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, I II I •I I ' I City Hall , Huntington Reach , Calif . Sept . 8 , 1919 .4- Adjourned Pursuant to ad journment of Sept I. 2nd , the 'Roard met in,/ regular , regular session and was called to order by President Vavra, Roll Call . "Absents present Vavra , Drew and Manning . ,absent , Chapin and Andrews , C. of C. Committee from Chamber of Commerce were present -in the make raid int(erest 'of the Fall Fair and requested the Roard to give on 14. & P. them an appropriation of $1 ,000,00 to meet their expenses for which , for various reasons will be much higher than last Fall Fair , year , and , after some discussion it was determined that the Board should hel'o the Fair to the extent of $750.00 .. ir . Berkley Mr, Berkley of Olmsted and Gillelen was present and a present , consultat ion was held on the sub ject of giving voters full and fair information in regard to the purpose of the Gas Pond election. Weed Cleaning The Supt of Streets presented his report of charges I. report filed . for cleaning weeds from bats and it was moved by Trustee Manning seconded by Trustee Drew that the report be accepted. and turned over to Tax Collector to enter on Tax Pills . Uarri ed . ;I Water Corfillittee consisting of the City Attorney and the I Coiwi.ittee Health Officer who were ayno�?nted to handle the Matter of - �a Iischarged , poor domestic watvb:r, having i�erformed their duty , it was . ,- moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee banning that th� Committee be discharged with thanks . Carried . AN JJ' to It was regularly Moved acid carried to adjourn © Wed .9/17/19 . Wednesday , Sept . 17th , 1919 . at 8 oclock P. M. {' Approved . . � Clerk . i . . Gi,tY President o the R and of Trustees -'''� ' of the C t of nt ingt on n.each c alif nia . Attest City Clerk and ex-officio Cie of the Roard of Trustees of the' City of Huntington Reach , Calif 1 r� i I I, • If 1 I I