HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-07-06 t J i City Hall, Huntington,Beach, Cal . Jul.6/20. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order Regular at 8 oclock, P. M. Brew Chair-' President Fanning being absent Trustee Drew was regularly man, elected to act as Chairman pro tempore. Obarr & Imo.- ne� i+'in° Trustee Andrews being absent Trustees Obarr and Onion were Con° F ° appointed to serve on the Finance Committee pro tempore. o31 ca�i Trustees present Brew, Obarr and Onson, HoltI� Absent Manning and Andrews. A�ravc�d° Minutes of prevmous meeting read and approved. approved. City Engineer Sumner being present anddesiring to catch an early car for home regular proceedings were suspended to release Reso.3417 him, he presented Plan and Profile for the Grading of Second St. A- rdfand Resolution No. 34'7 adopting said plan and pr.bXiT6(( whbointro® diced and was passed and adopted on motion by Trustee Obarr sec onded by Trustee Onson, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson, Drew. Noes, stone. Absent Manning and. Andress*s o Engineer Sumner also presented Assessment map of District yeso° �m8 to a for the proposed improvement the same being numbered .�sse� went pay p p g 1009, and Resolution No. 348 adopting said Assessment Map was Dist. introduced and on motion by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Obarr was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Onson, Obarr, Drew. Hoes None. Absent Manning and Andrews. Reno°^�'�9 , Resolution No. 349 being a Resolution of Intention to ImI)rove Second Street from Ocean Avenue to Lake Street was introduced and Intention on motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson was passed 2nd St. and adopted by the following vote: , Ayes, Trustees Onson, Obarr, Drew. Noes, Done. Absent Manning and Andrews. Communication from the Board of Trustees of the Public Libra- unnIng� x ry calling attention to the ending of the term of office of g Trustees H. T. Dunning and Mrs, Manning and asking their re- re-elected election and it was moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Lib°T'rust ° Onson that the request of the Library Board be granted and that Mr. H. To Dunning and Mrs. Manning be elected to serve on the Board 'of Trustees of the Public Library to succeed. themselves. Carried. lbr a^y Communication from the Library Board with their budget of expenses for the fiscal year which was laid over to be taken up l F %Teen° at t' a of setting Tax Rate. LG - •-�� rr��, 9'°�2 Verballreque was presented by McGarvin'_'; d Newman for per® r,ri ping mission to operate a Tripping line from one corner of Pier for line for the purpose of mooring boats and it was moved by Trustee Onson raocrim- seconded by Trustee Obarr that the request be granted° Carried. boats. bot ga°anted° Frank Haegele of Seal Beach presented verbal request for permission to remove Mussels from inner piles of Pier for the purpose of selling them for bait at other beaches,. Taken under advisement. `:'oad lbr Co,. Moved b3; Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Obarr that the permission to place benches on � seats on �• K. wood Lumber Co be granteds � Pier° Pier bearing; advertising of the Wood Lumber Co. Carried. sire Mobed by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Obarr that the Limits ° matter of Fire Limits be taken up at the next regular meeting. Carried° E©llanc? Can° Co. Mr. Kempley Attorney for Holland Construction Co. was heard in regard to the Judgement against the City still,standing in the Riverside County Court and it was moved by Trustee Obarr seconded --n session. by Trustee Onson that the Board go into executive session. Carried. ..1,tta o 5� Board again called to order. ! i n I July 6th®2. Transfer of Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson Funds. Salary that the the Clerk and Treasurer be instructed to trans- to Sewer Constr. fer $550.00 from the Salary Fund to the Sewer Construction Fund to reimbursement for salary paid to the City Engineer 1 from the latter fund. Carried, Hollandonstr.C®. moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson that ! � to. receive `p550. a Warrant be drawh on the Sewer Construction Fund in favor in full of a/c. of the Holland Construction Fund as settlement in full of Judgement against the City of Huntington Beach standing in lil the Courts of Riverside County. Carried. Statement ofMoved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson that pli' the City Attorney be instructed to investigate the statement Edison Co. to be verM ed. of gross receipts of the So. Cal . Edison Co. Carried. Demands Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson that ' allowed. Demands as approved by the Finance Committee be allowed. Motion put and carried. Demmnds as follows: Holland Constr Co. �550.00ip C. E. Lavering, 25.00 Geo. M. Taylor, 125.00; Grace H. Brose, 90.00 1 C. W. Warner, 5.00; C. Creamer, 130.00 I F. L. Snyder, 150.00; L. W. Blodget, 50.00 'I Chas. R. Nutt, 25.00; Chas. R. Nutt, 125.00 Chas. R. Nutt, 35.68; Mrs. L. G. Black, 30.00 P. Ri.ngville, 74.30; 'Vic Creamer, 50.00 H. B. Haskell, 12.75; Frank Parcel, 91.00 C . R. Sumner, 189.16; Jake Reed, 4.00 Frank Conway, 75.8O; Ralph deserve, 9.60 Jas Lake, 6.40 ; Ellis Carroll, 6.40 Jack Renfro, 36.50; S. S. Lavering, 12.90 A. Rennie, 9.60; Al Clarke, 1.3.00 - Joe Washburn, 30.00; Chas. R. Nutt, Jr. 56.66 H. B. Band, 100.00; Eenneth Snyder, 11.60 Frank N. Leavitt, 19.20; Frank Conway, 14.40 J. E. Brunton, 151.40; J. E. Brunton, 7.35 j Je L. Burmeister, 1.55; 4th July Committee 1.00o0O S. H. Smith, 7.00; Jas Gothard, 83.25 M. E. Grate, Se00; C. A. Qreamer, 8.95 Leslie G. Taylor, 33.35; T. C. DeLapp, P. M. 27.00 i! Jas. f. Conrad_, 42.08; H. A. Gallienne, 3.00 East Side eater Co. 18.75; H. B. Hdw. Co. 60.10 E. H. Wood Lbr. Co. 5.50; H. B. Nursery, 3.00 H. B. Telephone Co. S.25; H. B. Suter Co. 214.92 i So. Cal. Edison Co. 91.17; E. W. Beeson, . 3.75 Orange Co-Title Co. 7.56; S.W.Builder & Contr. 4.80 T. R. Cannady, 5.00; Butchers Pharmacy., 4.00 Pao. Pipe & Sup. Co. 74.47; Dtandard Oil Co. 60e15 Reliance Mfg-Coo 48.75; Genl . Sales Corpn, 23.16 So. Counties Gas Co. 680.23; Pacific ?deter Co. 12600 There being no further business it was moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson put rn d carried to adjourn j to MunddpyJuly 13. 1920 at 8 oclock P. Sri. ApprovedCity C Lek, e r e . . a e • o . e o . e e I. President of the Board of Trust ties of the City of Huntington Bea i California. Attest , 9 9 9 9 i 9 9 S 9 9 9 9 9 City Clem,: and ex-&off icio Cle �k cif the Board of Trustees of t, e " i City of HUnti.ngton Beach, Cal I I . I I i