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Sept ember 5
--�-� Pac Coast
City Hall, Assooiat i
( Huntington Beach, Calif. Sept 5th To take
_— 1916. membe rsh
j_ -___ _ _____ Regular meeting . Regular meeting of the Board of Trusteed of the
city of Huntington Beach called to order by Pros . Resolution
Helen. No . 301 .
Qoll call . Trustees present , Chapin, Tarbox, Huston, Helms Fixing Tax
--- 1916-17
Minutes approved . Minutes of August meetings read and approved.
Couardttee on The Committee appointed to look u o os t
�_--, pP p Pr ons P i i
City Hall for the construction or procuring of a City Hall
j discharged, made their final report , that building on 5th Street
C would be in course of ''construction in a few days ,
_ and it was moved by Trustee Tarbox and seconded 'by
Trustee Chapin that the committee bg discharged.
_ Carried.
Officers Report of .Recorder , Plumbing Inspector and
reports , . Electrician were presented and on motion by Trustee
-- --- - Huston seconded by Trustee Tarbox were accepted and
ordered placed on file .
Bids opened Bids for the Improvement of 17th Street were
f— portion of then opened and read, they were as follows;
17th Street , Bidder.Paving . Culverts .Basins .Posts , Gas pipe .
a - sq.ft . lin.ft . ' each . each . complete .
Garnsey . .1286 1 .25 25. 60. 4945,
----- Cal-Ariz . ,13 1.40 20. 55. 6010.
Curt is . .13 2 1 .50 50. 60. 4000.
after the .City Engr , had figured out,•.the approximate
totals of .the bids it', was moved by, .TrusteeI Huston e[m Ball Club
seconded by Trustee', hap a bid of_C in �th'at,'th Leigh: _ receive
Garnsey be accepted . Carried. from M.
Fund. &Contract Resolution of Award was then presented, reject-
awarded to ing all bids except that of Leigh Garnsey and award-
Leigh Garnsey . ing the contract to Garnsey at price named in bid,
- -- the Resolution was passed and adopted by the followin Fire
vote; Appa'rat us
--- -- Ayes, Trustees Chapin, Huston, Tarbox, Helms . to
Noes, None . Chamber of
9 - --- Absent , Decker, Comme
Bids opened for Bids for the purchase of the City Team were
'4 Sale of Team . opened and read as follows :
- --� All rejected . Geo. Gunn,
Horses , Wagon and. harness, 250.00
A. W. Griffith ,
Wagon, 40.00
and it was moved by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Demands a.
- -- Chapin that all bids be rejected , Carried.
I "
Petition for Petition containing the names of three property
Sewer Lateral owners for a Lateral sewer in the alley between 19th
--- No . 19 , and 20th Sts was presented, the three signers have ;
but two pieces of property affected , a protest to
-- - this work was also presented from one owner, as
there are but five or six residences on this lateral
E------ it was on motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee
Huston, laid over for further consideration.
City Marshall Request of City Marshall for a gas fight at
requests lights x entrance to pier and one under pier was presented
at and under and on motion by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee
Wharf . Huston referred to City Manager.
Communication Communication from Mrs. Frances Barlow, in re-
re/ Assessment gard to Assessment for the improvement of 17th and
for Main & 17th Main Street was presented and on motion by Trustee
---- - Streets . Tarbox seconded by Trustee Huston the City Clerk was
instructed to write the lady and advise her that all
-- notices of improvements contemplated were published ~
in the H. B. News and advise her to subscribe .
. ;
September 5th , 1916 Sheet NO
Pac Coast Gas Communication from thef'Pacff ic, - 'oa:$t'•6a6 Ad soaI at.i•bn
Association, to City Manager, Mr. Spencer , suggest`ii-&' member;ship
Sept 5th To take in the same -was presented and it was moved by Trustee _4
1916. membership in. Chapin , seconded by Trustee Tarbox, that city become
a member of the same . Carried .
steed of the
by Pres . Resolution Resolution No .301 , Fixing the tax rate for the
No . 301 . Fiscal year , 1916-17 was prea-efited as follows:
Huston, Helms Fixing Tax Rate 1 General Fund, 12 ,175972
1916-17 2 Salary Fund; 6,087 .86
d approved. 3 Street Fund , 61087 .86 --
4 Music & Pro . Fund. 852 .30
propositions 5 Library Fund, 3 ,287 .45 -
it y Hall 6 Wharf Bond ., I.& S.F.4.,271..50 S 0'.o--'
n 5th Street 7 Sewer Bond, I.&' S.F.2,922 .17 -_--
few days , 8 Gas Bond , I.& S.F. 2 ,069.871
econded 'by The rate necessary to raise this amount is one hun-
charged. �dred and fifty five cents on each $100.00 Of property - _
rried. z the rate to be divid.d as follows :
1 General fund , .50
for and 2 Salary fund , .25
by Trustee 3 Street Fund ., .25
,ccepted and 4 Music & Promotion, .03
5 Library Fund , ,13 _
6 Whard Bond Fond., .17
rest were 7 Sewer Bond Fund .12 -
ws: 8 Gas Bond Fund , ,081
-as pipe . ttaa and on motion by Trust ee Tarbox seconded by True-
complete . tee Huston was. passed and adopted by the following vote
4945. Ayes ., Trustees Chapin, Huston, Tarbox, Helms . ---- -
6010. Noes , None .
4000. Absent , Decker , _ -
ee, Hus'ton aam Ball Club to Mr. C. E. Kutzner appeared and asked for assist-
of leigh _ receive 025.00 ante for the Base Ball Club from the Music and Pro- 4
tarried. _ from M. & P . motion Fund , and a motion by Trustee Huston seconded by
,nt ed, reject- Fund. Trustee Chapin that- the Base Ball Club be allowed
�y and award- : $25.00 from the M. &:.,.- '. -Fund, prevail.ed. ,
red in bid.,
the followin Fire Representatives of, the Seagrave Company , Manufaot-
Appaa' atus refdr�ced urers of Fire Fighting apparatus was present and made
)ox, Helms . -- to a talk in favor of the purchase by the city of truck
Chamber of exhibited here , price $6,000.00on partial payments ,
Commerce . $1 ,000.00 per annum, and it was moved by Trustee Chapin
i seconded by Trustee Tarbox that the matter of purchas® -
'eam were i ing Fire apparatus be referred to Chamber of Commerce
to secure the wishes of the people , Carried . --
250.00 _ The following demands having been approved by the ---
Finance Com. it was moved by. Trustee Chapin, seconded
40.00 i _ by Trustee Tarbox that they be allowed: carried.
Lded by Trustee Demands allowed . S. C. Gas Co. 155,76, D. 0. Stewart ., 8.00
Carried. __ Chas. R. Nutt ., 75. City Gaage , 15.70
Western Electric Co, 5.26 J. W. Carroll , 85.
see - W. E. Elliott ., 60. S. P. Lbr. Co. 1.44 .
property i G. W. Wardwell 45.50 Roy L. Ross 2,.50.
between 19th � Y � -
.gners have - Lillian Fleming , 15.00 Obarr Drug Sto . 9 ,90 .'
Prot est t o H. Gibbs , 10.15 S. C. Blue Print 6.Oi - -
,ner, as - T . J. Jordan, 10,40 J. T. Reed , 18.10
this lateral A.P.Middleton, 11.70 C. Sailsbury , 29.00 - - --
tded by Trustee J. J. Gonrad , 134.35 LaBolsa Tile Rio 34.36
ion, F. L. Snyder , 75: L. Tarbox, 37 .18
Standard Oil Co. 1.95 Thos Anderson, 15,94
f ight at G. W. Spencer , 390.30 A. J. George ; 81 . ---
present ed Std.Aut o.Bdy Wks . 44, Chet Sowles , 32.50
by Trustee Earl Miller , 2 .50 Ed. Manning , 27 .70
M. J. Porter , 19,37 R. H. Dow , 20.
_ H. B. Co. 156.84 J. Tinsley . 75.95
glow, in re- F. M. Brunton, .65. C. W. Warner , 15.
)f 17th and ti Frank He line , 65. A. P. Nelson , 50.
by Trustee Chas . R. Nutt , . 59.40 E. E. French, 10.
ty Clerk was 4 -
her that all -
,e published -
t -_- September 5th , 1916 . 3 rd sheet , -
Ruth Harding , 5.00 ,Ruth Harding , 60.00 T-
_�_ _ H. Baeke of
, 2G. O,S,Cos Gas Co . 459.50 _
League o Cal Mun .l OO,Paul Helme , 25.00
Life Guard Service Motion was made by Trustee Tarbox, seconded Regular meet
-- discontinued . -by Trustee Huston that Life Guard be discontinued. _-
--- __ Roll. call .
iNight Watchman Motion was made by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by
-�--- discontinued Trustee Chapin that Night watchman be discontinued ,. — 7
�t Bids on Gas
------ �.' - r. • . — - Systerr, bond
Moultons Bic
4 accepted .
i Mrs. Moore ,
to use old.
Fire Dept .
Adjourned to No fur her business appearing it was moved by League of
,r Sept 25th , Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Tarbox that the -' Cal Munici-
Board adjourn\to Monday Sept 25th , 1916. -Carried. palities .
_ 1917
p ' ` City Cl.erk, . — bliss. Smile3
0_�'. protests .
-- President of the Board of Trustees -
` -- of the city of Huntington Beach ,' Weeds
California . Cleaning .
- -- Attest , - -. .
Team to be
---1 - — sold by
► City Mgr.
- C ty Clerk and ex of ici � er -
of the Board of Tr us s of the Demands
City of Huntingto each., Calif o approved.
--- -- Huston e.xcus(
St orm Drain
--- 0. - J P. T.. A.
asks for
Street light
. I
Ord. 175 .
- - Fixing Gas
Rate .
f -- --- Adopted . ,
4 I
-Mr. Hef fnef
-- -- - , for
HO B. Co .