HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-02-05 " �--_- --- -- Demands City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal . Feb 5, 1917. all ov Cc Regular Board of Trustees met in regular session and was called --1 meet ing . ? -- to order at 7.30 P..'��j.by President Helme . --- Roll call . Trustees present , Helme , Chapin, Huston, Tarbox, Decker. Absent , None . Hinutes Minutes of January meetings read and approved. ----- approved . Reports of Reports of Recorder , Building Inspector , Electrician s� Officers , and City Clerk read and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Tarbox were accepted and ordered placed on file . Representative of the "Vim" Chemical Auto Truck, Fire Fire Truck . fight ing apparatus was present .and as he desired was permitted to speak to the Board , no adtion was taken. City Electrician Clerk read the resignation of Mr. R. L. Ross of the -� Ross , position of City Electrician and it was moved by Trustee - --- - resigns . Huston seconded by Trustee Decker that the resignation be 4 E accepted . Carried. t E. Probert , Application of Mr. E. Probert for thedposition of .City ----- appointed . Electrician was read and on motion by Trustee Tarbox, seconded by Trustee Decker he was appointed. as City Electrician. - Ej �100 .00 The Clerk read a communication from the Municipal Band i�---- appropriated organization requesting $100.00 from Music and Promotion Fund Some for to assist in securing Instruments and Music and it was moved - rougi Municipal by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Huston that $100 .00 st ] Band. be appropriated for this purpose and that it be understood Report that the City Clerk would have charge of such Instruments as 'i were purchased and care for them for the city . Carried . -' Gas 'Dept The bill of the Gas Department for sundry Gas Lamps and bill Lat erial used in the city work was presented and it was -- — allowed . moved by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Huston put add carri ed that the amount , $91 .55 be t ransf erred f rom the — Valuat j ---- General to the Gas Dept . Fund. i of E-- - - The matter of the display at the Oran e Show at San hater Display a� ip Y g ti Syate Ban Berdoo . Bernardino was presented to the Board by Mr. Armitage who l - i Orange said that if .the city cared to help in the making of a _ Show . relief map of the coast the city 's share of the cost would Ad jourr V35,00 be about „ 33 .00 and it was moved by Trustee Huston, seconded to appropriated . by Trustee Chapin, put and carried that Board apprppriat e i Feb .12 the money for one-third of the expense not to exceed35.00 . Tent .City Co , Mr. C. W. Warner appeared for the Tent City Co , asking � Approved . , want co-open the city to co-operate with the said company in getting out r Pre sfdF in advertis- a circular advertising the advantages of Huntington Beach of the ---- ir_g , and it was moved by Trustee Chapin, .seconded by Trustee Decker , put and carried that the President appoint a committee - --- of one to work with Mr. Varner on the matter , j ;w0,00 It was moved by Trustee Tarbox , seconded by Trustee Decker r---- appropriated . put and carried that a sum not to exceed $30.00 be appropriated to cover the expense of this advertising , . -- ---- Chapin on Fluesident Helme appointed Trustee Chapin as this corn- committee . mittee. -1 Demands having been approved by the Finance r. � Demands Following n , allowed . Committee it was moved by Trustee Decker , seconded by Trustee Chapin that they be allowed: G. W. Spencer , Mtl . 41 .05;A.P.Nelson , Sal . %0 .00 Std .Oil Co . Oil & G 21 .70;F.I .Rrown, Lab . 2 .50 H.E.French, Lab . 5. ;R.D.Gillizon,Lab. 5.00 J,T.Reed , Lab . 3 .7 5;D.T.Rasham, Lab . 7 .50 F .P.Basham, Lab.. 11 .40;W.S. Jones , Lab . 9 .20 S.S.Rurgy , Lab. 1 .05; J.Schenk , Lab . 7 . 50 J.W.Elkins , Lab. 13 ,10; J. Washburn,Lab , 22 .05 - - -- R.Clark, Lab ., 9 .20; J.Vierwinder ,Lab . 6 .25 F.Kerr, Teamin&; 13 . 50;T . J.Jordan, Lab. 46. I - - Geo.Foltz , Lab, 2 .50; N.Mallett , _Lab , 1 .25 310 Feb, 5th , 1917 . Demands R D Gillison Lab 4 84;Wood Lbr,Co. 11 .44 Cal , Feb 5, 1917, � � . A � , Lbr. -- _ allowed . H.Mueller TIfg,Co,Fit33 ,31;HQMueller Mfg ,Co .Fitg . 32 .40 Cont . Rex Furnace Co .Fur , 36, ; S;C,Rlue Pr.Co , Sup. 9 .28 Lon and was called C,E,Lavering , Ekp. F116.91; H,R.Boynton & CO.Mtl , 46 .31 Geo,Gunn, Teamg 7 ,00;Ed.h1anning ; Mtl & Lab, 4.90 - J. Carroll , Lab . 5. ; 1st Nat 1 Bk . Rent . 110 . Vit rolit e C o Co .Tc i.]_�-,11 .20; R.H.Dow , Rlksmth . 7 .90 )n, Tarbox, Decker. - " Rel .Gas Reg.Co,Reg .232 .50; Sheet M.Wks , Sh .Met . 7 .90 F.W.Parcel , Weeds . .50; Nutt ,ae .Musse11 .Weeds . 3 .20 C.G.Stover , IRr,Tubing .75;E , Miller, La.b, 72 .80 Lpproved. J P.Ringville , Lab. 4.00;Mrs,E,Miller, Jan. 15. S.C.Gas.Co. lltl . 10.80; S,C.Gas Co. Gas, 449 .50 )r Electrician A.W,Morehouse , Haul . 9 .25; LaR, Tile Co.F�k & Cl . .73 1st Natl Bk . .L.Co : <"0 E,K,,Meserve Lab 25.00 - ;e Chapin seconded � � � � l placed on file , - 114.20; D.Sheehan, Lab. 11 . 70 J,W.Walker, Lab . 15.60;Gen,G.L.Co, Lps,etc ,236,70 - tuto Trusk, Fire F;W.Parcel , Lab. 22,15;R.Blodgett , Lab. 4,15 ,sired was permitted O,E.Haws , Lab. 5. ; K.M. & C,CO, Ofs sup, 4.87 City Garage , Tires e52 .05; Nutt ,ac .Frenchtab . 4.50 Cont 1 ,Nat l .Bk .St .Imp39 .10; C,W.Viarner, Sal . 15 . 1' Ross of the - Nutt , C.R.Sal & Ex .M 71.57; C.R,Nutt , C1er ,Lab . 75 . red by Trustee K. M. & C. Co .Of s® 6,08; Geo.A.Shank , Sal . 15 .00 J, J,Conrad ,Pr. & Pub . G,Dowty .. Sal . 60. _ resignation be Carried. 130.25; C.Sailsbury , Garb . 29 . - P.L.& P,Co . Light , 69 ,55;F.L.Snyder , Lab. 85. _ C.E.Lavering , Fees236,90;H,Baskerville ,Fsh. 21 .70 1 position of City E.E.French , Sal . 10. ; J.Tinsley , Sal & Ex. t,'78.15 ee Tarbox seconded ' F.M.Brunton Sal , 65. G,W.Spencer , Sal , 150 . Electrician. - H.R,Co, Phone & W. 158 .43;R.L,Ross ,Fees . Jan. 14.15 .e Municipal Band R.L.Ross ,Fees Dec . 1 .50; C.V,Shank , Rent . Jan 40 . and Promotion Fund Some Mr. French castled the attention of the Board to n that 100.00 and it was moved rough the condition of the Avenues , Walnut , Olive and Orange - 1J0 st reetEast of llth St . and all of them West of llth St . as being t be understood - Reported. in very unservicable condition. Mr Whitney also said a few - ch Instruments as j words as to Walnut Ave . between 12th and 13th , said he had Uy .. Carried . repaired some of the chuck holes with good result and it - dry Gas Lamps and was moved by Trustee Tarbox , seconded by Trustee Chapin d and it was that the matter be referred to the City Manager with power -� Huston put add - to act . Carried. � -- red f ron. the - Valuation The City Engineers report on valuation of Water Plant of _--4 of H. B. Co. was presented and as the hour was getting late it e Show at San - 1,ater was moved by Trustee Tarbox seconded by Trustee Chapin that . Armitage who Syat em . the report be accepted and placed on file to be brought up making of a on call . Carried,the cost would Huston, seconded Adjourned It was moved by Trustee Tarbox , seconded by Trustee Decka, rd apprppriat e - to that the Board adjourn to Monday , Feb 12th , 1917 , at 7 .30 to exceed 35.00 , Feb .12 , P.IA. Carried . City getting asking -- Approved . ��/� OL -- -- -- - City Clerk y g tins out, President of the /,�oard of Trustees rnt i ngt on Reach of the city of Kuntinaton Reach , i by Trustee California . ippoint a committee - �d by Trustee Decker - Attest . 04(h --a .00 be appropriated City PU-1erk and ex-off ici!- Lnkr of the Roard of Trusteeshe as this corry City of Tiunt ingt on Reach/Calif. by the Finance - ;conded by Trustee Sal . %0 ,00 Lab . 2 .50 -- -- >n,Lab. 5 ,00 Lab . 7 . 50 Lab . 9 .20 Lab . 7 . 50 _ -- i,Lab, 22 ,05 __ l r ,Lab . 6 .25 - Lab. 46, Lab . 1 .25