HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916-09-25 i 293,
60.00 City Hall Huntington Beach , Cal . Sept 25th , 1916.
459 .50 --
25.00 - --
Regular in Persuant to adjournment of Sept 5th , 1916 . the —1
)x, seconded g g • Board of Trustees of the city of Huntington Beach met in
discontinued. regular session.
5 - Roll call . Trustees present Helme .' Tarbox, Chapin, Decker and
)x , seconded by Huston.
3 discontinued Absent None . 1
Carried. i --
Bids for the sale of the $20'000.00 of Gas Distrib-
Bids on Gas uting system Bonds were opened as follows :
�- - System bonds , Torrence Marshall & Co. offered par ., accrued int-®
crest and a premium of $43 .00 . --�
R. H. Moulton & Co. offered par , accrued interest
and a premiuk of $61 .CO . ---�
It was moved by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Trustee
Moultor_s Bid Chapin that the bid of R. H. Moulton & Co. be accepted . -
i accepted . the motion carried by the following vote:
�- Ayes , Trustees Chapin, Tarbox, Decker, Huston and Helme. - --
Noes None ,, Absent None.
j Mrs. Moore , Request of bars. Moore foru,permitsion to use the old
- to use old. Fire Dept shed for a wood shed was referred to the City
Fire Dept . Manager.
shed . gCommunication from the League of Cal . Municipalities
was moved by League of re/ Hand Book for city officials and enclosing badges
.rbox that the - Cal Munici- for delegates , was presented, placed on file .
�16. -Carried. palities . Communication from the City Clerk of San Diego in
1917 re/ 1917 convention of the League of Cal Municipalities
Convention . was presented, placed on file .
I Protest f rom Miss . Jessie Smile against the
Miss < Smile p Y
City Clerk : . _ Y Assessment for the Improvement of Main., 17th St . and ----i
protests . other streets, was presented and the City Clerk was
instructed to make necessary reply. - -1
Report of the Street Supt on the Cleaning of Lots
Needs of noxious weeds was presented and on motion by Trustee --
Cleaning . Tarbox seconded by Trustee Huston was approved .
It was moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee -
Team to be Tarbox that City Manager sell the City team for the beet _
- sold by offer . Carried .
I City Mgr. The following bills havingi been approved by the
I Finance Committee , it was moved by Trustee Huston, seconded
Demands by Trustee Chapin that they be allowed, Carried. ----
approved . Ed. Manning, Repairing Fire Hydrants , 24.40 ~
C. E. Kutzner for Base Ball Club, 25.00 --
s Huston excused . 1;rustee Huston was excused.
On motion by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Trustee Chapt -
Storm Drain. the City Engr was instructed to start proceedings on
Storm Drain System. -"--
Mr. Hahn for the Parent Teachers Assn requested that i
P. T. A, there be a system of street lights established on Acacia _--�
asks for Ave . f rom Main St .* To 14th St . and one at 14th and Palm.
Street lights . and it was moved by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Trustee
Chapin that the matter be laid over until property owners
could be heard. from.
Ord. 175 . Ordinance No. 175, entitled "An ordinance fixing the
Fixing Gas price at which gas is to be furnished and sold to the
t Rate . consumers through the Municipal Gas Distributing System --
Adopted . of the City of Huntington Beach ." was read for the second
time and on motion by T rust eeTarbox, seconded by -
Trustee Chapin was passed and adopted by the following f
vote: I
Ayes Trustees , Decker , Chapin, Tarbox, Helme .
Noes, None . --_1
Absent , Huston.
Mr. Heffner of the Huntington Beach Company appeared to i
Mr . Hef .fnef . secure from the City Trustees some statement as to what
Hof B.or Co . they intended to do in regard to the several pieces of
Property that his company had wished to give to the city .
9/25/16-2nd page .
C -- - - -
City to accept It was moved by Trustee Tarbox , seconded by Trustee
- B1e405 & 505 Chapin that the city accept Blocks 406 and 505 in case
if can acquire the Deeds are placed in escrow by the Huntington Beach
by paying taxesCo. whereby the city can acquire title by paying the
and taxes and assessments , then the Deeds to be delivered. to
assessments . the city. Lotion put and carried. ,
City to accept It was moved by Trustee Chapin , seconded by Trustee
- -- - B104197 and - Tarbox that the city accept Block 417 and the N. We half Regular
of 41$ if can of Block 416 in case deeds t'o same be placed in escrow Meeting .
acquire by by the Huntington Beach Company whereby the city can -
paying taxes acquire title by paying the taxes and assessments ., then Roll Call .
----- and assessment sdeeds toi be del&vexed to the city . Put and carried.
---- llinut es
approved .
----- - Reports of
Officers .
- - _ protest on
--___ -- Weed cleanL
5t at e Roard
of Health
Convention .
- -- -- - H .. BQ Co 's
New Tract .
----- Map
` approved .
City Recorder
----- to have
vacation .
- Holland
L- --- Co
! _ Adjourned . It was moved by Trustee Huston, seconded by Trustee representative
Chapin that the Board adjourn. Carried , Water System.
Approved . City C-1 e rk ,
- - - - - - - - - Demands
President of the `,oard of Trustees allowed .
_--- of the City of Huntington Beach ,
California .
f-- Attest .
City Clexk and ex--officio lark
�- of. the Board. of Trustees of the -
City of Lunt ington Beach , alif .