HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918-02-18 i : y I by Trustee .nst ruct ed - City Clerk at W0.00 C he salary City Hall , Huntington Beach ., Cal. -- - February 18, 1918 . .re Truck Regular , The Board of Trustees .met pursuant to adjournment ;rk was of February 4th, 1918 , and was called to order at 7 .50 - ince rates , p.m, by President Tarbox. put in - - Roll call . Trustees present Decker, Vavra, Chapin and Tarbox. - Absent .. Trustee Huston. )cm Factory of the Atty-os opinion The City Attorney presented his opinion on the right ided by Truss- _ re/ salary of of the Board to fix the salary of the City Treasurer and Dent , be Treasurer. it was moved by Trustee Vavra , seconded by Trustee Decker' !ty limits _ put and carried that the City.°Attdrney be instructed to draw Clerk be up an Ordinance fixing the . salary of the City Treasurer at ;o the I $25.00 permonth. - Ord . 190 . Ordinance No . 190 , entitled An Ordinance providing for - 1 )ved by Trus- i Junk Dealers the licensing of Junk Dealers and Junk Collectors , regu- j t carried to + -- ado ed . latiog the method of conducting Sbdh business , providing for --- ) P.M. the collection of the license fee , fixing penalty for vio- lation and repealing all Ordinances in conflict therewith." was read for the second time and on motion by Trustee Vavra, Jerk . seconded by Trustee Chapin was passed and adoptiod by the following vote: . -� Ayes , Trustees Decker , Vavra , Chapin, Tarbox. Noes , None . icio Cler- _ Absent Trustee Huston. ees of--the Ord. 191 . Ordinance No. 191 , entitled "An Ordinance providing for 'ach , Cal . ( General Muni'. the holding of a general municipal election on the 8th of ----- ` Election, April , 1918 , for the election of city officers , directing t - April 8th. notice to be given of said election, designating the polling 1 place , the hours during which the polls are to remain open, the officers to be elected and appointing Election officers -- - �� to serve at said election." was read for the second time - and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Vavra - - was passed and adapted by the following vote: Ayes , Trustees Decker, Vavra, Chapin, Tarbox. - --� Noes , None , - Absent , Trustee Huston. j Ord . 192 . Ordinance No 192 entitled "An Ordinance fixing the Salary of compensation of the City Marshal and exa-officio Tax Collector City Marshal , and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith." was -a 1st reading . presented and read for the first time . Ord. 193 .. Ordinance No . 193, entitled "An Ordinance fixing the salary of compensation of the City Clerk and repealing all Ordinances f- City Clerk , in conflict therewith." was presented and read for the first 1st reading - time. Marshal requests City Marshal Tinsley requested that a City Pound be and -Manager its® constructed and also asked for an electric light in the structed to City Jail , the City Manager was instructed 'to have this work -- build Pound . done , on motion by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin put and carried.Adjourned , There being no further business it was moved by Trustee _ Chapin seconded b Trustee Deckerr p y put and carried t o d- journ. _- f - Approved . �� °0 . . akty`.Clerk� and';-!expofffc3:6 'Cier; of ;the:-Board of Trust-e8s<.of'!theh, T'__-_ President of the Board of Trustees City of Hunting onl,Heach, Cal,.of the City of Huntington Beach , - California, Att e st City Clerk and exmof.f lark - -! ~ of the Board--of Trustees of the City of -H4nt ingt on Beach ., Cal . -----