HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-10-13 o,�Ear . f I City Hall ,, Huntington 'Reach , Cal . Cit . 13 , 1919 . Adjourned reg. Pursuant to adjournment of Oct 6th , 1919 . the Roard of Trustees met in regular session. Roll call . Trustees present , Vavra, Chapin , Manning and Drew . Absent , Andrews . City Marshal City Marshal , E. E. French made verbal application . requests ieavefor a two weeks leave of absence and it was moved by of absence . Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Manning that the request be granted, same to commence Monday, Oct . 20t h . Carried . Mr. Berkley, Mr. Perkley of Olmsted and Gillelen was present and discussed details of new Gas System . 1 Clerk to As a new Ford would be necessary for the System the I! advertise for Clark was instructed. to adve4$ise for bids for a Ford Ford car . Runabout , on motion by Trustee Manning seconded by Trus— tee Chapin. Executive There being several subjects that the 'Floard desired to P session , talk over, it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Adanning that the ?oard go into executive session , Carried . E.n.lvi .nand . 6n the reassembling; of the Board the matter of H. R. Clerk cult odianirunicipal TRand was brought up and the motion was made by of equipment . Trustee 0hapiseconded by Trustee Drew that all instruments and equipment of the ?and be called in and placed in the custody of the City Clerk until a ?Rand was reorganized . Carried . Salaries .A motion was made by Trustee Chapin seconded by T rust ee advanced . Nanning that salaries be fixed as follows: Supt of Gas 8, Sewers raised from t,125.00 per month to A150 ,00 per month. Cashier of Gas Dept . raised from; ,,75.00 per month to c90.00 per month . A sst t o Gas Dept .' rai sed f ro& $100.00 per wont h t o A115.00 per month.. Carried . Ord . to be Moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Drew that prepared to the City Attorney prepare an 'ordinance fixing the City f i x Marshal Marshals salary at .,125.00 per month . Carried .,- pay Deriiands The following demands having been approved by the Fin. allowed . Con;anittee it was moved by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Fanning that they be allowed . Carried . E . E. French, $100 .00• J. T. Reed , 5.63; John Foster , � $9 .65; Obarrs Drug Store , 1�4. 10.✓ Ad j t o Oct There being no further business it was regularly moved 20, 1919 . seconded and carried to adjourn to Monday, Oct 20th, 1919 . 7 .30 P. M. � t, S .Y Approved , Cit y Clerk President of e Ro d of T rust ees of the Ci t f Hun i ngt on Reach, Californian, �� �' , l Attest . .�.. ...�"'� City Clerk and ( :f':s"icio Giexk of the Board of Trustees d the City of Huntington 'Peach ,/Cal . s f• !1