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J �
Huntington Beach, Cal . Jan. 3, 1921.
There being no quorum of Trustees present the
regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was adjourned to
No. quorum,
Monday, Janyary 4th, 1921, 7.30 P. M. V
Adjourned to r
Jan 4s 1921. `�ee
PTresid.en�; ®f tP B a$�a of Ta°anstees City Clerk.
of the City of Huntington Beach, allf.
City Clerk and ex- ��' erk
of the Board _Trustees of the
City of Hu in gton Beach, Call.
City gull, Huntington Beach, Calif. �
January 4, 1921.
Regular, >> Pursuant to adjournment of the 3rd inst.the Board of
Trustees met and was called to order at 7.30 P. M. ;
Roll call, Trustees present, Onson, Obarr, Manning, Andrews.
Absent, Drew.
Bids for There having been Nine (9) bids presented for the
Sewers construction of Sewer Laterals 15, 160 17, 18, 192 20,
opened. 21 & 22 the Clerk opened and read them as follows:
Vitrified 8" pipe eta.per lineal foot $1.25
Main holes complete, 100.00 J
Flush tanks complete, 125.00
Mlagenovich & Gillespie.-
R. N. Nikeevich, $1.38; $98.00; 135.00
R. A, Wattson, 1.39 100.00 150.00
A. Dalmatin, 1 .37 125.00 150.00 a
Mike Chutock, 1.49 99.99 129.29
Bob Radich, 1.52 100.00 155.00
Thos Haverty, 1.35 161.00 328.00
Leo.M-iletich, 1.63 120eOO 150.00
R. A. Downer, 1.65 150.00 150.00 and it was
Referred to moved by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson that
Engineer. bids be referred to City Engineer for analysis, Carried.
Plana profiles City Engineer presented plans and profile, also map of
2nd,3rd & Labe Assessment District for improvement of Second and Third
adopted. Streets and it was moved by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Truss
Resod 355o tee Onson that Resolution No . 355, adopting plans and profile
_ for the Improvement bf Third Street, Second Street and a por-
tion of Lake Street be adopted, ' the said plans profile mKd
being numbered 1020, 1021 & 1022. , Resolution adopted by
the following vote:
ayes, Trustees Qbarr, Onson, Andrewa, Manning,
Noes, None. Absent Drew. it
Reso. #356. Resolution No. 356 being a resolution adopting Map of
Adopting Map of Assessment District to pay .for the Improvement of Second St.
Assessment Third Street and a portion of Lake Avenue was passed and
District adopted by the following vote:
Adopted. Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson, Andrews, Manning,
Noes, None. Absent Drew.
Reso. 57 Resolution No. 357, a resolution declaring the intention
of Intention to of the Board to Improve Second and Third Streets and a portion
Improve 2nd, of Lake Avenue was read and on motion. was passed and adopted
3rd & Lake by the following vote:
Adopted. Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson, Kndrews, Manning.
Noes, None. Absent. Drew.
` Jan.4 - 2 0 I
Minutes approved. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved.
Reports accepted Reports of Officers presented and read and on motion_ II
placed on file° were accepted and ordered placed on file. ✓
Request of Amalgamated Oil Co. for permission to in-
stall for stall 8" pipe line from Block 1801 of Tract 12 in a north-
franchise erly direction to City Limits was on motion by Trustee
referred to Onson seconded by Trustee Obarr referred to City Attorney.
City Atty.
Deckers request Request of D. A. Decker to purchase or lease triangu-
referred to lar piece of ground at intersection of 5th and Main Streets
City Atty° and Magnolia Ave. also referred to City Attorney.to deter-
mine the rights of the City to this piece of land.
Bldg°Plumbg° Mommdnication from F. L. Snyder, Building and Plumbing
Ilnspr and Inspector requesting; to be relieved of these offices was _
Electricians read and it was moved by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee _
offices Onson that the positions of City City Electrician, Building _
r vacant. and Plumbing Inspector be declared vacant. Carried.C. W.. Warner. Moved by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson that
appointed to Judge C. W. Warned be appointed Building and Plumbing In- �
positions. spector and City Electrician, compensation to be arranged
later. Carried. - 1'
Demands Moved by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Andrews
allowed. that Demands approved by Finance Committee be allowed.
- Demands as follows: Carried.
G. M. Taylor, $225.95; Gertrude Catching, $42,50 i
C. W. Warner, 5,00; Chas. R. Nutt, 125*00
Grace M. Brose, 100.00; Geo. A. Shank, 15.00
L. W. Blodget, 75.00; C. E. Lavering, 25.00
Chas. It. Nutt, 37.02; F. L. Snyder, 150.00
C. Creamer, 115.00; Chas. R. Nutt, Jr. 108.00
Bennie Page, 100.00; Virgil Woods, 32.00
Jake Reed, 113.62; K. D. Snyder, 56.20 i
C. F. Herr, 2.50; G. W. Cook, 71,00
C. R. Sumner, 212.60; 0. J. Kolb, 8.00
Frank Parcel, 104.00; Ben F. Lindsley, 25.00
J. E. Blair, 136.50; S. S. Lavering, 60.80
P. Ringville, 43.80; V. U. Brown, 120.00
Firs. E. G. Black, 30.00; Geo. A. Narbeth, 12.00
Charley Lum, 35.20; Frank Hoskinson, 55.25
H. T. Hughes, 38.65; M. E. Grate, 17.50
Be E. Lindsley, 2.00; E.- K. Wood Lbr.Co. 22.56
R. Fv Ware, ' 461914; R. F. Ware, 61.16
P. W. Hallicy, 5.00; H. Be Hardware Co. 13.80
Union Oil Co. 35.44; Talbert & Co. 28,23 I
H. Be News, 169.65; W. Me Adair, 1.52
Holly Sugar Co. 12.65; Geo. F. Fowler, 10.55 li
W. R. Anderson, 9.00; Earl DeLapp, 467.10
C. A. Creamer, 1.35; T. C. DeLapp, P. M. 32.20
+ J. L. Burmeister, .90; Jones R Creamer, 61.30
Geo. W. Wardwell, 110.88; H. F. Gibbs, 19.60
H. Be Telephone Co. 6.35; H. F. Gibbs, 9.60
East Side Water Co. 18.75; H. Be Water Co. 212.56
H. Be Telephone Co. 9.25; So-Counties Gas Co. 1583.59
So. Cal. Edison Co. 123.60; Std. Oil Co. 48.46
E. C. Wright, 8.00; E. Be Smith, 15,00
J. F. Heartwell, 31.35; San Pedro Lbr.Co. 3.30
H. Krahling, 5.25; Pao. Pipe & Supply Co. 133.24
Pao. Pipe & Supply Co. Gen. Gas Light Co. 125.46
816*12; H. Mueller Mfg.Co. 23.00
Reliance Mfg.Co. 55.25; Sprague Meter Co. 163.50
Welsbach Co. 35.01;
` There being no further business at this time the Board
Adj °1/10/21. egularly adjourned to January 10, 1921. 7.30 P. M.
Approved° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
Chairman of Board. Attest° M_ 4,4t /° ° ° ° °
_i -