 . -
I '
- per'sug
- ---' Call.
- - Applications
.. for posit,
- -, - Gas Job. file
f - ---- _ •: :.. , ,i3 • '•s - . , . •
requests reque
I permission hours
for moved
Music. be gr
- Johnson,
Offers ups.to
-- Adj. to No further business appearing the Board adjourned to Monday, rooms, the f
June 12 . June 12th, 1916. WX on motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by for
Trustee Chapin, city
--- •Off ices. purel
Approved, Res o297 and I
{ City Clerk. Purchase of ,purpd
Gas Chap:
System. folly
President of Board of Trustees of the Adopted.city,-of � Mntington Beach., Calif.
f to the
- -- call for Pipe
City Clerk and�ex-offic o Clerk F- bids on--- of -the Board of Trrustees of° the Material.
City of HuntingtonBeach, Cal. the
Demands vier(
- allowed.
I � Y
to t dal,
June 19
fF Ap,
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