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3 35 : City Hall , Huntington Reach , Cal . Jtily 21 191.7. Board of Regular. Regi.lar meet ing of the Board of Trustees . >ygPresident ular Roll call . Trustees present Huston, Vavra and Chapin. ------,; l Tarbox . Huston Pres. p/t . On motion of Trustee Chapin Trustee Huston was elected President protein. -- - - -ng Yorktown Less than 2/3 Less than two-thirds of the Board being present it ------ -!' ;ime and was - of Board was moved by Trustee Vavra, seconded by Trustee Chapin iuston, passed Pres�]it. move put and carried to adjourn to Tuesday July 3rd , 1917 , at - _ to adjourn to 10 oclock , A. M. _ ;1 )x. July 3 , 10 am. It Clerk. ---- ,� -- City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal . ------ Lng release July 3 , 1917 . j rit ed and read 1 ~----1i- ar of release J Regular meeting: Persuant to adjournment of July 2nd, . 1917 , the Board of was deferred Trustees met in .regular session and was called to order by - --�" oper resolution; President Tarbox at 10 oclock A. M. Roll call , Trustees present Tarbox, Huston , Vavra and Chapin, h lots "A" & Absent Trustee Decker . operty owners motion by Reports of Reports of City Recorder , City Electrician , 'Building ter was refermZ - Officers Inspector , City Treasurer and City Clerk were presented presented. and on Motion by Trustee . Chapin seconded by Trustee Vavra - - were ordered placed on file . -_-. (7 tables) e Spyb©z,� - Report of Report of the Library Board for the year was presented ------ resented Library Board . also budget for ensuing year and a recommendation signed by for year . the President and Secretary of the Library Board asking that -- — --j rustee Huston y y g Re conimendat ions Mrs. Manning be reappointed on the Board and that err, H. T . �! for Dunning be appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the de- ~-- - y , from the Library Trustees . paxture and resignation of I4nr . A. E. Paine , and it was moved al. Edison by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee' Vavra that the ap-point- � ment be so made . Carried. --� Improvement S..A•Directory Co . Coin municat ion .from the S• A. Directory Co asking $25. 00 _ it ask pay for for for advertisrnent in all the Directories they are getting v ' Jun 22nd, - advert isement , out and it was moved -by Trustee Vavra, seconded by Trustee Huston , put and carried that no appropriation be nmade . d and requestd she was �° Clerk to draw Moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin that for same . Warrant for Clerk be .instructed to draw Warrant on' Music and Promotion ---- h ( Red Cross sub- Fund for $100.00 to pay Red Cross subscription. Carried, . rustee Chapin E scription, p� the Board '200 .00 Question of Uniforms for the Municipal Band was brought y appropriated for up and it was moved by Trustee Huston aec_tnded by Trustee d Band Uniforms . Vavra that $200 .00 be appropriated from the Music and Pro- y Clerk. 6 motion Fund to purchase same . Car ried. r Demands allowed . The Finance CoTafLittee, having approved of the Demands --y_ it was moved by Trustee Huston seconded by Trustee Chapin that they be allowed as follows .. 4.50; Pac Meter Co . 150 .00 t rk -- Ri ngvi l l e , P. he H. B. Co . 8.55; H. R. Co . 5 .20 if < Bergey , S. S. 51. 63; S. C. Gas Co . 547 .05 First Natl Bank , 84,30; Warner , C. W. 15.00 ; --- Laver ing , C. E. 90,00; Brunton , F . M. 65.00 ----- i Conrad , J. J. 74.75; Tinsley , J. 91 .50 Shank , G • A. 15.00; Shank , Cora V. 40 .00 �- -- - French , E. E • 10 .00; Endicott , C. H. 50 .00 Creamer , V. 4. 53; S. ' Cal Edison, Co 76.86 - "-- -, _ S. Cal Edison Co. 7 7 ,,98; Cit y Garage , 37 .00 -Nutt Chas . R 64 31 • Nutt Chas,; R. 75.00 East Side Water ,Co .15,00; H. B° Water Co . 146.56 -- -� State Comp, Ins .Fd . $100 .00 --- f