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137,41 - E i City Hall, _— I --' Huntington Beach,, Cal . April 22 , 1918. Regular meeting . No quoru�r, , There being no quorum present the meeting was ad® Adjourned to -- - — Apl . 23 , journed by President French to Tuesday evening April. 23 , Roll call . 1918 , at 8 o 'clock P. M. Minutes apt J i A.City_Clerk° J Officers _ reports . -� City Hall , Huntington Beach, Cal . A.pl . 23 , 1918 . S. Co Imp. ' ' --- - --� Regular , P contribut iCursuant to adjournment of April 22nd, 1918, the to be cunt 9 Board of Trustees met in regular session, President French —" — ued 6 montY presiding . Roll call , Trustees present French , Vavra , Drew , Chapin & Decker. Resolut ion _ Absent None . -- -.—j that Chaii Recorders City Recorder made a report of his office for the _ , apply for -I report ° , - past year and on mot ion by,T rust ee Vavra seconded by Trustee mit t o use Drew the report was accepted and ordered placed on file . -- Sewer ---' adopted. I --, Building President French called attention to the fact that i I Ordinance the city has no Building Ordinance and only the requirements �. - to be of the Fire Ordinance as to the construction of buildings - drafted . in Fire District No . 1 as a guide and it was moved by -[ Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin, put and carried � that the Citv Attorney be instructed to draw up a Building Ordinance . if -- Executive In the matter of appointments of officers of the city , session. for the term, in order that there might be free discussion ( it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Decker .,. put and carried that the Board go into executive session. , - I I Called to The Board was again called to order and President —� Order . French announced the following Committees: -- Finance Trustees Drew & Chapin, ,r I Committees Street & Parks , Trustees Vavra & Decker, appointed , Fire & Police , Trustees Chapin & Vavra, ` Health & Sanitation, Trustees Decker & Drew . , � ! Officers There were no appointments made to fill the offices of _ { hold over . City Marshal , City Attorney , City Recorder or Health Officer j Junk from © xcept the.: present incumbents not having asked to be relieved they,' City Dept —' will hold over at the pleasure of the Board, to o to Red Cross f Plumbing, It was moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee Sewer and Decker, put and carried that the City Mamager be appointed- - -- j Building Plumbing , Sewer and Building Inspector and that all fees 100,00 t o Inspectors . and compensation of said offices be retstned to the City --� Red Cross during his incumbency . Adjourned . No further business appearing it was moved by Truste® -- Ve:vraa, seconded by Trustee Drew, put and carried to adjourn. - i Main Street Approved . - to be paved � I Ocean AvenU to { --- City ;lerk. Pier . ° � ° *Trustees , - ' President °o ° the Board of °T rust ees of the city of Huntington Beach , fi California. Att ast , _ Quincy ,k City Clerk °and °ex-Off icio Cler ° I held to of the Board of Trustees of th invest igat E Cit y of Hunt ingt on Reach, Ca� - drainage Lo , t