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City Hall , Huntington Peach, Cal .
Oct . 20 , 1919 .
Adjourned Pursuant to adjournment of Oct . 1.3t h , 1919 , the Roard f
regular . of Trustees met in regular session and was called to order
by President Vavra . 11
Roll call , Trustees present Vavra, Andrews , Fanning , Chapin & Drew. 1�
Absent- , None .
Sealed ?ids This being; the date set for the opening of bids for the
f or purchase sale of �40 ,000.00 Gas Distributing System Ronds , 1919 , the
of t40,000 . Clerk announced the receipt of Four bids and proceeded to
Gas Dis- open and read the following:
tribut ing Sys- Rid of Ltwlbermens Trusty Co . pan Francisco, Calif ,
tem Ponds . Par , Accrued Interest and Two thousand five hundred
opened . sixty Dollars ,(" 2,460 .00) as Premium,
TIm . R. Staats Co . Los Angeles , Calif , I
Par , Accrued. Interest and Five hundred eighteen
56/1 OQ Dollars ., (�:51$ .501 as Pre,�,ivr:i. �
R. H. Moulton Co, Los Angeles , Calif .
,Par , Accrued Interest and FourVhundred fifty t`tiro Dol-
lars (§�432 ,001 as Premium.
" torrence Marshall & Co , Los Angeles ,
Par., Accrued Interest and Four hundred seventy Dollars
($470 .00) as Premium .
Each Pid was accompanied by Cashiers Check in the
amotznt!,Of .: 2, 000100�;a�f specified in the Advertis,erient calling
for aids .
Ponds awarded It was, moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Cha, .n
to Lumbermens that the bid of the Lumberu�ans Trust Company be accepted and
Trust Co .of the checks of the other bidders returned to them . Carried.
San Fran.
Pet it ion f or Petit ion for Sewer. Lateral in alley North of Chicago
Sewer lateral street between and paralell with Huntington and California !
� n alley Avenues signed by 12 resident owners was presented and read � .
parall< o and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee AndrevP �.
8. bet . Hunt In that proceedings be started and an Engineer be engaged to
3: Calif .Aves . put in Sewer Lateral as Petitioned . Carried
Fr. Sumner as It was moved by T ruiXt'ge Drew seconded by Trustee Chapin
Engineer that Fr. Sumner be employed as Engineer provided suitable '
provided-- arrangements can be made as to fees ., Carried .
T � l'
Ord . 203 . Ordinance Igo . 205 , f ixinfg the salary of the City Far-
steal was brought up and read for first time .
Clerk to City Clerk was i.nstructed ,on motion by Trustee DxEey ,
order Rubber seconded by Trustee Chapin , to purchase Rubber Stamp for
Stamp , purpose of checking Demands , design to be approved by the
Chairman of the Roard . Carried .
Adjourned . There being no further business it was ri:oved by Trustee
Drew seconded by Trustee Chapin to adjourn. (p Carried.
. j1e " '! ✓ p I '
Approved r
President rl)ifcrnia.
e 7 rd of Trustees C ty Clerk.
of the ci i� in on Reach,
Attest . �' G�� =a/• „��� �lf
City Clerk and ex-officio C1 .rk
of the 'hoard of Trustees of he
City of Huntington Peach, .