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City Hall , Huntington Beach, July 14, 1919 .
Ad journed Pursuant to adjournment of July 7th, 1919 . the Board of
regular . Trustees met and were called to order by President Vavra.
Roll call . Trustees present ., Vavra, Andrews ,, Drew and Manning .
Absent , Chapin.
Clerk to Clerk asked f or inst rust ions in regard to matter of Griff ith
send bill to Apartment house having been connected with Main Sewer without
A.W.Griffith .having secured permit and it was moved by Trustee Dreg second-
ad by Trustee Manning that the Clerk be instructed to send a
bill to Mr. Griffith for the amount of 450 .00 due for right
to connect . Carried.
Clerk to Clerk asked for permission to employ a copyiut for a short
employ help. time KKX%KKXKMKKXWKKKKXRKICKUXKd"xic�xnxlxxKxxnmxKxmx
XNKMXyXKXXKXVXXKXU and it was moved by Trustee Manning
seconded by Trustee Drew that the Clerk be allowed to employ
help to finish up Assessment Roll . Carried.
H. B. Co. President Vavra presented communication from the Huntington
offers 4601 Reach Company offering an additional 460 feet of the Ocean
Ocean Front Front propert y,West of the 100 feet West,eofvthdfPtet f ormer-
@ 100 .per ly offered, for $100.00 per front foot provided. the City
Foot , construct Arch, Auditorium and Rath House similiar to plan
presented by John C. Smith, Architect ,and it was moved by
Trustee Drew , seconded by Trustee Manning that the oommuni-
cat ion be placed on file . Carried .
Attorney to It was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Manning that
draw preliminat�e City Attorney be instructed to draw up the papers for
papers for the commencement of proceedings to pave Ocean Ave from City
paving . Limits to City Limits . Carried.
Fire Dist . Trustee Drew reported a complaint that the size of the Fire
District No . 1 , was preventing the construction of Dwelling `
Houses . No action was taken.
2501 3-11 hose Trustee Drew reported that the City Forester needed 250 ft .
for Forester . of Garden Hose and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by
Trustee Andrew that the city purchase 250 ft-. �" garden
hose . Carried .
J. C. Smith Roved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Manning that Mr .
to be employd John C. Smith be employed as Architect to supervise the
Architect , construction of Auditorium, Rath House, etc . on the Ocean
�! ( Front provided a suitable contract is entered into.
Trustee Andrews refusing; to Motion was put and Carried.
vote .
i Clerk . Clerk was instructed to give Mr. Smith a cep if ied copy of
the foregoing resolution.
Ad journed to There being no further business it was moved by Trustee Drew
July 21 , seconded by Trustee Manning to adjourn to Monday eve . Jul
21st 1919 at 8.50. Carried.
Approved .PresidentOh'e ard. of T rust ees Clerk .
of the f nt ingt on Reachfoania. J
Attest , C w
City Clerk and ex-off ici Cl rk
of the ?hoard of Trustees of he
City of Huntington Reach , Ca.' .