HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-09-02 i a, City Hall , Huntington Reach , Cal . Sept . 2 , 1919 . Regular meet,ig ?hoard of Trustees met in regular session and was called to order at 8 oclock p.m. by President Vavra. Roll call . Trustees present Vavra, Chapin, Drew, Manning . Absent , Andrews . Idinut es approve. Minutes of August meeting read and approved . i. Officers Reports of Officials presented and read and on motion reoortS . by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Manning were accepted and ordered placed on file . j Reso . 329 Resolution No . 329 , being a reeelut ion f ixing the j fixing Tax Tax Rate for the fiscal year 1919-20 was presented , read rate .1919-20 and on motion of Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Manning ; Adopt ed . was passed and adopted by the following vote Ayes . Trustees Manning , Chapin, Drew & Noes , None . Absent . Andrews . Rids on Gas On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Chapin ` Engine to be the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids on the called for . Gas Engine from the Septic Tank . St . Supt , t o It was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Man- 1 repair ning that the Street Supt . be instructed to repair breaks in paving . Concrete pavement on 17th St . ,Delaware Ave . ,11th St . and "f in Main St at alley block 103 . Carried . �! 1'erkley to It was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Chapin ! be called that Clerk be instructed to write to Olmsted and Gillelen for advising therri of the election and requesting that Mr. Berkley i4 consult at ion . confer with the Peard .on Sept . 8th . Carried . Demands The following Demands having been approved by the Finano allowed . Committee it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Manning that they be allowed . Carried . Demands as follows . 1. Demands . F. .L. Snyder, $125.00; L. E. Worthy, $100.00; Chas . R. Nutt , $156 .15; C. E. Lavering , 25.00; Grace M. Rrose , $75.00 C: W. Warner , 5.00; Jno .Johns©n, $75.00. 0. A. -Shank , 415.00 H. M. Brooks , 175.00; P. Ringville , $58 .25; J. Washburn, 45. E . W. Grafford , 2 ,00; F . G . Cook , ,$2 .00; W. R. Wharton, V2 .W � Fay Irwin ,$5 .00Jno .Foster , $11 .82; J. Reed , J;8 ,25; F: Cooper .$39 ,00; F. �i. Parc e 1 , Q16 . 50; Ben Page , 4. 50; M. Gxat e , $18 .CO J. Schenk , $1 .50; Cora State of Cal:.81 .25; E. P. De Lapp $25.35; h. R. Hdw . Co . 9 .80; H . B. Co . 11 .20 W. M. Adair ,J15.94; R. Labadi.e ,'16.54 _ M,A.Turner Co.$3 . 10 H. 13. M. Rand ,$130 .00 . Adj . to There being; no further business it was regularly moved konday .. 8th , and carried t o ad journ t o Monday, Sept .8th , 19�9 , at 8 oclock P. m. Approved . Nlerk .President o the oard of Trustees of the C rof ' unt ingt on "Peach , 'liJ. o ia. Attest City Clark and ex-off of the Poard of Trustees of the°° -City of Huntington Reach , Cal . UI i �I �I , I i i 4-4 i Resolution No. A resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Hunting, ton Beach, California., fixing the tax rate for the said city for the f i s cal year 1919-20 . 1 Whereas , the Assessed Valuation of the Taxable Property of 2 the City of Huntington Beach, California, as assessed by the City Assessor and fixed by the Board of Equalization of said city for 3 the fiscal year 1910-20 is $2 ,187,750 .00 and Whereas ,. the Board of Trustees of said city of Huntington Beach find that the amount of money necessary to be raised by 4 taxation on property in said city as a revenue for the various 5 departments of said city for the current year and to pay the bonded and other indebtedness of said city is as follows , to-wit.- 6 1 General Fund . . . . . . . ./ 2 Salary Fund . . . . . . . . . • �/ . 7 3 Street Fund , 6 � .�`l . 4 Music & Promotion Fund , . .3 &,R i ► 6� 8 5 Library Fund , . . J. , e.l 6 Z . 9 6 Wharf Bond , I nt . & Red empt n. , 7 Sewer Pond , Int . & Redeniptn. . 10 8 Gas Bond , Interest & Redempt n ./� �.� ►�� . 11 And whereas , a tax rate of One hundred seventy.-�ti UL. cents upon each One hundred Dollars of the assessed value of the property in 12 the said city as assessed by the City Assessor and Equalized by k the Board of Trustees sitting as a Board of Equalization, i� 13 sufficient to raise the amount of money so found to be necessary, Therefore ., be it , and it is hereby , resolved by the Board of 14 Trustees of said City of Huntington Beach that the rate of tax- ation for the said city of Huntington Beach for the current year i 16 1919=-20 be fixed at One hundred s event y-4 i'L%e,. .cents upon each � One hundred Dollars of said assessed value of property in said 16 city, the said rate to be segiregat vd as follows, to-wit : 17 ( 1 General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . 0-4) cents , I 2 Salary Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . S.cents , 18 I 3 Street Fund. .�o�` cent s , 4 Music & Promotion Fund. 15 cents , 19 5 Library Fund . . . . . . . . . . . ..15 cents , 6 Wharf Bond,Int . 8- Redemption . . . . 23 cents . 20 7 Sewer Bond , Int .& Redemption. . .15 cents , r 8 Gas Bond , Interest & Redemption, . . 09 cents. 21 Total . . . . . . �. 22 Passed and adopted this aday of September , 1919. 23 24 Presid � of . •Board of Trust eas 25 / - of t. e Cit y f Hunt ingt on Beach ., - -- California. 26 Attest . City Clerk and e x--off"io6lerk 27 of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Reach , Cal . 28 City of Huntington Beach,) 29 County of Orange , ) se State of California, ) j 30 1 , Chas . R. Nutt , City Clerk and ex--officio Clerk of the Board of- Trust e e s of the City of Huntington Beach, California, 81 do hereby certify that the foregoing revolution NobW, was read to the Board of Trustees of said city on the 2nd day of September S2 1919 , and- was thereafter passed and ado-otdd the following vote. Ayes, �'u;e�?�� �R u , V.L�:tfya uj-� Absent a ptc&Z"". . . j .. . ��� t'� •Clerk: 4 �� r f