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City Hall , Huntington Beach, Cal .
February 3 , 1919 .
Regular Regular meeting of Board of Trustees called to order
at 7.30 Po M. by President French,
Roll call . Trustees present Decker, Vavra, Chapin, Drew , & French.
Absent . None .
Minutes read Minutes of meeting of Jan. 6th read and approved with ;.
and approved the following corrections , to-wit :
as corrented . That the motion made by Trustee Drew seconded by Trus- i.
tee, Vavra making Mrs . Brose Cashier of the Gas Department
should read "in:--.Addition to her other duties" instead of
as recorded , also it was mov-ld by Trustee Chapin seconded
by Trustee Vavra, that that part of the mi nut es of Jan, 6th ,
1919, referring to the City Recorded be stricken out .
Motion put and carried.
Report Is . Report of Gas Department , Building & Plumbing Inspector
and City Recorder , also Report of South Coast Improvement
Association and one from Supt of Gas Department on price of
f Concrete Lamp Posts were read and it was moved by Trustee
j Chapin seconded by Trustee Decker that reports lob accepted
and placed on file .
Communication from City of Los Angeles in regard to
Com. froir, the cities of the state request
q g a port ion of the -Auto !
City of L.A. License Tax for the upkeep of streets inside of city limits
Auto License was read. Matter was taken up later . '
Cori, f roin Communication from Mr, ue Le Heffner in regard to
e/ plan
re/ planting the planting of Memorial trees for the boys who died in
re/ service from this city was presented and read and it was
Memorial moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Decker that the
Trees . Chair appoint a Committee to' confer with Committee frow
Chamber of Commerce in the consideration of some plan along
line suggested by Mr. Heffner . Carried.
Prescient French appointed Trustees Vavra & Chapin as
such committee .
Suggestion. re/ President French. suggested that the Police and Fire
Fire Hydrants Committee take up .the matter of Fire Hydrants with the
Huntington Beach Co . and report at next meeting .
Street Light
at 8th & The matter of lights at Eighth St & Ocean Ave . was
Ocean , introduced and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by
Trustee Vavra that the Clerk be instructed to write to Mr .
Tit comb in regard to the matter . Carried .
Com , from Communication from Mr. Whalen of the Southern Pacific
Mr . Whalen Co, returning the Triplicate copkeef Agreement in re/
re/ Agreement grant of crossing for Coast Road st the S. E. end of Ocean
t for Coast Avenue and enclosing Agreement in quadruplicate with
Road Crossing , Walker De Hines , Director General of Railroads , So , Pao .
Railroad for the same crossing , the following Resolution
was introduced:
Reso . Resolved that the President and Clerk of this Board be ,
authorizing and they are hereby authorized to sign agreement with 'balker
signing of D. Hines , Director General of Railroads , Southern Pacific
Agreement for Railroad, granting to the city the right to construct and
Crossing; maintaina highway across the right-of-way of the said South-
ern Pacific Railroad, the said highway to be a South-easterly
extension of Ocean Ave .
Ayes , T rust ees Decker,Vavra,Chapi n,Drew & French .
Noes ., None .
Absent None .
Supt .196 Gas &. Ordinance No . 196., entitled An Ordinance creating the I'
office of Superintendent of Gas and Sewers of the City of
Sewers . Huntington Beach, providing for the method of ap
designating his duties and- providing for compensation of
such Superintendent . was read for the second time and on
motion by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee Vavra was
passed and adopted by the following vote .
Feb 3 , 1919 , -2
Ord No , 196 Ayes , Trustees Decker, Vavra, Chapin, Drew & French .
° Adopted , Noes , None .
� Absent , None . o
Ord. No , 197 Ordinance No . 197 entitled "An ordinance Amending
Amending Sec . IV of ordinance No . 5, entitled, An ordinance es-
ord .#5 tablishing rulers and proceedings of the Roard of Trustees
Adopted . of the city of Huntington Reach," was read for the second
time and on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Cha-
pin was passed and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes , Trustees Decker , Vavra, Chapin, Drew & French.
Noes, None ,
Absent ,, None .
Ord, No . 198 . Ordinances No . 198, An Initiative Ordinance entitled
Abolishing the"An Ordinance abolishing the office of City Manager and j
office of repealing ordinance No, 169 relative thereto ," was read
for the second time and on motion n Trustee Drew second- 4
City Manager .
Y ,
Adopted , ed by Trustee Chapin was passel f and adopted by the following
vote: ' Ayes , Trustees Decker, Vavra,Chapin, Dreg & French.
Noes, None ,
Absent . None ,
L. W. Rlodget , It was moved by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee
appointed Vavra that the office of City Attorney be declared vacant
City Attorney and that L. W. Rlodget be appointed to fill the vacancy as '
of February 1st , 1919 . Carried.
Reso, appxovin It was moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Drew
proposed That a resolution be adopted by 'this Roard approving the
amendment proposed amendment to the Motor Vehicles Act as contained
t o Motor in the communication from the City of Los Angeles and that
Vehicles a copy of such resolution be forwarded to the, Assemblyman
Act . from this District . Carried.
It was moved b Trustee Vavra seconded b Trustee
� Gas Rate for Y , Y
large consum- Chapin .that the following Gas Rate be authorized for large
ers . author- consumers in Furnaces , Ovens, Boilers , etc .
ized > First 10 ,000 ft , 450 per 1000 ft . and for all
over 10,000 ft . 400 per 1000 ft , with a
Minimum of $2 .00 . such rate to remain in force as
long as out present rate with the Southern Counties Gas Co,
and to become effective March 1st , 1919 .
At t y , t o draw Y
It was moved b Trustee Drew, seconded byT rust ee Vavra f
Resolut i on that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an arguman-
urging tative resolution to be adopted by this Board to be sent to �
Coast Road. our Representatives urging them to use every effort toward
promoting the construction of the Coast Road , Oxnard to
Serer. Carried
Moved b Trustee Vavra se 6nde Trustee City Clerk Y c d by T u a Drew that the
to advertise City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for hauling
for bids for KM KMUKdlKg approximately 260 yards of Gravel from pit
-near Tile Factor to Quincy Street and spreading the same
hauling gra�e� Y Q Y p g
Quincy St . over surface practically 16 f t . wide 1320 ft . Long and 4
'inches deep.
Supt ,of St s , Moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Chapin that
to have the Supt .of Streets be instructed to see that all gutters
Gutters clear be cleaned out to take care of storm water . Carried. `
Jo Tinsley Resignation of J. Tinsley of the position of City
resigns . Marshal to take effect at once was presented, and it was
Accepted . moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Chapin that the
resignation be accepted and a vote of thanks t endeded to
Mr. Tinsley for his past services , Carried,
ApIDli cant s . Following applications were presented for the position
made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Tinsley:
J. L. Sanders, Chris P. Pann, Eugene Davis , Chas . E.
Seely , Thos . H. Tully, L. Davis , Ho Goetch ,
President French requested Trustee Decker -to take the
Chair .
� I
February 3 , 1919 e 3 .
Mr. French Mr. French took the floor and made a verbal application
applies for for the position of City Marshal of the city.
The other four Trustees retired to consider the various
applications . I'
Mr. French The Board again came to order and Trustee Vavra moved
receives the appointment of Mr. E. E. French as City Marshal and -
appointment as Superintendent of Streets , the motion was seconded by Zrus-
City Marshal . tee Chapin, was put by Temporary Chairman Decker and Carried
Mr. French Mr. French immediately tendered his resignation as
resigns as Member of the Board of Trustees to take effect at once .
Trustee . Moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee Drew
that the resignation be accepted and a vote of thanks be
tendered to Mr. French for his past services . Carried.
Demands It w moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Vavra
allowed . that the Demands having been approved by the Finance Com.
be allowed; Carried.
Demands as follows
Alex P. Nelson, $50 .00 , John Johnson, $75.00, Chas
0 Warner , la 00 !I'
R. Nutt 131 .43 F. L. Snyder., 12,5, 0 C. W. �Var e .
9 � ) y 7 � 9 9
J. Tinslsy ,4101.83 , Geo . A. Shank , $15.00 , Mrs . E. G.
-Black , $15.00, Grace M. Brose , $75.00 , Geo . W. Wardwell ,
$5.00 , Ferdinand Ott , $3 .80 , C. E. ,Lavering,- $25.00 Frank
Parcel , $42 .00, L. E. Worthy, $83.85, V. q. Brown, 22 .50 ,
Peter Ilingville , $46.00 Joe Washburn, 45.00 ,- M. E. Grate
} 72.00 Cora V. Shank 40.00 , H. B. Co . $29 .47 , City Garage
L5.00 ., T. C. DeLapp°, J5.00 , H. B. Co., $5.00 J. J': Conrad ,
73 .00 , C. S. Scott $5.25, Arrow Garage , J15.95, B. F.
Goodrich Rubber Co." 656.08 , H. B. liardware Co. $14.100
H.. B. Co. 04.70 , East Side Water Co . $15.00 , H-- B. Water Co.
$193.77, Standard Oil Co. $35.65, Genl Gas Light Co. $93 .92 i
j' So .Counties Gas .Co. 20.60 , So. Counties Gas Co. 746 .50, 1
So. Cal . Edison Co. 85,15 H. B. Municipal Aand, .$130.00
So . Coast Improvement Co . 62 .50.
Trustee Chapin Moved by Trustee Vavra seconded by Trustee Drew, put
Chairman and carried that Trustee Chapin be made Chairman of the
pro tern. Board, pro tem to serve until permanent Chairman is elected .
Adj . to Moved By Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Vavra to
Feb . 17 , 1919 . adjourn to Monday February 17th , 1919 , at 7 .50 P. M.
1 Carried .
Approved . . .
President th Roard of Trustees 9
of the y o Huntington Reach , City Clerk ,
California .
.Attest �`. ',� : t� ,
! City Clerk and ex-off icio C ark
of the Board of Trustees of the
City of Huntington Reach, Calif .
� t