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City Hall , Huntington 73each , Cal . Oct .6, 1919 .
Regular . Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees called to
order by President Vavra .
Roll call , Trustees present Andrews , Manning, Chapin, Drew & Vavra
Absent , None .
triinut es ap . Minutes of September meetings xead and approved
Officers reports . Reports of Officers presented and on motion were
Filed . accepted and ptdered placed on file .
Virs . Hoge . Mrs. E . M. Hoge , presented a comruunicat ion requesting
wants to add permission to build an addition to her house on lot 7 , bl .
to res .in 304 which is in the limits of Fire Dist .No . 1 , after some
R1 .304 . discussion it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trus-
Com . Filed . tee Andrews to accept the request and place it on file .
The motion was put and carried , Trustee Manning voting "No."
Rid on Gas There was but one bid received finr the Gas Engine
Engine is which kad been advertised for sale , that of R. L. Oberr
rejected . of A„,103 .00 -enclosing Certified Check ,10.50 and it was
moved by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee Manning put and
carried that all bids be rejected. Carried .
i Reso.331 to Resolution No . 331 being a resolution declaring inten-
` sell bonds . ticn to sell $40,000 .00 worth of Gas Distributing System
Adoi)t ed . Ronde , 1919 . was presented and read to the Board and on
I motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee :Grew was
passed and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes , Trustees Andrews , Manning , Chapin, Drew and Vavra,
Noes , None , Absent , None .
Idlills Land & Coam,u ni cat i on from W < W. F3ut1er , Attorney for the
Water Go . Mills Land and VITcat er Co . in regard to the amount paid by
ask cit y them for the Improvement of Delaware Ave . pointing out that
to pay they had deeded to the city approximately one-twelfth of
portion of the property and that the assessment included the area that
St .assessirientwas sold to the city consequently it appeared to them that
Delaware . the city should stand one-twelfth of the amount they had
Referred to paid , the one-twelfth being '231 .64, the letter was referred
t Ci
ty Attorney.
Tri-county Coaimunicat ion advising of the meeting of the Tri-Count-
ref orestat ioniesReforestat ion meeting at Anaheim on Thursday .Oct 9, 1919.
meet ing at and desiring representation from this city was read , as
1 Anahe im. none of the members of the roard were in position to go to
Cct .9 .1919 . this meeting it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by
Trustee Drew that City Marshal French be appointed to attend
as their representative . Carried .
Coppus Christi A call for help was received from Corpus Christi , Tax.
wants help. flood stricken-and devastated during recent heavy storms
and the matter was referred to the Chamber of Commerce .
Alleys in Trustee Chapin brought up the matter of improving the
Blocks 104, alleys in block 104 and this was discussed at some length
203 & 204. in connection with the alleys in docks 203 and 204 but
the Board was averse to doing anything without a petition
f row the people affected .
Demands The following Demands having been approved by the
allowed. Finance Committee it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by
Trustee Drew, put and carried that they be allowed .
.Demands as follows :
I•I. R. M14nicipal Rand, 130.00; Jno . Johnson, $75.00;, Chas..
R. Nutt , $125.68; G . M. Prose , $75.00; F . L. Snyder, L25 .00;
L. E. Worth , $�100.00; G.A.Shank �1 .00; J.Washburn, y45.CU;
J.Washburn 45.00; P.Ringville , 4,61. 50; J.R.Clark,$8 .62;
J.RClark ,.b4 . 50; L.W.Rlodget ,e550.00; C.D.'Heartwell , �3 .76; t
C.W:Warner ,$5.00; Mrs .E.G.R1ack ; 140 .00; ! rs .E.G'.Rlack,�,20 .O0; f.
R.M.Rlodget ,"100.00; Kilo Washburn, 12 .75; Zella Thoaison,,.�5.
J.K.McDonald , }>5 .00; Ada ,Moore , 5 .00; D.V.Hearn,Jp5.00; W.J.
Williams 5.00; F.Cx.Cook , 5.OG; C.H.Endicott , 271.00;
I '
Oct .6;1919 . 2
Demands SmithEmlery & Co. $100 .00; A.W.Morehouse ,$2 .65; Arrow Garage
allowed. $13 .70; City Garage , $12 .90; H.7.Hdw .Co.$6.60; A.Onson,&2 .0
`Concluded . E.K.Wood Lbr .Co . �'�17 .57; Andersons Nictorcyclery , 25 .10; T .C.
DeLapp ,A,44.00; T .C.DeLapp ,Q12 .00; T .C.DeLapp,02 .80; E.S.
Water' Co . $18 7.5; E.S.Water Co.T� )A18 75; H.-R.Water Co.$206.96
k W.
H.P.Water Co: $410 .56; H. .Co. 4.�6; H.Adair ,112 .05; Cora
V.Shank $40. 00; The, Neuner Co . l',;,10 . 11; S.Cal .DislnfectingCo
$39 .37; KingsleyMason Collins Co . , $7.05; So.Counties 6EPA
Co .' So.Counties Gas Co . ,,5'1 .04; So . Counties Gas Co .
$575.86; S.Cal.Edison Co. :C58 80; So.Cal.tdison Co'.-$69 .66;
Union Oil Co . .,.T)16. 75; Union Oil Co. ,,�All .55; Union. Oil Co .
.;27 .23; Standard Oil Co .,028 .76; Standard Oil Co.4y,,q 45;
Standard 'Oil Co . ,V','14.80; State Cow ansation Ins Fd :" 59 .77;
P ip I
Ca.l .Pipe & Sun-
V. Co. $57 . 56; R&liance 1Af§ .Co. .S72 .00; Genl
las Light Co .3&6. 72; Genl Gas Mantle Co . -s,';45.00; 11.7.1111ewG ,
omp .75� H.T�.News , 8219 .00; H.-P .-ITews ,$243 .75; H.F.Nevro ,
!,2 67 .0 0.
Ad to There being no further business it was regularly moved
Oct . 15 19 . put and carried, to adjourn to vlonday eve . Oct .13 , 1919 at
(7.30 P.M.
Approved . C i t y Cl e-xk .
President t�h O*ard 'of trustees of the
'a 6
of t
of the y of untington 'Peach,
ialifornil .
Attest .
City Clerk and ex-officio C'ler
of the Board of Trustees of the
City Of Huntington 'Reach, Cal .
Committees as constituted this date . 10/6/1919 .
Finance , Drew and Chapin,
Streets & Parks ,
Manning and Andrews ,
Fire and Police , Manning and Andrews ,
Health &- Sanitation, Drew & Chapin
Gas & Sewera 14anning and Chapin,