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City Hall , Huntington Beach ., Cal
- March 4th, 1918.
Regular Board of Trustees of the city of Huntington Beach met in allowed .
regular session and was called to order at 7 .50 p.m. by -
_ President Tarbox.
Roll call . Trustees present ., Decker, Vavra, Chapin, Huston and i
--- Tarbox. Absent , None .
Minutes apt . Minutes of February meeting read and approved .
--. Reports of Reports of City Clerk , Recorder and Building and Plumbing
Officers . Inspector read and on motion by Truatee Huston seconded by
Trustee Vavra were accepted and ordered placed on file . Adjourned to
Ord . 192 . Ordinance No . 192 , entitled RAn Ordinance fixing the 4 11/18 .
- -- adopted. compensation of the City Marshal and ex®off is io Tax Collector
_ and repealing all Ordinances in conflict" was read for the I Approved ,
second time and on motion by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee
- _- Decker was passed and adoTgttdd by the following vote:
Ayes , Trustees Decker, Vavra, Chapin, Huston, Tarbox. -
_ Noes , None . President of
i Absent , None , - of the City
Ord . . Ordinance No < 193 entitled led "An Ordinance fixing the Ca]
a jqj2t ed . Compensation of the City Clerk and repealing all Ordinances
in conflict ." was read for the second time and on motion by
-- - Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Huston was passed and
adopted by the following vote:
Ayes . Trustees Decker , Vavra, Chapin, Huston, Tarbox. _ {
Noes , None ,
---- Abs a nt , None . -Ord . 194 . Ordinance No . 194, entitled "An Ordinance fixing the -
First compensation of the City Treasurer , providing the manner of
--� reading payment and repealing all ordinances in conflict ." was read
for the first time .
Shult z . Application of M. Shultz , for a Junk Dealers license 1
applies for was presented and read together with a report from the Chief
" Junk of Police of Long Beach as to characted of applicant and it
Dealers" was moved by Trustee Huston seconded by Trustee' Vavra that
License . the License be issued upon payment of the prescribed fee .
Motion was put and carried .
$495.25 Report of the City Manager as to the amount due the Gas 1
Transferred toDepartment for the maintenance of the Street Lights and the
Gas Dom. Gas consumed therein was presented and it was moved by Trustee
--- Chapin seconded by Trustee Decker that the amount $495.29 be
transferred from the Street Fund to the Gas Department Fund
in s6ttleinent of the account . --
_�_ Motion was put and carried .
This was for the months of Nov. Dec . Jan. and Feb.
Thomson & Messrs . W. S. Thompson and D. .O. Stewart were given
Stewart . ..permission to speak to the Board and they brought up the
Storm water matter of the flooding of their land by storm water from
on the various paved streets of Vista Del Mar , the matter was
property . referred to the City Engineer and the Street Committee.
Demands The following Demands having been approved by the Fine-
--- allowed . anoe committee it was moved by Trustee Decker seconded by
Trustee Huston that they be allowed., Carried.
-`--y Nelson, A. P. 50.00; Warner , C . W. 15.00
French , E. E. 10.00; Shank , G. A. 15.00
Tinsley ., J. V- 92 .95; Nutt , Chas . R. 54.07 7
Brunton , F . M'. 75.70; Spencer , G. W. 200.00
-- Hall , Mrs . G. A. 15.00; Nutt , Sh.met . wks . 25.00 --j
Nutt , Chas . R. 75.00; E.K.Wood Lbr. Co. .60 .
Finley , S. H. 15.00; Washburn, Joe 29.00 -�
E. K. Wood Lbr .. Co . 40.49; Higgins , W. R. 56.00
j Conrad , J. J. 47.75; Kingsley ,M.& C. CO. 5 .00 H. B. Co . 8.65; H. B. Water Co . 150 .70
A. Carlisle & Co. 10.69; State Comp. Ins . Fund.,104.54
Obarrs Drug Store . 4.10; Rennie , S. 0. 7 .10 _
Ringville , P. .145.80; Spencer , Geo. W. 32 .85
I Minutes of March 4th .®2 .
Cal : r
1918. - -
Demands Shank , Cora V. ' 40.00; City Garage , 36,60 j
-- allowed . Brose , Grace M. 60.00; Reed . J. T . 25.40
Beach met in I Cont . Grate ,, Mat . M. 7 .25; "Carroll , N. C. 8.50
),m. by Miller, Earl 85.00; Melville Friend , 13.50
So. Cal . Edison Co. 66.22; Parcel , Frank 42 .62 - -
�t on and Sheehan. Dan 25.12; Snyder ., F, L. 100.00
So . Coast Imp. Assn, 25.00; Endicott ) C. H. 50.00
'd • So. Counties Gas Co . 772 .52; Standard Oil Co . 59.97
and Plumbing F Standard Oil Co . 19 .50; Anderson, W. R. 5,85
;conded by
i file . ' Adjourned to No further business appearing it was moved by Trustee
_ _ 4/11/18 . Chapin seconded
'ax Collector by Trustee Huston that the Board adjourn to
Monday evening March llth , 1918 , at 7.50 p. m.
Ld for the Approved ,
led by Trustee
z, Tarbox. - . . ° y i _r
President of the Board of Trustees
r of the City of Huntington ?each , C
the California.
Lxin e
g Attest ,,
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Ordinances City Clerk and ex®officio Clerk -
1 motion by of the Board of Trustees of the
;ed and City of Huntington Reach , Cal . --
1, Tarbox
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Javra that
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15.00 - -
15.00 -
54.07 200.00
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coo 5 .00
150 .70
Fund,104.54 --
7 .10 _ -
32 .85