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_ T City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal . -- Feb . 12 , 1917 . Adjourned Persuant to adjournment of Feb 5th , 1917 . the Board regular . of Trustees of the city of Huntington Beach met in regular - -- - session and was called t o .order by President Helme . Ad jourted Regular . Roll call . Trustees present , Helme , Huston, Decker and Chapin. Absent , Tarbox. I I Main Street Pet it ion of property owners on ?'fain Street for a Gas Roll Call . - — grope rty Lighting system on that thoroughfare was presented and it. was owners moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee Decker that request gas the request be granted and that the City Engineer be instruct- Pendleton an lighting ed to prepare plans and specifications for same . I.Ielton ask syst errs . The mot ian was put and carried . j transfer of -__--_ License fro t J.L,Sanders Request of J. L. Sanders for permission to remove ; White . --- requests Scrub Pines f rom in f ront of his place in Vista Del TAar permission and in their place plant Redwoods ,was presented and on motion — --- to by Trustee Huston seconded by Trustee Chapin was referred { replace trees . to the City 1.1anager .. Frank ` - -- - Prunt on Southern Cos Request of the Southern Counties Gas Co . , in per- Want s Gas . -- Gas Co . suance of agreement , for permit to lay , reconstruct and Franchise . maintain a four inch Gas Main on Aampshire Avenue for a - -- --- period of ten years was presented and on motion by Trustee Huston seconded by 'Trustee Chapin the President of the Board Potter re/ was authorized to sign the franchise as requested. y Hathaway --- U prope rt y City Clerk Full report of the City Clerk and City Treasurer Ocean Ave and after a full audit and comparison of the books , was Taxes . Treasurer presented and read and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded report . by Trustee Huston was accepted and placed on file . County and ` - - -- City apply i - - - Huston on 2n thee.absencei:of:� Trust-e.e LTtarbexr,.Trust,ee•t �iust-otltwas J to R.R.Corr Fin. Coin . appointed to serve on Finance Committee temporarily. for a pei - -- to cross S,l .Demands The Finance Committee having reported favoribly .on with Clay c, - -- allowed . the following Demands they were allowed on motion by at Testf a] Trustee Huston seconded by Trustee Decker: - -- E. A. Neilson, $12 .00 ` Geo . A. Rirkel Co. 40 .00 Cormnittee or -- Tat er syst F make repoi -� ----- H a 'R. C o , -- make propos 9 I -i------ Adjourn to There being no further business before the Board it Feb 19th . was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Huston - . ;-- — that the Board adjotiirn to Monday, Feb.19th , 1917 at 7.30 I p.m.. I =- Adjourned .' ----- Approved 4yvl rk . President 'hoard of T rust ses �- - - - - City of. Huntington Reach . California. Attest _ Approved. City CTerk and ex-Fffzci© Clerk _ Pres of the Roard of Trustees of the City { City of Hunt ingt on Beach , Calif ® . I - k i 1 i