HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-02-17 x " j f i I i City Hall ,, Huntington Beach , Cal . Feb . 173 1919 . Adjourned Pursuant to adjournment of Feb . 3rd , 1919 . the Roard met Regular . in regular session and was called to order hij 7.30 P.W. by Pse&•,sident pro tem Chapin. Roll cell . Trustees present , Vavra, Drew & Chapin, Ed. Manning , The first business of the meeting was the selection elected as add appointwe-'nt of a Trustee to fill tht vacancy caused Trustee to by the resignation of Trustee French, fill vacancy . Trustee Drew suggested the name of Ed Manning and placed him in nomination; there being no further nomin- ations it was put to vote and Mr. Manning was declared Fanning elected. Mr. Manning was called on the phone and when he takes oath, arrived the Clerk administered the Oath of Office -and he took ]his seat as a member of the Board . Trustee Vavra The next -matter was the selection of a President , , elected and after some effort to induce the Temporary, Chairman to Chairman of continue in the position permana.ntly the members of the the Board . Board. adjourned to the private office and scrapped it out , on their return. .Trust'ee.,Vavra was elected to the office over his own negative vote and accepted with the proviso ' that the President of the Chamber of Commerce represent him as public speaker . Contract for The opening of bids for hauling gravel to Quincy hauling Street was the next order of business and the following gravel bids were opened and read to the Board: awarded to N. C. Carroll , 850 per yard .. N. C. Carroll . J. L. Sanders , 1 .00 per yard. . Brown & Teel , 90@ per yard% and it was moved by Trustee Chapin, seconded by Trustee Manning that all of the bids be rejected except that of Mr. N. C. Carroll and that the. contract be awarded to- � Mr. Carroll at the price bid, viz . 85¢ per yard . . Motion put and carried . St . Supt . It was moved by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee " instructed to Manning , put and carried that the Superintendent of St reet s purchase be authorized to purchase gravel from Tile Works at 500- ' gravel . per load and di to get as large loads as possible. C . of C. Clerk read a communication from the, Chamber of Com- request that merce requesting the Board of Trustees to appoint a core- " estimate be petent person to prepare an estimate of 'cost of preparing., secured on public Camping place on site offered along Ocean Front , Public Camp estimate to include building of roadways, exfension of ' Ground. water , light and sewer facilities also to secure estimate on the building of a Public Auditorium. Has no Mr. Copeland dJJ Mr. H. V. Anderson and Mr. Obarr , ' connection being present were asked as to the connection, if' any," with Tent between this and the activities' of the Tent City Co. and City Co, they testified that there was no connection whatever, that" . the Tent City Co. would make a business of renting tents and equipment .on grounds provided by the said Tent City Uo, but the city, it was agreed should only provide place and facilities for those who had their own camp equipment . Board as It was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Chapbn, coimiiitt ee of that a committee be appointed to look into matter of Camp whole to Ground and report at next meeting . Put and carried . view site President Vavra, appointed the entire Board as a com- for Camp, mittee to" meet on Tuesday Feb . 18th, 1919 , at four oclock P. M. at the proposed site . 'I C. of C. The Clerk read another communication from the Chamber , recommends of Commerce recommending that the City should employ the ,I employing Municipal Band for a period not to exceed nine months at an . Municipal amount not to exceed One hundred thirty ($150.00) per month Rand and stating that a committee be appointed by the Chamber for season, of Commerce to arrange a schedule 'for the season, and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Chapin put & Carried that the communication be accepted and filed. i i I � I I I February 17 , 1919, 2 , St . Supt . to It was moved by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee put in drains aManad:ng that the Street Supt. be authorized to use the across Indian- old Corrugated Iron Pipe for storm drains across Indian- , apolis, Hamp- apolis Street at Hampshire Ave . and across Palm Avenue at shire ,Palm & 12th and 15th Streets also that he put the crost3ing of I other places , drainage ditch on Hampshire Ave , about � mile south of. 1 Atalanta Street in passable condition. Carried . Mr. French, Pres . of Chamber of Co=aerce requested that a Committee be appointed to confer with Committee of C. of C. on tree planting. i Manning on Presi'denu. Vavra appointed .Trustee Manning to serve Police & Fire . on the following Cortunitteeas in his place . Sts .& Parks . Police and Fire , Streets and Parks . ' a City Marshal It was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Man- Fire Chief . ning that the City Marshal be appointed Chief of the Fire, reorganizeDepartment and that he take immediate stepdb to reorganize . Vo1 .Fire Dep. the Huntington Reach Volunteer Fire Department and that Fees & Ronus . the following schedule of Fees and Ronus shall be- in effect : That each man who 'attends the weekly meeting and Fire Drill shall receive 50# for such attendance not to exceed. 2 .00 per month and for attending each legitimate alarm of Fire each member in attendance shall receive &.2 .50 knd • in addition there shall be a bonus of $5.00 paid -to the member of the organization who,_,shall make the best percent-- age of prompt attendance to all Fire Department calls during the year. This to include practice calls . Motion put and carried . Manning & Committee on Fire H drants had no report, to make and Y p City Marshal the President of the Board 'appointed Trustee Manning and l on Fire Hyd . City Marshal to serve on the committee . � I Cow. Adjourn to There being no further business it was moved by Trustee 18th, 4.P.M. Chapin seconded by Trustee Drew that the Roard adjourn t o ' {' Tuesday , Feb . 18th , 1919 , at Four oclock P.M. Carried .. l Approved . President the oard of Trustees erk. . of the t of unt ingt on Reach, o al if ornia. f Attest • City Clerk and ex-off icio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of th ' City of Huntington Reach, Cal ,7 I ' I • ,I I I I, I I I A M II