�_ 3 `r�aPORATFO
E. E. FRENCH,President V Z C. E.LAYERING,Treasurer
H_:C.DECKERt-4 • A Q�—an aI' = C.W.WARNER,Recorder
ALEX. P. NELSON,Attorney
JOSEPH VAVRA-; 1909aP �(� J.TINSLEY., Marshal
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CHAS. R. NUTT, Clerk jLs;ly w y 191U.
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,Rec;eived (as per reverse
copy of notice of Special Meeting
side Jh�eiepf ) at hour set opposite my signature , this 21st day of
July , 141'9 .
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i City Hall , Huntington Beach, Calif .
July 21 , 1919 .
Special Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of
Meeting . Huntington Beach was called to order at 8 oulock , P. M. by •
President Vavra.
� (
Roll call . Trustees present , Vavra, Andrews , Manning , Chapin & Drew .
Absent . None .
Ord .No.201 Ordinance No. -201 calling a Special Election for the
SR1 .Election. purpose of votin on the proposition of incurring a Bonded
<,?40,000 .00 indebtedness of 40.000.00 for the acquisition, construction
Gas System and completion of a, Gas Distributing System, establishing an i
?fond election precinct , specifying. a Polling place and naming the
issue . officers of such election, was read for the first time .
Adjourned . There being no further business to come before this l
Special meeting it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by i }
Trustee Chapin, put and carried to adjourn. i
Approved L i
President?1ifornia .
he _.oard of Trustees City Clerk.
of the of untington Beach,
Attest . . . .
City Clerk and ex- off icio Clerk
of the Roard of Trustees of the ,
City of Huntington Beach, Cal .
City Hall , Huntington Beach, Calif .
July 21 , 1919 .
Adjourned j Pursuant to adjournment of ' July 14th the Board of Truss
regular . . tees of the City of Huntington Beach met in regular. session N
and was called to order by President Joseph Vavra at 8.50 P.M.
Roll call . Trustees present Vavra,Andrews ,Manning',Chapin & Drew.
Absent None .
Disinfectants Matter of purchasing Disinfectants and deodorizers for
for Comfort the City Comfort Stations was presented and it was ruoved b
Stations . Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Chapin that Toilets be equlbp►- r ,n
ped with West Disinfecting Coas preparations . Carried. ,
Chapin on Trustee Chapin asked to be heard on Water question and
subject of made the following motion which was seconded by Trustee Man-
Water . ning: That the Health officer and the City Attorney be author—
Health Off icerized to make such expenditure as may be necessary to have the
and Attorney water , being furnished by the H. B. Water Co . analyzed to dew
to make or t ermine its contents and to have such investigation made as
have made may be necessary to determine whether or not that company is r
Invest igat ion.able to furnish us with good water . Carried.
Signs to be The City Attorney presented a Resolution and Contract j
erected by from the So . Cal. Auto. Club, stating that the new Motor
Auto Club . Vehicles act required that certain signs -be erected in order
to enable the city to enf orde the law , the Resolution being
authorization for the President of the Board to sign Contract
for the Aut o.Club to' erect axd the signs without cost , the i
city to pay fhe said Auto.Club for future repairs and main— 1
tenance. On notion by Drew seconded by Manning the Resolution
was adopted by the following vote,
( Ayes . Andrews , Manning , Chapin , Dfbw and Vavra.
Noes , None .
Absent , None .
July 21 , 19191 •- 2 . °
City Attyts City Attorney brought up mattef of fight being made
Assoc iat ion by City Attorneys Association against the demand being
to fight made by the Pacific Electric Ry . that the R. R. Commission
increase allow another increase in rates , and for a. reduction in
rates by rAt es charged by the said P. E. Ry.. and advised that all
Pao . E1 Ry . the cities being served by the Pao . Electric and L. A. Inter-
and make urban are expected to support them in their fight , the sup-
f ight for port to be based on the population of the various cities ,
reduction . that the cost to this city would be approximately $75.00. '
No action was taken.
Pavilion: Matter of Pavilion project was taken up and the City
other Archi- Attorney advised that he was not at all satisfied with the }
t ect s to be Contract submitted by Architect Smith , that he would see
consult ed . Mr. Smith on Tuesday but was not ready to present a .con-
tract at this time .
I .C .Warner There were several citizens present and Mr. I . C. War-
says a word ner asked to be heard , he apologized for taking the time
but submits of the Trustees but suggested that the Board should con-
no proof , sult other Architects as no one but Mr. Smith had submitted
thinks any plans for utilizing the additional frontage included �
other plans in Mr. Smiths plans and that he was confident that the
should be Board would make a mistake in tying up to that Architect .
submitt ed .
Chapin advises Trustee Chapin thought the matter should be gone into
thorough more thoroughly and did not wish the Board to make any mis-
investigatn . take in the matter.
Talbert &. Similar views were expressed by Mr. Talbert and Obarr
Obarr of sim- of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and nothing was
ilar mind ., done further than to instruct the Secretary of the Uoiint
Committee to get in touch with other Architects .
Adjourned . There being no further business it was moved by Trus-
tee Drew, seconded by Trustee Manning , put and carried to
Approved . . . . . . . City C erk.
ru President the oard of Tstees
of the t of nt ingt on Reach ,
C lifornia.
Attest .
City .lerk and ex-officio C1 rk
of the Board of Trustees of the
City of Huntington 'Reach , Ca
r e
I .