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City hall , Huntington Reach , Cal . June 16, 1919
Adjourned Board of Trustees met in regular session pursuant to
regular . adjournment of June 9th and was called to order by Pres-
ident Vavra.
Roll call.. Trustees present Chapin, Drew, Manning & Vavra..
C .J,Andrews Appointment of Trustee to fill vacancy caused by rezig-
appoint ed nation of H. C. Decker was in order and Trustee Manning
T rust ee , proposed the name of Chas . J. Andrews , there were no further
nominations and it was moved and seconded that fir. Andrews
receive&he appointment , the motion was put and carried and
Mr. Andrews was declared to have received the appointment .
Oath taken,
Mr. Andrews being present subscribed to the Oath of Offiee
and took his seat ata the board.
Andrews MX.Trust ee Andrews was appointed to fill the vacancies
Couimittees , on the following committees , Streets & Parks , Health and San-
itation, being Chairman of the latter .
Advertising Communication from the Huntington Reach Methodist Assbly
with H.P. in regard to the folders sent out advertising the city and
Methodist requesting a donation to help pay for the same and it was
Assbly. moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Manning that the
Clerk be instructed to draw Warrant on Music & Promotion Fund
for Twenty-five Dollars favor H. R. Methodist Assbly.for
above purpose . Carried.
Fire Dept . Secretary of Fire Dept .present-ed Constitution and Ay-
Py-Laws . Laws of Fire Dept . which was referred to Committee on Fire &
Police for reading and report to Board.
Paint for Clerk was instructed to get in touch with Street Dept .
Long Reach to find out what kind of Paint they find will
curbing . stick to concrete for marking names of streets on curbing .
St . Supt . St reet Supt . was request e d t o have st akes used f or Weed
Garba e cans , Notices taken up and brought in, also to secure two Garbage
Cleaning Camp. Cans for Camping Ground and" to have Street Claeners take
care of Camping Ground when cleaning streets .
Vines on Matter of planting vines to run over Pergola in Camping
Pergola. Ground was discussed and it was decided to leave the matter
to the H. R. Nursery. {
Inspection of Building Inspector reported having inspected Pavilion
Auditorium, & and Auditorium and that both required some attention,ent ion, oweers
Pavilion, will be notified by letter from Inspector.
Ord . calling
An Ordinance calk g-,special election for the purpose
Sp1 ,Election of voting bonds t=o th,,e;�I,,,
a o_unt of $40,000.00 for construction
of Gas Dist ributipg��S'ystem was read for the first time .and
Gas Ponds. J. K. MoDonalr\ \ & Fil G. Cook were named for Inspectors,
D. V. Hearn & vN \J \Williams for Judges and
Firs . Ada Moore nd mrs. Wm. Thomson for Clerks .
Fire Dept , requested that the Fire hydrants be painted
Hydrants white so they would be visible in the dark and the Clerk was
Paint ing instructed to get private bids on painting same two coats of
Clerk get bids .white lead on motion by Trustee Manning seconded by Trustee
Hydrants Attorney Rlodget advised that he had a map with location �
location. of Hydrants marked and agreed to let the Dept have same to
check apd bring up to date .
Fire Chief was instructed to get new clapper for Aell .
Moved Ry Trustee Manning seconded by Trustee Drew that
Pavilion site Clerk write to the H. B. Co . to ask them to submit in writ- i
Clerk get ing the proposition for the sale of Pavilion site that was
proposition in made over Telephone to Chamber of Commerce committee viz;
writing . 1001 each side of Pier , Car 'ried ,
June 16, 1919,- 2 .
Demand Finance Committee approved the demand of Clerk for
allowed . $311.63 amount of Delinquent Taxes on Block 417 and it {
Taxes d)n - was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that a <
Rlock 417 . the Demand be allowed. Carried .
I .
Adjourned . There being no further business it eras moved by
Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee.Manning t o adjourn .
Carried .
Y .
Approved . _ . - -
President o e Boa , of Trustees
of the Gra
y Hof Hungt on Beach ,
if ornia . Clerk ,
Attest . 1
City lerk and ex-off ici Clerk
of the Board o - istees of the
City of Hunt ngt on Reach, Cal . „!I
; i