HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918-01-21 52 i City Hall , Huntington Beach , January 21 , 1918. 1 Adj . Reg , Pursuant to adjournment of January 7th ,�918, ' the J Regular Board (off Trustees of the city of Huntington Beach met ___--^ at 7.50 P.M. ! - - - -- Roll call . Trustees present , Vavra, Decker , Chapin and Huston. - Roll cal Trustees absent , Tarbox. Huston , It was moved by Trustee Chapin aeconded by Trustee Vavra Minutes �" --- Chairman p,t that Trustee Huston act as Chairman pro tem. Carried. - ---- --- — Petition for Petition from 15 citizens for the establishment of a - Officers street light street light at the corner of Orange and llth Street was report -- -"--- llth & read and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee - j Orange . Vavra was referred to the City Manager . - --- Ord . 189 Ca1 .Traff is Communication from Y1r, M. F. Brown, San Mateo , Cal . Poundirias- Off icers Assn . Secretary of the California Traffic Officers Assn. request- Passed a: $25 .00 ing the assistance of all counties and municipalities in adopt appropriated a financial way to sustain the good work of the Association ---- and dues in securing a standardization of Traffic Laws in the dif- - -- of City ferent States , Counties and Cities of the country and also - Marshal . asking that the Traffic Officer and others connected with the handling traffic become members of the Association, was -- - - read and it was moved by Trustee Vavra, seconded by Trustee --� Chapin, put and carried that the city appropriate $25.00 Ord , 190 -- to the Cal. . Traffic Officers Assn, and pay the annual dues - Junk Deaj to the Association for the membership of the City Marshal License -----�- as Traffic Officer . 1st reads i Ordinance to Cot,,imuni cation f rort, ---" _ discourage accompanied with copies of Ordinances adopted by the city of Ord, 191 , ` Auto & San Francisco intended to discourage the theft of Automobiles Motorcycle Motorcycles and parts thereof , was read and it was, moved by election, Reg Muni Thefts , Trustee Vavra, seconded by Trustee Decker , put and carried ----a .� that the City Attorney be instructed to draft and ordtnance covering the various points in the ordinances submitted DIemands --------- that are not already covered by Ordinances of this city . ---� allowed Ord . 188 Ordinance No , 188 regulating the sale of bread in this Saleof Bread city and the weight thereof and repealing all ordinances or ---_-- repeals parts of ordinances in conflict therewith was read for the -- Ord .No . 178 . second time and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by -- Adopted , Trustee Decker was passed and adopted by the following vote: I _ Ayes , Trustees Decker , Vavra, Chapin, Huston,- Noes , None . -" J Absent , Tarbox, f Ord . 189 . Ordinance No . 189 being an ordinance establishing the Poundmaster , office of Poundmaster and defining his duties , was read for let reading the first time . f Complaint , Mrs. A. P. Nelson reported plowmen leaving a great deal of dirt on sidewalks in N. W. Part of city amd also that - Garbage man was neglecting the residences along 18th St and vicinity. I Emergency. Dr. Shank , City Health Officer cane before the Board and - �.--_ -- - 'Hospital . in the matter of establishing an Emergency Hospital suggested the use of one of the rooms of his suite in the Johnson Bldg , `------"- without expense to the city except in the matter of blankets and stretcher and it was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin , put and carried that the City Manager be _ instructed to take up matter of furnishing such .things for Comfort St -� Emergenby Hospital , as per suggestions of Dr. Shank , with on Pier . the Board of Health. Adj . There being no further business it was moved by Trustee d Vavra seconded by Trustee Uhapin, put and ,carried to adjourn, --- Approved . Boat landing . ' fig ,� ,City President ?hoard of Trustees -Attest , ,, - -I City of Huntington Beach , Cal . City Clerk & ex-off� cio Clei Board of Trustees .. _-