HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918-02-04 T 35 31 aach ., City Hall , February 4th 1918 . 21 , 1918. Huntington Beach, Calif . ,7918, the Board of Trustees of the city Of Huntington Beach Beach met Regular meeting .met in regular session at 7 .50 P.1,1. President Tarbox presiding . i and Huston . Roll, call , Trustees present , Tarbox, Decker, Vavra, Huston and Chapin) Absent , none . I by Trustee Vavra Carried. Minutes approved. Minutes of January meetings read and approved . Officers )lishment of a Reports of Officers read and on motion b# Trustee ;h Street was reports . Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin were accepted and ordered 3d by Trustee placed on file . Ord . 189 , Ordinance No . 189 ., entitled An ordinance establishing i Mateo , Cal . Poundmast er the office of Poundmaster and instituting a City Pound, ; Assn. request- Passed and making it unlawful to permit certain animals to run at large , ,ipalitiaB in adopted ; providing for impounding fees , Dog licenses and fees therefor. the Association was read for the second time and on motion by Trustee Chapin rs in the dif- seconded by Trustee Decker was passed and adopted by the f ol-1. )untry and also lowing vote: Ayes ,, Trustees Decker, Vavra, Huston, Chapin, & .onnected with Tarbox. �ssociation, was Noes , None . )nded by Trustee Absent , None,. )riate $25.00 ;he annual dues Ord . 190 , Ordinance No. 190., ent it led An Ordinance providing for the ► City Marshal Junk Dealers Licensing of Junk Dealers and Junk Collectors , Providing for License , the collection of License feeB ,, fixing a penalty for theQ 1st reading , violation thereof and repealing ordinances in conflict there- with. " was read for the first time . �d iy *& *cit* of y Ord. 191 . ift of Automobiles Ordinance No. 191 , entitled "An ordinance providingfor Reg .' Muni . the holding of a general municipal election on. the 8th day it was, moved by election. )ut and carried n of April , 1918 , for the election. of City Officials , etc ."'t anii otd':Lnance er as read for the -first time , s submitted Demands )f this city. The following Demands having been approued b the - allowed .' ante Committee were on motion by Trustee ChaDin sey conded.Fin by if bread in this Trustee Decker , ordered taid: l ordinances or First Nat 1 Bank , , 5 . 15; G. W. Wardwell 19 .20 .s read for the French , E. E. 151.50; Manning , Ed. . 150 .40 seconded by Turner , M. A. Co. . 1.05; Adair , W. M* *. , .52 following vote: Wood , Jack 11 .25; Nutt , Chas , R. 75. Finley , S. H. .15. ; Washburn, Joe .29 . Obarrs Drug Store , .2 .,20; Cal . Traffic O.Assn. 28 , Hall , Mrs. G. A. . .18. ; H. R. Co . . . . . . . 6. 75 Lavering , C. E. . .5 0.3 . 79; S. C. Blue Print Co. 4.92 tablishing the Nanning , Ed . . . 104, Parcel , Frank , 12 .50 S , was read for Tinsley' , J. . - - �--- 91 .55;; 9rose., Grace M. • .61� Nelson, A. P. . .6.3 .65; Nutt ., Chas. R. 64.95 H. R. Water Co . . . 164. 19; Ringville , P. .31 , Brunton, F. m. . J' 'ing a great deal Conrad .76. 70; Anderson,, W., R. . 16.45 ,aid also that J. J. . 40 .25; Hudson, J. M. . . 7.38 omg 18th St and Shank, Cora V. AO . ; L.A.Rubber Stamp Co. .5 .06 Spencer ,, G. W. .: 10 .60; Warner, C. W. .15. French , E. E. 10 . ; Shank , G. A. .15, ore the Board and ST.)encer , G. Wo .�00. ; S.C.Edison Co . . . . .69 . 72 ospital suggested Miller , E. , . . . . .85. ; Snyder, F. L. . . .100 . the Johnson Bldg , Endicott , C. H. . . . 50. S. C. Imp. Assn. . . .25, tter of blankets DeLapp , T . C. . . . . 5. S. C. Gas Co. . . . . 23 .89 vra seconded by S. C. Gas Co . . . . .756 .92; LaRolsa Tile Co. . . .25 y Manager be McElfresh Merc .Co . 2 .80 . uch .things for Comf ort St a. It was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Huston Shank , with on Pier . that Cit y Manager be instructed to make plans and get estimate trioved by Trustee Of Cost of constructing comfort station on Pier and closing u. o formerly used for landing stairs . Carried. arps ni n rried to adjourn, reWi)rt at - ndxt meeting . � P)/ Boat It was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Huston � I e r��� landimg . Put and carried that V -0 r at the City Manager be instructed to prepare plans and get prices on a boat landing . ter 35 4 -i - - — Feb. 4, 19181-2 . i Salaries of It was moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee City Clerk & Vavra , put and carried that City Attorney be instructed ` Marshal . to-,M5.00 pare Ordinances fixing the salary of the City Clerk j at per month, that of the City Marshal at �100 ,00 - -- -- per month and lock into the law in regard to the salary of City Treasurer in cities of the sixth class . ` Fire Dept. . After some discussion in regard to the Fire Truck Regular , I - - Insurance, and the handleing and care of it , the City Clerk was i 1 f rates , instructed to take up matter of reduced Insuaance rates, �— with Fire Underwriters, in case Fire Truck is put in J charge of a paid and competent man, I Roll call . Fire Dept . The matter of Fire protection for the Broom Factory j authorized was introduced by Mr. French with permissiani of the Atty Qs opini to answer callsRoard and it was moved by Trustee Vavra, seconded by Trus- re/ salary o'. I outside of tee Decker put and carried that the City Fire Dept . be Treasurer . - City Limits . authorized to go to any call outside of the city limits where water can be obtained and that the City Clerk be - instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Pacific Broom Factory . Adjourned t o There being no further business it was moved by Trus�- Ord . ea . � g Junk Dealers - - Feb . 18th. tee Chapin, seconded by Trustee Vavra, put and carried to adopted . adjourn to Monday February 18th , 192180A, at 7.30 P.M. - Approved . i` U - - ----- ;?�, '_ �,"' ,-" City C l e r k . �- President of *the ^oard of Trust ees -� I_--_-- of the city-of Huntington Beach, I California. Attest , f City Clerk and ex-off icio Cler, of, the Board of Trustee s.,of-the Ord. 191, City of Huntington -e-ach , Cal . General Muni ! Election, -- --- / f April 8t h. f- • s 6 i II 1 i Ord. 192 . �;---- Salary of p j City Marshal 1 1st reading . Ord. 193 salary of (- -- -- City Clerk , 1st reading . Marshal requ and Manager st ruct ed to build Pound . Ad j0urned Approved . f-_v - --- -- -- President o of the Cit ---- - -- Ca I I, i