HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-12-03 6�
City Hall , � City Mgr .
-� Huntington Reach , Cal . +
Dec 3 , 1917 . call for X on ToiletE
Regular Meeting . Board of Trustees met in regualr session. -
Circle Paz
- Roll call . Trustees present Chapin, Huston , Vavra, Deokeir , j Adj . to 12
Absent , Pres . Tarbox .
{ Approved
Huston Chairman Moved by Truatee Chapin seconded by Vavra, put and
Pre tem. carried that Trustee Huston act i as Chairman Pro tem. Presiders
f Cow. on Fire Committee on Fire truck made report by City Manager +
of the
- - Truck report . Spencer that it was the unanimous opinion of the Committee C
that the city purchase a Model . "Ty Ford truck with wore t
,i drive and build body to. suit using present equipment as
-~ far as possible .
-� -~ Moved b Trustee Vavra seconded b Trustee. Chapin
,4 Report accepted. Y , Y p
,- put and carried that the report be accepted.
{� Model "T" Moved by Chapin seconded by Decker that City Manager
Ford truck be instructed to advertise for one Model "T" Ford Truck .
r- - to be ordered. motion was put and carried.
Oil Kettle Corrariittee appointed to secure kettle for heating oil Regular,
• k_�_ ordered. for street repairs reported that the order had been placed
Committee and it was moved by Vavra seconded by Decker that the Com® I
mittee be discharged, a Roll call .
discharged . �g ..
Officers Reports of Recorder, City Clerk. , Building Inspector ;.� Reso . 320 .
reports . and it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Decker endorsing
_ put and carried that reports be accepted and placed on file . Newport haE
:f Application Communication was read from the R. R. Commission acknow® Ir prover�,c
acknowlen ged edging receipt of application for grade crossing and giving
! by R. R. Corsi, it File No . 3331. '
-- Ord. 1 . /�`Y Ordinance N . Establishing grades on a portion of Ad ' to
Gradson Ocean Avenue and a portion of Coast Boulevarde was read for # 1�/l7/17
Ocean the first time . J
f Ord . Ordinance No . - Requiring the Sunday closing of l
'F- Sunda Barber Shops was read for the first time .
closers Tax Collector requested authority to correct an error Approved, ,
g . in Assessment Book account assessment of a lot that does President
Tax Collector not appear on the ma authority was ranted on motion by',
1 of the
authorized to pp- p, Y g i j
correct an Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Vavra. Amount of cor-
- error, rect i.on; $5.40 (Lot 37 , Block 1:803 , Tract No . 51 . ) i
Ci �y Attorney Nelson requested authority of the Board
H.C.assist Head At to associate with him Mr. H. C. Head , in suit brought by �
- the Holland Construction. Co . Mr. Head having been- the City 1
Nelsonn.. Attorney. at the tirr►e the dadL1&rgwas had with said company,
authority was grarttyed on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by j
Trustees Decker.
Demands having been approved b Finance Coaffittee it
I Demands 5 pp Y
allowed. was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Vavra, put
'- and carried that they be allowed . Demamds as follows: No quorum.
{€ Newland, M. J. 2 .70; E. K. Wood Lbr.. Co. 1 .12 j
Bergey, G. S. 14.25; Laveririg , C. E. 2 .16
- Cannady , T. R. 5. ; Arrow Garage , 3 .25
S.C.Blue Print Co . 3 .72; Hall, Mrs . G. A. 15.
---_-� Snyder, F. L. 100. ; Claussen , Effie S. .75
Davis , L. .75; Beson, E. W. 132 .30
' - -_- Washburn ,- Jow .. 29 . ; Nutt , Chas . R. 75. r -
__ Finley , S. H. 15. ; H. R. Co . 7 .50 No quorum.
Kingsley , M.& C.Co . 18.50; Nelson , A. P. 60.75 7 -
Tinsley . J. 91 .45; Anderson, W. R. 38.89
Nutt , Chas . R. 60.10; H. ' 'ER.' Co. 156. 15 - Approved. J
_ Brunton, F. M. 75. ; Miller, Earl . 75. Preside
City Garage , 15.40; VeLapp , T. C. 10. of th
-- Shank , Cora V. 40. ; Tarbox , W. E. 30.
Decker , H. C. 3.0. ; Huston , D. W. 30.
i Shank , Geo . A. 15. ; Spencer, G. W. 200. -
Chapin, R. H. 30. ; Vavra, J. 35.
; -- French. E . E. 10. ; Warrior , C. W. 15 . __J
Catchipg , G. 60. ; Gunn, Earl , 4.25
Carrpbeal, W. L. 1 .25; Ringville , P. 31 . 50
So . Cal . Edison , 66.29; Conrad , J. J. 3 .25
So. Coast Imp. Assn , 75. ; Endicott , C . H. 50. -- �
_ First Natl Bank .Holbrook .52 . ; S. C. -Gas . Co . 727 .48
Polland , G. A3 4.45; Pac . Meter Co . 197 . --�
Rel . Gas Reg . Co . 7 .50; Manning, Ed . 11.90
S. C. Gas Co . 7 .90; S.C.Gas Co . 12.75 - _
34 1
�- Dec . 31117 ,
City Mgr , to It was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Decker. --
3 ' 1917 . call for bids that City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids
, -_ _ on Toilets for the construction of toilets in Circle Park as per Am -
on. Circle Park , plans and specifications , .Put and carried.
Ad ' . to 12
Decker , / It was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Charm
pin to adjourn to Monday , December loth , 1917 , at 7 .30 p.m.
-- - _--- ���� Carried. --
vra, put .and
Pro tem. _ ,• � -a
President of the Roard of Trustees 7� - -
of the City f � %
City Manager ---, — Y o Huntington Reach , City Clerk. - - -
f the Corrmiittee j Calif®(rnia. ;
ck with worm
equipment as Attest . . . . .16. �` `
City Clerk and ex-offici.o lerk ---I
of the Roard of Trustees of the
ustee Chapin ---- City of Huntington Reach ,/Cal. -- j
.t City Manager _ k City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal
It Ford Truck . December 10, 1917.
or heating oil Regular, Pursuant to adjournment of Dec . 3rd, Roard of Trustees i
had been placed met in regular session and was called to order by President
r, that the C om- Tarbox. —
_ Roll call . Trustees present Tarirox, Huston and Decker. 1
in Inspector ` — Reso , 32C . Resolution No . 2211 320 being a resolution
g p � endorsing o g n endorsing
by Trustee DeckLpr -- T g the Improving of Newport .Harbor was read and passed and - 1
.d placed on file . r�ewport harbor adopted by the following vote:
Cormi-iission acknow- Improvement . Ayes . Trustees Huston , Decker and Tarbox , -
ssing and giving Noes , None .
Absent , Vavra and Chapin. - -
on a portion of Ad ' to
rde was read for On motion the meeting adjourned to Monday , Dec 17th ,
12/17/17 1917 , at 7 ,30 P.M.
closing of
— 1 - Approved . . %.� . . --
orrect an error President of the Roar - City Clerk .
lot that does �---; � d of T stew '
of the city of Huntington Reach .
d on motion by'- _ _ California. �.
mount of cor- -
''o Attest ) ° .- .fit.. . s . . .
ty of the Board -- — City Clerk and ex officio Cler ---
.t1 brought by of the Board of Trustees of the
,g been- the City City of Huntington Beach , Cal . -
h said company,
Chapin seconded by --
City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal ,
e Committee it Dec. 17 , 1917 _
.stee Vavra, put _
as follows: No quorum. No quorum and President adjourned the meeting to
,r, Co. 1. 12 December 24th, 1917 . 7 .30 P.M.
E. 2 .16
3 .25
A. 15. City Clerk.
ie S. .75 -- City Hall Huntington Reach ., Cal . _
132 ,30 I Dec 24, 1917 .
75. IF
7 .50 No quorum. No quorum and President adjourned meeting,
60.75 A —
156. 15 - i-- Approved
75. i President of the Roard *f Trustees ��
City lerk,
10. of the city of Huntington Beach , j
50. Calif orni a.,
i-- Attest
. City Clerk and ex-off ci.o Cler
5° .--j of the Board of Trustees of the\ - 1
31 . 50 7-- City of Huntington Beach , Cal .
3 ,25
H. 50, - -�
727 .48 i
197 . -- !
10.75 -a