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City Hall , Huntington Reach, March 1 , 1920. � Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City Regular . , of Huntington ?each, Calif . was called to order at 7 .30 P. M. Roll call . Trustees present , Vavra, Andrews , Manning & Chapin, Andrews on President of the Board appointed Trustee Andrews to Fin.Cgm. p.t.. the Finance Committee , pro tem. Minutod approved . Minutes of proceeding meetings read and approved. 1 Reports of Reports of Gas Dept . Building & Plumbing Inspector., Officers Electrical Inspector for Feb and January. Treasurer , accepted . Clerk and Engineer were read and on motion were acceptiod and ordered placed on file . Reso . 342 Resolution No . 342 , being a resolutio4 ordering the i? Ordering work of constructing Curbing add leveling sidewalks on Work of Delaware Ave . between Frankfort and Joliet .St s . pursuant Curbing & to Resolution of Intent ion No . 357 was presented and read �! Lovoling and on motion by Trustee Chapin seconded by Trustee Andrews Sidewalks . was passed and adopted by the following vote: Del , Ave . Ayes, Trustees Andrews , Chapin, Manning , Vavra. , Noes , None . Absent Drew. Advert loa for . Loved by Trustee Chapin, Seconded by 'trustee Alan-wing +I bids . De1 .Av, that the Clerk by instructed to *dvertise for sealed bids Improvement . for the work covered by Resolution K1o_. 3.42, to be opened I Monday ) March 15t h , 1920 . uarr ied . Resolut ion li it The following resolut i©n was present ad and read . appeInt ing Resolved that the Election Uff'i cers. t o conduct the olect iota general multi cipal election to .be held in the City of Hunt— of f i CeIrs . i•nagton Beach on Monday, April 12th, 1920 be and they are i hereby appointed and designated as follows : For Consolidated Election Precince "A." � I nepe at or , Chas . E. Dixon, !' Judges , Samuel Ferguson and &Mrs . Ella Labadie . Clerks , Mrs . Minnie A. Higgins and Mrs. Ada Moore , 14, the same being electors and residents of the City or Eiunt - ington Peach and the compensation for each such election. I' officer shall be Five Dollars t45.00) for his or her services In such election. Trustee Unapin moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Trustee manning , Ayes , Trustees Andrews , Manning , Chapin and Vavra, foes , None . Absent , Drew . Drew arrivas . Trustee Drew arr.i ved . Applicatio m Application for permit to have License for Pool :Room for Fool room was filed by Mr. E. G. Lightbody , and it was moved by � License . Trustee Manning seconded by Trustee AndrevfS that the permit be granted , Carried. . Advertise for Mr. Berkley Gas System Engineer suggested that the city � bids an advertise for prices for dipping , dipping and wrapping and prot eat ing for painting the wrought iron pipe of ,the new teas System Gas Pipo a and it was moved b Trustee ee Chapin n seconded b 'A,rust e;e Man— Y p Y , ning that the Clerk be authorized to ao advertise , bids to be op(i lied can the 15t h of March , 1920 . Carried . Ord . Urdi nance 'd,3 Wf i xi ng the salary of the City Clerk Clerks Sal . at �25.00 per rro 'rtt"n was read for the first time . ' Improve koved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Manning that approach the Street Superintendent 'be in.st ruct ed to improve the Sub-way . driveway at the West approach to the subway to regulate traffic as rec-ammen ded by the Street Committee . Carri ed . Demands Moved by Trustee Drew seconded oy Trustee AndreyA that allowed . the-Demands approved by the Finance Committee be allowed . Motion Put and carried, Demands as follows : c I� i. t� f I , I ,i March lst , 1920 . 2 . M. 8rose ` 90 .00 Geo A. wank Gen, 699.09 Grace M , s 15.00 4 Sale 410.50 C. E. Ltvering , 25.00 L. W. Pledget , 50.00 �i St 716.70 Chas ; R. Nutt , 125e00 Chase R. Nutt , 50.97 M.i P. 51e00 F. L. Snyder , 151e65 E. E. French, 125.00 Gas D. 1248.70 0 . R. Sumner ., 73 .32 0. C. Gerry ) 129 :00 Gas S. 3246.86 Roy e' L. Ross , 12 .00 Joe Washburn , 45.00 Joe Washburn, 45.00 P. Rimgvi lle , 53.75 Total 6371e85 Vic ' Creamer, 50 .00 T . C ' De Lapp, 5.50 {j Mrs. E. G. Plack, 20.00 N'. 0, Carroll, 122 .25 Ellis Carroll , 21.00 Grover De Lapp, 21 .60 11A. E. Grate , 13.00 Wm. sallett , 56.80 Frank Parcel , 71 .28 John Foster, 51.60 C. J. Roberts!- 25.60 B. F. Lindsley, 44.80 Dan Sheehan, 56.UO W. Westfall, 53 .60 F. D. Johnson, 16.40 Andersens Mot orcyciery 28.25 C. A. Creamer , 2 .85 Carl Olson, 17 .00 ` S. P. Lumner Co . 52 .85 A. W. Morehouse , 4.10 E. P. De'Lapp, 12 . 1b 11. R. News, '196 .45 U.S.O.I .P.& F.Uo. 3072 . &3 Core. V: Shank, 40.UU First Nat l Rank , 10.uU ;*1he;e-u .plc G ai Wks . 7 .93 So. Cal. Edison Co . 89 .0U h. B. Co'. 5.00 H. B. Co . ' ' " 5.45 H. P. Water Co . 201.95 East Side Water Co . 18 .75 Union Oil ' Co . 55.58, The Neuner Co . 11. 15 So .W . Contractor, 2 .70 League of Cal .Muni . 10e00 So. Counties Gas Co. 879 .44 So.Counties Gas Co . 7e38 Reliance I g . Co. 81 .25 Adj . to There being no further business it was regularly moved Mare 15. seconded,put and carried, to adjourn to Monday March 15th, 192U , at 7 .50. P. M. "��e City Clerk, .A.pprbved, President of the Bard of T;u ees of the City of Hunt ingte* 3 ch, / California. /Jr AttaBt 0 o e e o 0 9 City Clerk and ox-*®f ici Clerk of the Pea.rd of Trustees f the City of Huntington Peach , Calif . I ' f i I I i I i I