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36. . h � •r r Cal . A111 1, 1918 . City Hall , Huntington Reach, Cal . )n at 8 0Q - April 15, 1918. and Decker. Regular., Pursuant to adjournment of April 1st . 1918, the Board � i by Trustee of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beadh met in regular Dt as Chai r- session and was called to order at 8 oclock p.m. by Pres . and City Tarbox. ; ion by Trus- , ,acepted wind Roll call Trustees present , Decker, Huston, Vavra, Chapin & Tarbox. , Absent ; None . oved by IR&n- ` - Copy of the Result of Votes Cast as returned by the sr., seconded Canvass & Board of Election and signed as follows; -� be allowed Return, C . S. Bundschuh , Inspector , John DeLong , Inspector , 29 .00 `� L. Davis , Judge , 15.00 . 3� L. R. Whitney , Judge , 450 1 . 0 Att est ed by . Elizabeth g, Hoge , Clerk, �~ 91.55 Edgar A. Viall , Clerk , was then read, after 146.42 - which. the Canvass and return was adopted with the consent of 52 ,55 the entire Board , which said Canvass and return is attached 22.78 - heret;cP and made a part of the regular minutes of this Board, 36,15 said Canvass and Return, declares the election of Richard. - - 50.70 Drew and E. E. French as Trustees for Four year terms . Joseph 15.00 Vavra as Trustee for Two year term, Chas . R. Nutt ,, as City 10.00 r Clerk for Two year term and C. E. Lavering as City Treasurer 75.00 for Two year term. i Co. 54.81 ;rt Co.135.05 _ The City Clerk having been sworn in by Trustee Chapin, 200.00 New officers he proceeded to administer the oath of Office to Trustees 100 .00 take oath . Drew, French and Vavra and City Treasurer Lavering , 50,00 F � . 784,18 ` Trustee French Mr, Tarbox, retiring President made a little farewell 3 .45 speech and, as he said, to relieve the embarassmant of the elected as , members of the new Board, called for nominations for President )ved by Trus- President of Trustee Chapin° responded by eulogizing the past performance t carried the Board , of Trustee French who had been Chairman of the Board of oclock P.M. Trustees during a former term in office and placed in nomin- ation, Mr. E. E. French for Predident of the Board,,. Mr. Vavra supported the nomination; Mr. French said a few words in op- position and attempted to place Trustee Drew in nomination; City Clerk Trustee Drew immediately arose and begged to decline the hon- or , claiming lack of experience and supporting Trustee French _ because of his proven fitness and greater experience; Trustee Decher also threw his weight in favor of Trustee French for rff icio Jerk President of the Board and he was elected by the unanin.ous vote of the other members . istees o the r Beach Cal . �3onds of Clerk Bonds of the American Surety Co . in the amount of �3 ,000 . and Treasurer for the City Treasurer and $1 ,000. for. the City Clerk were accepted . presented and on motion by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin were accepted . Demands allowed . The following Demands having been approved by Trustees ~ Vavra and Chapin, who were appointed as Finance Committee were allowed on motion by Trimstee Chaplin seconded by Trustee Decker,-L. R. Whitney , $5.00; C. S. Bundschuh, $5.00; E. A. - Viall , $5.00; Mrs , E. M. Hoge $5.00 , L. Davis , $5.00; John DeLong , $5.00; D. W. Huston, 25.00 and W. E. Tarbox, $25. I Material for TrustNe. French brought up proposition of purchasing material decorations from which the Womans Club agreed to make Flags and Penants t a be purchased . for the City for Street decorations , Mr. Tarbox reported that the material had been ordered and would cost from 40 to 50 - dollars practically all of the members of the Board spoke in favor of paying for same , no action taken. f -- -- 2 ---. -- ligbkl� 15, 1918 . - Main St . Subject of paving approach to Pier was brought up and - --i approach to after hearing from the City Engineer as to what had been Pier . done toward this work and what had been promised by the - -- _ _ Pac . Electkic Co . and the H. B. Co . it was moved by Trus- tee Vavra seconded by Trustee Drew, put and carried that - 1 _ the City Enginee3r be instructed to take up the matter with _ _ the Huntington Beach Co . for definite proposition or ans- - 2 el( we r to proposition made by the city . ___ Ca:3 ---- Quincy St . Mr. O'Connor asked for a few minutes of the time which Improvement was granted , his subject was Quincy Street from Delaware I 4 sa. - - needed . Avenue; to the city limits ,the County being now at work im- proving the Newland Road from the Fairview Mesa to the 5 -- - city limits and it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by - -i e1i Trustee Decker, put and carried that the City Engr be author g -- ized to take up the matter with the County authorities to 7 rei learn what class of work was being done on said Newland Road, and report at next meeting . -- --- 8 sa: Ordinances Trustee Vavra brought up the matter of having the to be City Ordinances codified and printed in book form, suggest- 1 g sal printed . ed that the City Clerk had lots of time to do it but the: -- --- matter was finally left up to the City Attorney . ' 10 f° --- -- -- - _ 12 f°� - — 13 to - - j - 14 - - - 15 by - -- -- -� 16 Bo • I Ad j . to No further business appearing it was moved by Trustee 17 by APl . 22 , Chapin; seconded by Trustee Decker that the Board adjourn to Monday, April 22nd, 1918 , at 8 o'clock P. M. -Carried . 18 ca Approved . � -- 19 da --- e /G"�--1� 20 f o -- - President of �he Board of Trustees City Clerk. -- of the City of Huntington Beach , i 21 Califorh&&. --- I - an 22 ----- � �_ 23 el Attest . '! City Clerk and ex-off icio Clerk 24 wi' of the Board. of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, Cal. 25 26 e1 -- �_ --I 27 he - - - -- 28 - - --- - 29 - - 30 tY - -- - -- 31 de - - --- --I 32 t Csp ��,-T/ o 32 / 414 Drought up and ! - iat had been CA NVASS & R E T UR N. Lsed by the -- )ved by T rus® tarried that i - 1 of the vote cast at the general biennial municipal ie matter with Ltion or ans- 2 election held April 8 , 1918 , in the city of Huntington 'Beach 3 California, for the purpose of electing municipal officers of the time which ^om Delaware 4 said city . >w at work im- ssa to the r 5 This being the first Monday after the holding of said .n seconded by r Engr be author election and the time fixed by law for the canvassing of the it horit ies to Lid Newland 7 returns of said general biennial municipal election held on 8 said 8th day of April , 1918, and the Board of Trustees being Laving the _ 1 - form, suggest-a 9 satisfied that said election was fairly and Iho�nestly conducted � it but the Bey . " 10 for the purpose of electing two members of the Board of Trus= 11 tees for four year tervis , one member of the Board of Trustees -- 12 for two year term4, •and a Clerk and Treasurer for two year k - 13 t e rms , - �- 14 On motion of Trustee � . . . , , . . , , seconded 15 by Trustee .�� ..�:�. �,� , duly put and carried . the said - - 16 Board 'of Trustees proceeded fairly and in the manner provided - 'ed by Trustee - 17 by law to canvass the returns of said election for the vote - oard adjourn to _ ®Carried. i 18 cast for each of the respective persons voted upon as candi® — 19 dates for the office of Trustee and the candidates voted upon �T 20 for the office of City Clerk and City Treasurer. City Clerk, -- - 21 That for the purpose of said election said city was duly 22 and regularly consolidated and established as one municipal 23 election precinct , the boundaries of which were coincident �Cierk 24 with the boundaries of said city . Df theCal . 25 The total vote cast at said general biennial municipal _ 26 election in the said city of Huntington Beach , was and is 27 hereby decalred to be , as follows; _- _ 28 Total vote cast in said city . . . . . . . . . . : 484. _ i 29 That the vote cast in said city for each candidate for 1 � 1 , -- 30 the office of City Trustee , Four year term, was and is hereby • - - --J 31 declared to be as follows : — 32 The total number of votes cast in said city for k Lewis Bingle as member of Board of Trudes , . 58 -1 2--- ----- 1 The total number of votes cast in said city for Richard J 1 .171. f f __-_- --- 2 Drew as member of the Hoard of Trustees . . . . . - 2 3 The total number of votes cast in said cityfor E. E f - - — . . 3 i I 4_ --- 4 French as member of the Board of Trustees . .284. 4 5 The total number of votes cast in said city for D. W. 5 6 Huston as member of the Board of Trustees . . . . .157 . g 7 The total number od votes cast in said city for W. J. 7 I, 8 Williams as member of the Board of Trustess . .142 . 8 9 The total number of votes cast in said city for Lorenzo 9 10 T . Young as member of the Board of Trustees . . . . . .109 . 10 11 That the total Winber of votes cast for the candidates 11 12 for -Me offle� ofs C �� Truhtee ;�;Tyr©o aarW�t �cm?�was� afidl_is `- : 12 hereby declared to be as follows : - - 13 The total number of votes cast in said city for L. M. I 13 14 Lfndslay as member of the Board of Trustees . . . . . .201 . 14 -- �_ 15 The total number of votes cast in said city for Joseph _ 15 ff 16 Vavra as member of the Board of Trustees . . . . . . . 251. lei --- 17 That h the total number of votes cast in said city fort --—.� 17 �` - - --� 18 the candidates for City Clerk was and is hereby declared to 18 �. ---- 19 be as follows : 19 1---- 20 The total number of votes cast in said city for J. B. - 20 -- 21 Irwin' for City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . - 21 22 The t of al number of votes cast in said city for Chas . 22 C 23 - R. Nutt , for C1ty .Clexk. . . .301 , 23 ' 24 That the total vote cast in said city for each candidate I 24 25 for City Treasurer was and is declared to be as follows : 25 26 The total number of votes cast in said city for C. E. 26 -- f= -- -- -- 27 Lave ring as City Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 . 27 28 The total number of votes cast in said city for W. D. 28 29 - Seely as City Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 . I 29 _{ 30 The total number of votes cast in said city for Irvin 30 -------- - 31 C. Warner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 . 31 32 And the Board of Trustees having completed their work _ ____� 32 4 - O� - i 367 for Richard � - -- 1 of canvassing the returns of said general biennial municipal I . .171. 4 - 2 election of said city held on the 8th day of April , 1918, for E. E. -- 3 finds and declares as follows: . . . .284 . - - 4 1 , That the whole number of votes cast in the City of for D. W. - 5 Huntington Beach , California, at said general biennial Muni- . .157 . cipal election held on the 8th day of April , 1918 , was 484. - i for W. J. 7 2 , That the names of the persons voted for and the .142 . g office to fill which each person was voted for are as follows; for Lorenzo I 9 That the following named persons were voted for to fill .109 . I 10 the two four term vacancies upon said Board of Trustees of f - - candidates 11 said city , to-;wit : Lewis Ringle , Richard Drew , E. E. French , i v andIis 5, : 12 D. W. Huston, W. J. Williams , & Lorenzo T. Young . for L. M. 13 That the following named persons were voted for to fill .201 . r _ 14 the one Two year vacancy upon. said Board of Trustees , t o wit : for Joseph �_ _.- 15 L. M. Lindsley and Joseph Vavra. 251 . 16 That the following named persons were voted Car to fill l city for I - 17 the office of City Clerk to-wit : leclared to - lg J. B. Irwin and Chas . R. Nutt ,, named 19 That the following persons were voted for to fill the for J. B. i _ 20 office of City Treasurer, to-wit : 172 . -- C. E. Laverin W. D. Seel and Irvin C. Warner , 21 g � Y , for Chas . 22 3 The number of votes cast and given in said precinct .301 . i 23 to each of such persons is as follows , to-wit : F- - .ch candidate 24 For Member of Board of Trustees of said city, Four year of loves : 25 terms : for C. E. 26 Lewis Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58. . . . 219 . 27 Richard Drew , . 171. for W. D. 28 E. E. French ., . .284. .155 . 29 P. W. Huston, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . for Irvin 30 W. J. Williams , . . . . . . . . . . . . .142. . •122 • --� _. 31 Lorenzo T. Young , . . . . . . . . . . . 109 . heir work - - 32 For Rimber of the Board ' of Trustees of said city , Two �__ i j_ -- 4 i -- -- 1 year term: 2 2 L. Me Lindsley , . 201. � 3 Joseph Vavra , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .251 . 4 For City Clerk of said city: 5 J. B. Irwin, . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 . 5 � 6 0 # ' li Chas . R. Nutt ,. . . . . . . . . . . . 501. . f i 6 I ' f 7 For City Treasurer of said city: 7 !� _j 8 9 8 C o E. Lave r i ng , . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 . - --- . 9 j 9 W. Do Sealy , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133. - - -- --— 10 Irvin Ca Warner , . . 122 � � `� —_-- � _--i 10 11 That more than a majority of said electors of said city , 11 j !!' 12 k 12 of Huntington Beach voting at said general biennial municipal i--- - r� 13 E - 13 election held on the 8th day of April , 1918, voted in favor 14 E 14 of the election of Richard Drew to the office of Member of 15 the Board of Trustees of said city for Four year term and said. ---i 15 E 16 Richard Drew is hereby declared elected to daid office. 17 That more than a majority of said electors of said city --j 17 i --- - i --� 18 18 of Huntington Beach voting at said general biennial munici®" 19 pal election held on the 8th of April , 1918, voted in favor ' 20 of the election of E. E. French to the office of Member of -� 20 - i 21 21 the Board of Trustees of said city for Four year term and said 22 E. E. French is hereby declared elected to said office . (' 22 23 That more than a majority of said electors of said city 23 24 of Huntington ?each , California, voting at said general bi- `� _ 24 1 ennial municipal election held on the 8th day of April , 1918, _ 4 ,� 25 - - - 25 j_ _ voted in favor of the election of Joseph Vavra to the office 26 _ 26 ---j 27 of Member of the Board of Trustees of said city for Two -- - -; 27 28 year term and said Joseph Vavra is hereby declared elected to - - 28 — 29 said office . 29 30 That mibre than a majority of said electors of said city 30 31 31 of Huntington Reach voting at said general biennial munici® -- pal election held on the 8th day of April , 1918, voted ini� 32 �- --- 32 -14 1 t 5 favor of the election of Chas . R. Nldtt to the office of City - -� 2 Clerk of said city for two year term and said Chas . R. Nutt , 3 is hereby declared elected to said office . fl 4 That more than a majority of said electors of said city , I -^ 5 of Huntington Beach voting at said general biennial munici- J 6 pal election held on the 8th day of April , 19, 8, voted in - - - 7 favor of the election of C. E. Lavering to the office of City 8 Treasurer of said city for Two year term and said C. E. Laver- 9 ing is hereby declared elected to vatd office , I " 10 The said Board of Trustees further finds and declares k t said city 11 that notice of the time and place of of holding said general municipal -- !- 12 biennial municipal election for the purposes herein-before 13 set forth was given by publication in a newspaper published . in favor i 14 and circulated in the city of Huntington Beach , California, mber of rm and said -- —1 15 and that said publication was made in the Hunt ingt on' Beach ice. - -� -- 16 News once a week for a period of two weeks prior to the hold- said city 17 ing of the aforesaid election and was published therein on k , - i munici-, - -- ---i 1g the following dates , to-wit : March 22nd, March 29th and in favor 19 April 5th , 1918. --' Lber of 20 That said notice was published in the words and figures rm and said 21 following , to-wit : ice 22 NOTICE OF ELECT I O N. -- jl - -- - - - 0 - - 3aid city 23 -- a Notice is hereby given that a general election is to be - -- 3ra1 bi- ! 24 �--- -��- held in the City of Huntington Beach , County of Orange , on cil , 1918, __--;'_ _ 25 Monday, the 8th day of April , 1918, at which election the ie office , -- �� -- 26 following officers of said city are to be elected , to-wit : o __ 27 (1) Two members of the Board of Trustees for the term of -- , '�'' :lected to - 28four years , 29 (2) One member of the Board of Trustees for the term of laid city i ----=- 30 year. � munieim r - 7 31 - (3 ) A City Clerk for the term of two years . ed in - 32 - (4) A City Treasurer for the term of two years . i i i 6 ---___ 1 Notice is also hereby given that at the said general el- -- -1 2 — 2 ection the "polls will be open from the hour of 6 o 'clock A. 3 I --- 3 to the hour of 7 0'clock P.M. on the day -thereof , and that d `- - -I 4 I ----' 4 during said hours said election will be held at the legally 1 5 - 5 designated polling placein said city as hereinafter set forth I 6 - - 6 - and that the following named persons have been appointed to 7 7 serve as Election Officers thereat and therefor , to-merit ; � 8 8 Inspectors , C . S. Bundschuh, and John DeLong , 9 9 Judges , W. D. Seely and L . Davis , 10 10 Clerks , Mrs, Me E. Hoge and L. Ao Stevensoh, 11 11 For the purpose of said election Precincts Noa 1, 2 and 12 12 3 of said city of Huntington Beach as designated by the Board _; 13 13 of Supervisors of Orange County , are consolidated into one a _._ _ 14 14 consolidated election precinct , including all of the City of - �; 15 15 Huntington Beach , and the polling place for said election shall -_ ) .16 16 be the City Hall of said city of Huntington Beach. - ,,17 17 Dated this 16th day of March, 1918 . 18 r� --- : Chas . R o Nutt 19 City Clerk and ex-pfficio Clerk - ? - -- - of the Board of Trustees of the . 20= ` 20 City of Huntington Beach, Cal. -- _ 21-, _ 21 And the said Board of Trustees further finds and declares r �r 22 that all things necessary and requisite and required by law --- 22 ---- - '' 23 23 and the slat ut es of the oUt a of California and the ordin- 24 ances of said city of Huntington Leach required to be done in a __ - 24 25 - - 25 calling for and in conducting said general biennial municipal ----- 26 - - 26 election have been done f ly ,12, rformed . - - - 27 27 — - 28 29 30 30 31 31 Board of Trustees of the Cit y of -___ __ - �{ 32 Huntington Beach, Cal . Attest .L; City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk --- of the Board of Trustees of the - City of Huntington Beach, Cal . -- _ - - --- - - ---- - ` - - - _- _--- ---- 1 � ry a - - - 1 S ae V Calif ornia, - ;eneral el- 2 County of Orange , Be 'clock A. M. `---- 3 City of Huntington Beach,) tnd that d "- - -' 4 I , C .s . R. Nutt , City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk of the t legally ; — -� 5 Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, do hereby set forth j 6 certify that the foregoing Canvass and Return was read to i )inted to 7 the Board of Trustees on the day of April , 1918 , and that -wit : � 8 the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the ' ! 9 said Board on the day of April , 1918 , by the following 10 vot e - y - �n, 11 Ayes , Trustees .110 . . 1, 2 and Noes~--- 12 , . . . . . . . .. the Board 13 Absent , . . nt o one a 14 e Cityof --- - 15 City ClerE and exz�ofYrcib C er ection shall 16 - of the Board of Trustees of the (seal City of Hunt ingt on Beach, Cal. l i, 'f 1 icio Clerks ees of the &ch, Cal. ,; •� - ad declares =- - a 22 1 ` by lam 23 ordin— _ s r,y 2'i t )e done in 25 municipal --- -- 26 27 28 - 29 — 30 --- a 31 t y of -- 32