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City Engr to
prepare plans
City Hall , Huntington Reach , Cal . for Coast plans
Sept 4, 1917 , Roa
to S.E,Limits
Regular , - Board of Trustees .-.et in regular session pursuant to City Atty , to
adjournment of Sept 3rd, and was called to order at 8 oclock draw Ordinanc
P. IA.by President Tarbox.
Roll call . Trustees present Tarbox , Huston, Vavra, Chapin & Decker . Rill Boards
Reports of Reports of officers we.re-,-rread and on motion by Trustee
Officers . Chapin se-bonded by Trustee Huston were accepted and ordered
filed .
Spec .�i 18 . Specifications No . 18 establishing grades on portions Adj . to 9/24
Gradina & of the following streets and avenues , First , Second, Third,
Oiling , Lake , Walnut and Olive was read and on motion by Trustee
- A.dorYted. Chapin seconded by Trustee Vavra was adopted, Approved.
Res ,318 . Resolution No . 318 being a resolution of Intention to
--� intention to improve portions of First , Second and Third. Streets was read ��
improve and on Motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Decker was .
lst ,2nd & 3rd , passed and adopted by the following, vote; President o:
adopted . Ayes , Trustees Decker , Huston , Vavra, Chapin and Tarbox , of the 'cit,
Noes , None . C:
Absent , None .
Gas Bill It was moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee
-- paid. Vavra that the Gas bill of the city for the past four months
amounting to $45.85 be allowed and that. the said amount be
4---~ t rantf erred f rorn the General to the Gas Dept . Funds in payment
motion was put and carri-:d .
Deuands On motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Huston,
allowed ." the following Demands approved by the Finance Committ ee were
allowed :
Turner , G. C. 9'Jee4s , 5.06; Jack Given , Weeds , 18 .75 j
Dukes , R, " 5. ; Brunton, I. " 20.93
Hudson, J. " 13 .43; Given, John " 8 . 12
--- Hodge , J. " 19 .70; Hawes , D. " 22 .20
Steans , L. " 23 .12; lvleserve , K. " 3 .75
Rundschuh , G. " 9 , ; Johnson , C. L. 5 ,
Robertson , B.R. " 14.37; Snyder, K. " 16.03
Wills , 'Al. A. Labor. 29 .70; McDonald , W. C. Gas D. 10.62.
Fink , H. ',Needs , 5. ; Rennie , A. Weeds , 23 . 75 .
-- Sheehan, D. , Labor , 5. ; Hudson , J. " 5.31
Ringville , P. if 4. 50; Endicott. , C.E. 1I.& P. 30.
--- Snyder, F.L. Gas Dep100 , ; Page , Rennie , Labor. 56 ,40
- Cor_rad , JoJ. Prints . ?? , ; H. R. Co. Ad'for Gas . 5.
Hall , Mrs. G.A. Jan, 15. ; Edgerton, G. Heaters , 15.60
Std. Oil Go .Gas etc . 45 .59; Spencer , S. W. Sal . 200 . .
F- Anderson , W.R. E1, 1 .90; Washburn, J. Garbage . 29 .
Spencer , G.W. Sup . 264. 50; H. R . Co. Phone . 8 .25 • ;-
I H. R. Co, St . Imp. 385.75; Arrow Garage , Auto hire . 2 . 50 -
�. Gen,Gas .Lt .Co.lamps . 26.44; City Treas . Int on St .Imp . 15.40 -
City Treas . Int on St .21 .96; Catching , G. Clerical . 60 .
------- earner , C . W. R e c . 15. ; Nutt . C.R.Sal & Ex. 66 .06.
Nutt , C R. Clerical . 75. ; Shank , Cora V. Rent , 40 .
--- ----- Brunton , F .M. Forestr . 65 . ; French , E. E. Bldg Insp. 10 .
14anning , E. Plumbs , 6. 55; Wharton , W.R. Spl Police . 21 ,
-_-- J Tinsley , J. Sal & Ex .' 91 . 65; Wood Lbr.Co . Lbr.. .60 ,
Adair , lam , Toilet 'Pap . .67; Rushard , L. J. Street rep.149 .31'
L.A.Rub .St .Co.D--L tags .3 .05; E.S..Water Co . Hyd . 15.
_ Nelson, A.P. Sal . 50 . ; Shank, G.A. Sal , 15. I
----- Garage , City. Hire :°33 .,85; State Coh . Ins Fd . .57
H.R.Wat ::-r. Co . Hyd et6159 ,28; S. C , Gas Co . Gas . 699 . 60
i °
Report on City Miana er made report on cast of erection of toilets -
1 cost of and tool house in Circle Park that such structure would cost
�- toilets in about 0400.00 -
Park .
------- City Clerk was instructed to notify City Electrician to -
render regular monthly reports ,
J -3 -
Sept 4th 2 .
City Engr to It was moved by Trustee Vbv.rd-,) seconded by Truetee
Beach , prepare plans Chapin, put and carried that City Engineer be instrtcted to
, Cal . for Coast Road JD(repare plans and specifications for the construction of
1917 . to S.E.Limits . the Coast Road to the South East City Limits .
,pursuant to City Atty . to , It was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded- by Trustee Hus-
3r at 8 oclock u J
draw Ordinance ton put and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to
eliminating prepare an Ordinance to eliminate-i Bill Boards from klxx
iapin & Decker . e 'Rill Poards , within the city limits .
can by Trustee
i and ordered
on port ions
Adj . to 9/24 , No further business appearing it was Moved by Trust,.---
econd, Third,
by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Vavra put and carried that the
Board adjourn to Monday Sept 24th at 8 oclock P.M.
Intention to
reets was read City Clerk,,
ustee Decker was
if �r�zt�President of 'Bo*ard *o * T'ri 5 -,e.s
nd Tarbox , of the 'city of Aunt in;ton Teach
by Trustee Atta-st . . . . . . . . .
st four months City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
id amount be of the Board of Trustees of the
Funds in payment city. of Huntington Beach , Cal .
rust e,e Huston,
'ocatittee were
1P .75
8 . 12
22 .20
5 .75
5 .
9's D. 10.62-
25 . 75 -
5.31 .
8- P. 30.
r. 56 .40 -
i'l . 200 .
Iola . 29 . -
8 .25 .
hire . 2 .50 -
St Imp . 15.40 ,
Leal . .60 .
X . 66 .06,
at 40 .
I nsp. 10 .
Police . 21 .
.60 ,
tact rep. 149 .,31,
699 . 60
Lon of toilets I
ire would cost
Ue,ctrician to