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City Hall , Huntington Beach , Cal .
May 6, 1918 .
Regular Board of Trustees of t2& City of Huntington Beach
1918. g met in regular session and was called to order at 8 of
meeting . clock p.m. by President French .
g was ad-
Roll call . Trustees all present .
Minutes approved . Minutes of April meetings read and approved .
'1 Reports of Recorder presented and read and on mot 1.on
Clerk . Officers by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee �lhapin were ordered
reports . placed on file .
pl . 23 , 1918 , S. C. Imp. Assn. Communication from South Coast Improvement Assn was
contribut ion presented to the Board and it was jiioved by Trustee Vavra
918, the to be coot in- seconded by Trustee Drew that the City continue its dona-
sident French - , ued. 6 months . t ion of $25.00 per month for six .months commencing with
the first of April , 1918 . Carried.
spin & Decker. Resolut ion City Engineer pointed out to the Board the teeming
7 that Chairman * necessity to apply to the State Board of Health for per-
apply for per- mission to use the Sewer System of the city , a form of
mit to use resolution to be adopted and a form for the application
nded by Trustee Sewer having been furnished by the State Board. of Health fm
ad on file . — adopted . 17te as f of loin
fact that -- Resolution:- "Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the
City of Huntington Beach ,, that pursuant and subject to all
h.e requirements — terms , conditions and provisions of the Public Health Act
of buildings of the State of California, approved March 23 , 1907, and
moved by all amendments thereto , application by this city be made
and carried to the State Board of Health of the State of California .
up a Building for a permit to use the existing sewer system of laterals
and main trunk sewer which and in a s9ptic tank the affluent
of which is conducted through and discharged by an outlet
3 of the city , laid on the bed of the Pacific Ocean and extending well out _ --
-,e discussion --- beyond the breaker line , that the Chairman of said Board ,
astee Decker ,, of Trustees be and he is hereby authorized and directed 1
Lve session. , to cause the necessary data to be prepared and invest iga=
t ions to be made and in the name of said city to sign and .
?resident -- file such application with the said State Board of Health ."
and it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Deck-
iapin, er that the resolution be adopted and it was thereupon passed
)ecker, and adopted by the following vote:
Vavra., -~ Ayes , Trustees Decker, Vavra, Chapin, Drew and French .
Drew . — Noes, None , Absent , None .
•' 1
.he offices of — Jnk from Communication from Pacific Division of American Red X
u om
Health Officer City om . Cross in regard to the matVO4 of salvage was presented and _
relieved they, _— to go to it was moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee Decker
g put and carried that the City Manager Red Cross p y be instructed to turn
i„-— over to the Local Red Cross all waste matter from any city
by Trustee department which may be of use to them.-
be appointed- -�
t all fees $100.00 to Trustee Vavra called attention to the Red Cross drive
o the City r Red Cross about May 26th, 1918 . and it was moved by Trustee Drew,
seconded by Trustee Decker, put and carried that $100 .00
be donated from the General Fund to the Red Cross .
d by Trustee
d to adjourn. - Main Street The subject of paving Main St . from Oc'-an Ave to the
to be paved Pier was brought up and after some discussion it was moved
by Trustee Drew seconded by Trthatee Decker that the City _
Ocean Avenue Engineer be instructed to put in the catch basins for. the
to Drains and to pave the entre width of Main St . without
Pier . -
\ Sidewalk or Curb from the S. W. Line of Ocean Ave . to the
N. E. end of the Pier . Carried . - -
Quincy St . The matter of Improving Quincy St . from Delaware Ave .
Cler held to to- the City Limits was brought up and the City Engr .. re-
f th investigate Ported that the County is paving the Newland Road with de-
,al --- drainage , composed granite , that to make the same improvement on
that -portion of Quincy would cost about $5,000.00 and to
-- --- pave with Concrete would cost about $10,000.00 but the
upkeep of the former would be much the greater and he
could not recommend that the city put it in, the subject
! r' was dropped for investigation of the drainage by the
May 6t h 2 . f --•
- - -�� Street Committee .
- - Palm Ave & The Improvement of other streets was discussed, the !- - j -- Regular
portion of desirability of having some of the streets put in a better g
- j_ meeting .
Orange to be condition from Main to 23rd Streets and especially some --
_ repaired . avenue of reaching the Grammar School and it was moved by j Roll Call .
Trustee Vavra, seconded by Trustee Drew that the City ~
Manager be instructed to repair Palm Avenue , Main to 23rd _
Streets and the portion of Orange Avenue , Main to 17th Sts ° Minut es
- --- Motion was put and carried . — ., approved .
Reports of
-- "Poat Landingf° The matter of a Boat Landing at the end of Pier was Committees
Board goes on discussed at length and it was moved by Trustee Vavra, and Officers
- --- record . seconded by Trustee Chapin, put and carried that the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach go on record
-- as being strongly in favor of the construction of a Boat
Landing provided, some means can be found Ur Financing
- --- the proposition and a feasible method shown for eonst ruct
- _ i ng same .
Demands The following Demands having been approved by the
allowed . Finance Committee it was moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded ` -
_ by Trustee Drew that they be allowed . Carried . Bills
Demands as follows : \ '— allowed
--- . C. E. Lavering , Fees & Salary , ° . ° . . . 45 .50r for School
Red Cross , Donation, 100.00 Corl;munity
-------. Washburn, Joe ° ° Hauling Garbage . . . . . . . 29 .00 Day .
Parcel , Frank, Labor in Parks , . . . . . . . 52 .94 -
---- Nutt ., Chas . R. Clerical work, . . . . . 17 .50,
Kingsley Mason & Collins Co. Office Supplies , 5.41
- - Orange County, Typing Indexes of Registration 2 ,00 r--- Band makes
Mood, E. K. Lumber Co . Lumber & Cement , . ° 7 .8U report anc
-- Pac ° Pipe & Supply Co . Material for Fire T ruckl7 .35 asks ..f o3
French, E. E. Work oaf Fire Truck . . . . . .45°00 Donation..
- -- - Holly Sugar Co. Mach Work for Fire Truck, , 7 .04 T-
_ City Garage , Material & Labor , . ' .7.97
�. H. R. Sheet Metal Wks . Material & Labor Fr °Trk .3.60
H. 'Be Co. T elephoae Rent & Tolls , . . . . 6.05
Finley, S. H. Rentals of Fire Hydrants , 15.00
Nutt , Chas . R. Salary & Expenditures ,, ° 119 °56, __ Salary of
H: B. Water Co . Hydrants & Water , . . . . . .156.42 Asst .As,seE
- --- Brunton, F. M. Services , ° . . . . . . . . . 75°00 =- i fixed it
Conrad , J. J. Print & Pub . . . . . . . 74.00 regular
------ Ringville , P. Labor , . 36.56 manner.
Anderson, W. R. Elecric Supplies , . . . . . . .20 .25
Shank, Cora V. Re nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 .00 Nutt , Chas . R. a/c DeLapp, P.M. Postage . ° .15.70
r - H. B. Hdw . Co. Sundry Hardware , , ° . . . . 4.70 -� Marshal and
Shank, G. A. Salary, Health Officer , . ° ° .15.00 Clerk to
Nelson, Alex . P. Salary , City Attorney , 50 °00 have
Warner, C. W. Salary, Recorder, . . . . . . . .15°00 vacation.
Hall , Mrs. G. A. Janitor work , ° ° . . . . . . 15 .00 ^- J
Tinsley , J. v,'Salary ,, Marshal , ° . . . . .97.67 _
Spencer , G. W. Salary , City Eng . . . . . . 200°OO /
--___-- Brose , Grace M,_ Salary , . . . . . . . . . .75°00✓ __--
So. 'Cal . Edison Co. Electrical energy. . 56 .98 Hoe,gees Bill
Grate , No E. Hauling Dirt ° . . . . . . . .21 .00 -_- for Ball
Sheehan, Dan. Labor, Streets . . . . . . . . 9 .62 and pulley
- Reed, J. T . 0 to ° ° . . . . . . 5.50 _-_-- allowed .
H. B. Co . Sundry ape. . . . . . . ° 8 .011. Opinion
- - -- Snyder , F. L. Services , . . . . . . . 100.00 --- desired on
Miller , Earl . Services ° . . . . . . . . . 85. Flag Pole .
Standard Oil Co . Gasoline . . . . . . . . . 62 .40 - -
Endicott , C. H. Services , . 50 °00
---- Nutt ., Chas . R. a/c Pac .Pipe & Sup°Co ° Tire . . 37.05 —
So . Cos Gas Co . Gas April . . . ° . . . 504.04 i
Adjourned . There being no further business it was moved by Trustee Pipe Jack
Approved. Vavra seconded by Trustee Drew put & carried to adjourn. to be
° ems » r purchased
!_ ty Clerk.
President of the Roard of Trustees t �,
of the City of Huntingtcn,,.Beach- `Attest03'a.
California . City Clerk and Ex�officio °C°0rk
- i of the Board of Trustees of �e ---
City of Huntington Beach, Ca if .