HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-12-17 34-9', Dec . 3 , 117 , City Mgr . to It was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Decker. -- fT call for bids that City Manager be instructed to .advertise for bids 3 , 1917 . j on Toilets for the construction of toilets in Circle Park as per ,3 Circle Park , plans and specifications Put and carried. Adj . to 12/10 It was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Cha- pin-- - pin to adjourn to Monday , December loth , 1917 , at 7 .30 p.m. Approved Carried. vra, put .and f�c Pro tea,. - -= . . . ' . y- . 1� , President of the Roard of Trustees J of the City of Huntington Reach , City Clerk. -- City Namager Calif sv�nia, m•, f the Comitt,ee ' 1 ck with worm --1 equipment as Attest . �` E . . City Clerk and ex-officio lark of the Roard of Trustees of the "ust ee Chapin --- - City of Huntington Reach , Cal . ---' ,t City Manager City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal °1 Ford Truck . December 10, 1917. --- Regular, - --- --i or heating oil Pursuant to adjournment of Dec 3rd, Board of Trustees had been placed __ met in regular session and was called to order by President ' - — j Tarbox. ,r. that the Com- Roll call . Trustees present Tarbrox, Huston and Decker . ---i Reso. 320 , Resolution No . ZXR 320 being a resolution endorsing ling Inspector endorsing the Improving of Newport .Harbor was read and passed and -- ' by Trustee Decker --- Newport harbor adopted by the following vote; id placed, on file . Im roverrent . - Corrn�iission acknow® p Ayes . Trustees Huston , Decker and Tarbox , Noes , None , )sing and giving ? Absent , Vavra and Chapin • -- -� on a portion of Ad ' to On motion the meeting adjourned to Monday , Dec 17th • �rde was read for 13/17/17 1917 , at 7 .50 P.M. ' closing of ' ����� Approved, . r?' • .��. City Clerk , -- ,orrect an error r-- -{ President of •the Board of T zstees • lot that does -- of the city of Huntington. Reach . ,d on motion by `- California, Lmount of cor- n --� r�a Attest , ,ty off the Board City Clerk and ex officio Clerk -- t; t - ��—'U11 brought by. of the Board of Trustees of th,� 7g been' the City City of Huntington Reach , Cal . -- -,h said company, Chapin seconded by -- City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal ,,e Corranittee it Dec. 17 , 1917 istee Vavra, put as follows: No quorum. No quorum and President adjourned the meeting to >r . C o. 1.12 ' December 24th , 1917 . 7 .30 P.M. r---; . E. 2 . 16 3 . A. 15.25 City Clerk . ---� 'ie S. .75 r - City Hall Huntington Reach , Cal . - - 132 .30 ! Dec 24, 1917 . _ 2.. 75. --, i 7 .50 No quorum, No quorum and President adjourned meeting. 60.75 R 38.89 - 156. 15 a Approved. 4 75. President of the Board f Trustees City ler -- 10. of the city of Huntington Beach , a 50''. Calif amni , 3Q• N. 200, F-- -- Attest , 35. City •Clerk and ex-off oio Cler•• 15• — i of the Board of Trustees of they 4>25 City of Huntington Beach , Cal . 51 . 50 - --- 3 .25 L H. 50• - 727 .48 197 . - ,j- 11.90 12.73 -- -�