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City Hall, Huntington Beach , Cal . Nov. 4, 1918.
Regular Board of Trustees was called to order by President
meeting . French at 7 .30 P. M.
Roll call . Trustees present , Decker , Vavra, Chapin , Drew & French . i
Minutes . Minutes of October meetings read and approved .
Reports . Reports of City Clerk and Recorder were presented and
on motion were accepted and ordered placed on file .
Y jl
' Committee Because of so much sickness in community there was no
not reporting . report f rom special committee that was to confer with the. x
Huntington Beach Company about the Life Guard and protection
for bathers .
S.C,Imp.Assn. Communication froru the So . Coast Imp . Assn , was read,
ask support , asking for support of the Board of Trustees by donation to �
Committee to a Fund of $62 .50 per month for twelve months and presenting
confer with a resolution for adoption as follows;
C. of C. Wheras , the South Coast Improvement Assn . has inauger-
ated a campaign for the publicity of the south coast through
a plan of engaging a representative who shall direct his per-
sonal work and attention to securing here the establishment
of Factories and Industrial enterprises and shall lend his
personal aid and effort in advancing the interests of these
I communities in giving publicity and promoting plans which
shall be made for Community Fairs , Entertainments or Celebra-
tions and in general shall fairly promote and represent all
communities at -interest . etc .
Mr. Armitage being present. told of the work of the S. C.
� ) Improvement Assn .
There was considerable discussion as to the advisibilit`-
of first having the mattvbx approved by the Chamber of Commerce
and it was moved by Trustee Drew , seconded by Trustee Vavra, 1
a ; that a committee be appointed to confer with the Chamber of
j } Commerce on the subject to report at next meeting . Carrie .1
Trustee French Appointed Trustees Drew & - 4.
Boxes & President French brought up subject of boxes and rub-
Rubbish . bish in rear of stores, no action taken.
City Mgr . The President of the Board asked the City Manager for
reports on a report on question of salary increase for F . k. P.runton
salary of which had been referred to him, Mr. Spencer reported that he
Forester . could not see his way clear to recommend any increase , that
other Bien could be employed to do the work for the same money
that Mr. Rrunt on has been rece iVi ng and that under the cir-
cumstances an increase was not justified.
Demands The following demands having been approved by the Fin® I
allowed . ance Committee it was moved by Trustee Vavra se4onded by
Trustee Decker that they be allowed , Carried .
A. P. Nelson, $8500; C. W. Warner , $15.00; J. Tinsley ,
i 1G0.�
00; G . A . Shank , 15.00; C. E . Lavering , $26.00; G. W. Spenm
cer ,$209..40; F . M. Brunton , 75 .25; Chas . R. Nutt ., 142 .50;
F . L. Snyder, 125.00; Grace M. Prose ,$75 .QO; Rennie Page ,
70.00; Mrs . E . G. Black , $15.00; J. Johnson ,, $65.00- E C. a
Douglas , 32 .85; E`. E . French , 20.45; Earl Farrar, 78 .:00;
• P. Ringville , 5 .00; M. E. Grate , 6 .00; Mary E. Ferguson,
$8 .10; Gorham Fire A .Co .�18 .75; Pac .States El . Co . 25.80;
East Side dater Co .
15 .00; nArrow Garage , $1 .50; H. P.., Co .
$4.60; J. Washburn, 145 .00; Cora V. Shank , $40 .00; H. B. Hdw ..
Co . $43.05; Huntington Rubber Co. $20 .50; H. R. Water Co .
' $147 .86; H . T�.. Municipa,l Band , $30.00; S. Cos Gas Co ..$454.32;
s City Garage., 28 .65; Standard Oil Co . k30.00;, So .Cal .Edison Co .
$56.00; So .Cos Gas 'Co . 39 .57; Gen .Gas Mantle Co . 90.00; T.
C . Le Lapp , $5.00 .
Resolution On motion by Traustee Decker seconded by Trustee Vavra
authorizing it was resolved that the City Attorney be authorized to stip®
Atty to ulate with the District Attorney of Orange County that the
stipulate . money from Automobile Fines might be divided among the sever-
- ;
Nov. 4th , 1918 . ®2m
as t o div-
ision of al cities of the county on the basis of the amounts paid
Auto Fines . into the fund by the respective cities of the county .
Motion put and Carried , no dissent .
' I
There being no further business it was moved by Trustee
Adjourned . Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin , put and carried to adjourn.
. t
Approved .
w . . .
n �
President of the Roard of Trustees .�
of the city of Huntington Beach , % Gity--Clerk .
Cal ifron&AA . "t6 (VA
Attest . '
City Clerk and exmofficio Cl rk I
of the Board of Trustees of he
City of Huntington Beach , alif ..
' I