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City Hall, Huntington Beach, July 10th,
— 1916.
- --- -
'` ___•_•____ Adjourned Board of Trustees of the city of Huntington Beach met
Regular. persuant to adjournment of July 3rd. �
- Trustees present, Helme, Decker, Huston, Chapin and Tarbox.
------ -- Roll call, Absent, None.
----- Report of City Electrician and Building Inspector were
Officers presented and read and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded
reports. by Trustee Decker were ordered placed on file. �G��'►�'?j
------ Asks permit Application from City Garage for permission to place �5,���
to place Gasoline tank underground in Parkway in front of new Garage on
Gasoline Fifth Ste was presented and on motion by Trustee Tarbox secondd
Tank. by Trustee Chapin was referred to the City Manager.
Petition to Petition from L. J. Hahn, W. S. Jones and Mrs. A. L.
"---- --- have street Tucker, all of the property owners, on the Southern extension
_ closed. of Florida Ave . to close that extension was presented and on
—" --- motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Decker was rem
___•-_-- ferred to .the City Manager.
Application of A. J. George for position as outside Gas
� - Application man was presented and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by
for Trustee Decker was ordered placed on file .
I t Gas job.
i Communication from State Compensation Fund re/ Insurance
Clerkr,to_ of City Employes was read and on motion by Trustee Chapin. .
------- ,.,tak6?-oar ,seconded -by .Trustee Huston the Ci"ty Clerk was instruc ed to }fi-
'�offipe . atimn take out• •the` necessary insurance for, city employes .
Ordinance To .172 entitled "an ordinance for the regula-
-----� Orrd. 172 tion, conduct and operation of the municipal gas distributing
Regulating system of the said city, Pvvviding for the collection of
-----� operation revenue therefrom and the extension and maintenance thereof."
Gas was read for the second time and on motion by Trustee .Tarbox
distribution. seconded by Trustee Huston was passed and adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes, grustees Decker, Huston, Chapin, Tarbox and Helme.
Noes, None .
Absent, None.
On motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Huston,
Attorney and
_ Manager
the City Attorney and the City Manager were instructed to
frame rame
to f draw up an Ordinance fixing the Gas rate . for the municipal
��.__f---- ---- Gas rate' system.
i Ordinance .
'i i-------- On motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Decker,
III the following Demands having been approved b the Finance Com.
Demands g g pP 3'
were allowed:Allowed.
M. A. Turner Co. .70 Frank Helme, 3.12
Frank Helme, 19.50 S. P. Lumber Co . .76
Orange Co.Title CO 7.56 Roy L. Ross, 1.2.15
M. Washburn, 2.50 A. C. Burrows, .55
�lil�rkyTeamo 'On motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Decker
instructed to the City Clerk was instructed to Advertise for bids for the
j - advertise for sale of the city team, wagon and harness .
bids . No further busine&s appearing the Board adjourned to
Adjourned Monday July 17th on motion by `Trustee Tarbox seconded by
ou Trustee Chapin,
July 17 th.
�---- President o the Board of Trustees Ci y Cler
�k of the city of Huntington Beach, /
Attest . tj
t _