HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916-07-24 282,:
--_- - City Hall, Huntington Beach, Cal.
- --- -"- July 24th, 1916.
Adjourned Board of Trustees of the city of Huntington Beach, met
regular, persuant to adjournment of the 17th inst.
Roll •call, Trustees present,Helme, Huston, Decker, Tarbox and Chapin.
President Helme Presiding. .
------- Street lights Mr. Burns of the Pao. Light and Power Corpn, was present
17th Street, and had a few words to say for his company in re/ Street lights
on 17th Street and agreed for the company, under a three year
Offer of contract to furnish the electricity for the first year with-
-__--__- --- P.L.& P°Co. out charge . 7
Mr. Spencer spoke in behalf of the city and expressed a ;
----------•- doubt that the Railroad Commission would permit of such an 1
agreement being carried out, Mr. Burns said that the company
------- - would put up a Bond to carry- out the agreement thus saving
the city from any loss in case the R. R. Commission should
--- -- object to the terms ,
, J
- - ---- - Indemnity City Treasurer presented a Bond of the Merchants Natl
Bond of Bank of Los Angeles in the amount of $302.50 to indemnify the -
--- -- Merchants, city for having cashed Sewer Bond Interest coupons to this l
------ Natl amount, the coupons having been lost. The bond was approved
Bank of on motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Huston.
- - _- L.A. Resolution No. 299, being a resolution of Intention to
.Approved° ->
improve certain streets was read and on motion by Trustee
---------__"-, ''..s Tar.,ro)e,10c.afi&,bd;by, Trustee Decker•'•,w.as• passed and adopted by
the following" vote _
Red® ��� Ayes, Trustees Huston, Chapin; Tarbox, Decker & Helme.
------- lnteatioh, -'. .
17th St. Noes, None.
Absent, None.
This Resolution referrs to the improvement of 17th Street
--------- Ocean Avenue to Main Street .
-- ------ Reso. of Resolution expressing vote of thanks to Mr. Leigh Garnsey
^- thanks, who secured the Alain Street contract for the excellence of the
Garnsey work and the promptness of its execution and on the selection
Main St. of Mr. Souter as Superintendent of the work was rand presented
Contractor. by Trustee Tarbox and read and hn motion was passed and adop-
ted by the following vote:
-- "— Ayes, Trustees Huston, Chapin, Tarbox, Decker and Helme.
Noes, None.
Absent, None.
Gas rate The question of Gas rate caused much discussion, several
-_ discussed. citizens were present and expressed their views and it was
decided to -leave the matter open until a better line could be
obtained on the consumption and in the mean time assure the
patrons that the rate would not exceed $1.50 per thousand.
Plumbing Plumbing Inspectors report was presented and was accepted
------ Inspectors and ordered filed on motion by Trustee Huston seconded by
- report. Trustee Chapin.
New In regard to a City Hall,. Mr. Spencer reported that Mr,
---- -- City Hall Althaver would construct a brick 42 x 50 on lots 25 & 27 Bl .
-- offer. 204 for $37.50 per month, other projects were spoken of and it
was decided to leave the matter open.
1 Ra.ilin Mr. Spencer called attention to the condition of the g Of railing on pier and asked permission to have the joints cleaned
- Pier to and painted and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee
be Tarbox was instructed td have the work done.
- ---- painted.
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ly 24th, 1916,
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was approved - City .of Huntington Beach, California.
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