HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-12-20 I tL City Hallo Huntington Beach, Dec. 13, 1990 Reg 2ar9 Pursuant to adjournment of Dec 6th, 1920, Board of Trustees met in regular session and was called to order at 7.30 P. M® Roll call. Trustees present Manning, Obarr, Onson, Andrews, Drew. Absent None. Dr. S. G. Huff appeared before' the Board with request Dr. H.B rV for permission Ito make certain improvements on his house in Fire District No. 1v No action was takene Frmnk Gibbe9 H. Fe Gibbs appeared before the Board with a request - . to have certain territory taken out of the restricted - District. No action was taken® Heeting with Trustee Obarr rep orted that a meetinghad been arranged Ho 30 Coo with the officials of the Huntington Beach Co. for a meeting Deco 149 1020. in the City Hall December 14th, at 2 oclock P. M. to consider a price on Ocean frontage and to take up the proposition of improving the Grammar School Parr for Fair XKX purposes. Committee on Fire and Police recommended to the Board N:1ght Watchman that a competent man be employed as. Night Watchman. recommended.. Mowed by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson that Demands all demands approved by the Finance Committee be allowed. allowed. Carried. Demands as follows: Re Fe Ware9 $177e74 First Natl Bann ale Ware.$250.00 J. He Berkley, 100.00; Roy Labadie, 59o3-O Adjourned to There being no further business the Board adjourned to Dee. 209 1020o Monday.. December 20th, 1920 on motion by Trustee Drew secondd by Trustee Andrews, Approved. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � 0 �y Clerk. President of the oard of Trua�tee - of' the City of Huntington Be h California. Attest. City Clerk and eaao - cio Clerk of the Board of stees of the City of Hun gton Beach9 Cal a I City Hall, Huntington Beach, Dec. 209 1920. Regular. The Board of Trustees were called to order at 7e0C P. M. pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 13th. Roll calll9 Trustees present Manning, Obarr, Onson and Drew. Absent Andrews. S000coo wish to Request of the Standard Oil Co. to. connect with sewer connect with at 23rd Street. and it wa,s moved by Trustee Drew, seconded Maim Sewer at by Trustee Obarr that the City Attorney confer with the 232;,d St Standard Oil Co. in regard to the matter. Carried. V.Cremmer9 Victor Creamer presented request for permit to run a ILu mehn iffagono Lunch wagon on a vacant lot on Main Ste and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr that he be granted permit to 044 operate Lunch Wagon outside of Fire District No. 1, Carried. HoBoCoo pftce Mr. Obarr reported that the H. Be Co. made a price on � t on Frontageo IM 450 feet of the Ocean Front $50,000. and to the N. W. end of the Bath House $75,000.00,° after much discussion it $1259000o lbond, was moved by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson that eleatlem to b ty att e the Ciorney be instructed to commence proceedings to calbc�¢lo call election for the purpose of voting municipgl Y ila Dec. 20, 1920. Bond election bonds in the sum of $1250000.00 for the acquisition of authorized. 450 feet of the Ocean Front as offered by the Huntington � !' Beach Company and the erection of an Assembly Fall thereon. Ayes, Obarr, Onson, Drew and Manning. Noes. Hone, Absent. Andrews. Restricted District Moved by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Drew that ' to be changedo the City Attorney, be instructed to draw up an ordinance changing the North-easterly boundary of the restricted district from Wesley Avenue to Palm Avenue 'but that no Oil Well should be drilled within 250 Feet of the Grammar School building. President Manning called for an Aye and No. vote which was as follows. Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson and Drew, i No. Manning, Absent, Andrews. Carried. An application for the position of Night Watchman was ,pD�Iostiton for received from J. H. Iman® position as Might Tatch0 Mr. Beggs, salesman of Fire Proof Cabinets was present and wanted to sell a Cabinet to the City and was requested Safe Cabinet to go over the matter with the Clerk as to what was essential , sgleefflaa. at the Clerks convenience and to make a report to the Board at the first meeting in February. i So 00 Co. to A request was presented as coming from the Standard Oil i Connect with Uompany# that 23rd Street be smoothed up and the Street Main oewero Supt. was authorized to loop after it. There being no further btsiness it was regularly moved LdJ. to Deo027o seconded and carried to adjourn to Monday Dec. 27th, 1920. at 7.3(�. P. M. ! Lpp ro edMoT 0 0 0 0 0 0 C l erk. ifff Presidente Bowd off Traysof thef Huntington Bcea 9 California 0 LlMeet . 0 0 0 0 0 1 I City Clerk and ez-offlo Clerk., of the Board of Trust of the City of Huntingtoli Belch, Ca l o ' I { oi } City Hall, Huntington Beach, Cal. Dec. 279 1920. 1 Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment of Dec. Rejsanaarro 20th2 1920, and was called to order at 7.30 P. M. Roll call. Trustees present, Uanning Onson Obarr Drew Andrews. Absent None. Zueoutive0 Went into executive session at motion of Drew seconded by Obarr. Called to order. ; Reassembledo Order of Railroad Commission in relation to the grade 8000coo Spur crossing of Ocean Ave. near 23rd Streets was presented. traeko Standard Oil Co presented grade sheet, Plan and Profile I 6000co0 of their proposed sewer to their camp North-west of 23rd ijf Seward Street and it was moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Drew that permission be granted to the Standard Oil Co. to construct the proposed sewer. Carried. Huntington Request of the Huntington Central Oil Co. to place Central Oi.l. Coop014 on each side of Main Street between WesleyvAve. and i Light wires0 Springfield St. and carry light wires across Main Street � and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee An- drews that permission be granted. " Carried. S�lry ®� Moved by Trustee Obarr b rrseconded by Trustee Drew Pouagndmas -