HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-01-22 -- FN ;,
3� .
Calif ,
n 16 , 1917 . --
City Hall , Jar. 22 , 1917.
he Board
et and were
Adjourned Persuant to adjournment of Jan 16th , 1917 . the Board
fle Regular , of Trustees met in regular session and was called to order ----',
Iielme. _ at 7 .30 PQ M. by President Helme . _
pin , Decker Roll Call . Trustees present Helve , Tarbox , Decker , Chapin and
Hust on . AAbsent none .
Df License for Attorney Communication from Attorney Walter Eden in reference
agar Stand was — :'alter Eden . to the charge for cleaning lots of J. F. Kinley and ask-
Pin secbndecl. by asks the ing what the intention bf the Board in regard to the Matter ,
°quest be — intent. of the communication was referred to the City Manager. ---
Board .
-- S. C. Gas Co. Communication fror:. the Southern Counties Gas Co , which -
proved by the Finance Wants written had been previously. presented on Nov 13th , 1916 was again
Dnded by Trustee -- permit to brought up because of frequent letters of inquiry from that -- i
r streets for run 4" main company and was referred to the City Attorney who promised
�01 .14
5 on Hampshire . to call at that company 's office in Los Angeles .
ats . for part _ P . L. & P . Co Communication from Pac . Light & Power Corpn. was read , --1
70.39 writes in it was in reference to the letter recently received from the
26 .25 regard to manager of Municipal Power plant of the city of Pasadena
2 .05 letter of that had been presented to the Board at the meeting of
7 , 56 — Pasadena. January 2nd and explained the Lighting company 's position. -�
373 .50
21 . 75 Rand organiza- Communication from the newly organized Band asking con-
�f the Board — tion wants thefirmation of -request that music belonging to the city as
music that hashaving been purchased by the different Band organizations
vould. be re- — been purchasedbe turned over to the city to be kept at the City Hall and
,he Clerk pro- by the city . it was Moved by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Chapin
were as fol- that the raquept be granted. Carried. -
,.4A.C.Co Reso . 509 �Re.dolutlion No . 309 being a Resolution awarding contract -�
Awarding Con- for the Imp.rp,vemen;t of Ocean Avenue to Leigh G . Garnsey and
d ,125 t ra.ct to rejecting a, l`other bids , was read-and on motion by Trustee --j
L. G. Ga.rnsey . Tarbox , seconded by Trustee Decker was passed and adopted by
the following vote:
5 .142 _ Ayes , Trustees tecker , . Huston , Chapin, Tarbox , and f:elir:e .
Noes , None . Absent , None .
4700 .00 _ J. � . Carroll J. W. Carroll , who had the contract for cleaning, weeds
wants from the lots in the city was present and asked for a final
_ -- _ _ _ _ settlement . settlement , claimed that there was still due him a balance
of 634.00 and in addition the City Manager had promised to X __ _;
15.00 make it right with him for the time taken in keeping time of
_ _ _ _ his work- on the various lots , and for cleaning some of the
lots belonging to the city; he was advised that as the City
•30 Manager was not present the Board could only agree to have the -
_ matter taken up and come to a settlement and instructed the
Clerk to refer the matter to the City Manager .
_ .35 _ T Infant Rand The matter of helping the infant Band organization was --'
_ asks brought up by the Clerk and Trustee Tarbox suggested that a �
7250.00 12unicipal list be made of just what was needed and presented to the --"
aid. Board at the next meeting .
conded by -' _ Adjourned . There being no further business it was moved by Trustee
d to Leigh — Chapin , seconded by Trustee Tarbox, put and carried t ad-
journ .
was in attendance c C r a�
card to defer the y° - Approved , .
vor to his company President of the Board of Trustees
ntage of the — of the city of Bunt in�;ton Beach , -
g with the California. Attest . . . .
t was moved by -- City Clerk and ex-officio Clark -�
to adjourn to _ of the Board. of Trustees of the
City of Huntington Reach , Calif -
C�erk . -- --i
io lerk