HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-01-10 i � I d , City Hall, Huntington Beach, Cal. Jan. 10, 1921. Regular. Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 4th, 1921. the Board of Trustees met in regular session. I, Roll call. Trustees present Obarr, Onson, Andrews and Drew. Absent Manning. ! Drew, Chairman On motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee .Ann- pr®-�.e;.;. drews, Trustee Drew was elected Chairman, Pro-tem. b Franchise for Blank agree-pient drayrn up by the City Attorney grant- I i'I Pipe Lineing to the Amalgamated Oil Co. franchise for a pipe line granted the from Block 1801 of Tbect 12, northward to the City Limits Amalgamated.was presented and on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Truatee Onson the Chairman was authorized to sign the agreement. Huntington Request from the Huntington Dentral Oil Co. for per- 1', Central 0�� Co. mit to run Steam and Water line in alley in Block 1704 i request err Lots 7 & 9 to Lot 13 was on motion by Trustee Obarr r equ est to seconded by Trustee Onson referred to the City Attorney.ref �. Attorney. !I ewer° Contract. The City Engineer reported that the bid of Mlagenovick S I' Aedwa�t°c�Co to and Gillespie for the construction of sanitary sewers in Laterals 15 to 22, being $27,812.50 and it was moved b i Mlenovch Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews y ews that Resolution �I ' illespiea of Award (#358) rejecting all bids except that above named ' be rejected and that the Contract be awarded to Ulagenovich and Gillespie at figures named in- bid, viz: 8" Vitrified Pipe, etc. per lin. ft. $1.25 4j Manholes complete, each, 100.00 Flush tanks complete, each, 125.00 was passed and adopted by theifollowing vote: Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson, Andrews, Drew. Noes, None. Absent, Manning. I ; Petition forPetition signed by residants of$ 10th Street for a Might 9Oth street light at the corner of 10.th St and Acacia Ave. was I � Acacia" presented, after some discussion as to the lighting situ- Engineer to ation it was moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee g Andrews that the City Engineer be instructed to make pre- liminary suet' liminary survey and estimate of cost of installing a light- for lighting o ing system under district assessment and report at the next meeting. Carried. Petition signed by 36 property owners of District ' Petition from Petition by 13th and 23rd Streets, Ocean and Palm Avenues i �I over® to be requesting that that portion of the city be removed from the removed from requesting area, and it was moved by Trustee Obarr, seconded li restricted by Trustee Andrews that petition be laid on the Tabbe. YDistrct. Trustee Onson asked for Roll Call.and the vote was as follows: Ayes, Trustees Obarr and Andrews, No action* l 'l Does.. Onson and Drew. i Absent Manning. Chairman declared a five minute recess. iI Onson in Chaair. Again called to order and Trustee Drew requested Trustee Onson to take the chair. � i 47apn. 31st. Moved by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee Obarr that Board to dis- petition be laid over until the evening of January 31st at cuss �°estrictedwhich time the Board would meet to discuss the restricted Dstresto district and any further petitions or protests would be heard and the�City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to publish a notiee .to this effect in the Huntington Beach News. Carried. Chairman .Drew again resumed gavel. To call the Manner and methods of calling the Night Watchman were Right Watchman, discussed and it was moved by Trustee Andrews seconded by Trustee Onson that a light be put on the corner of the Obarr building or in some other prominent place to be erated from the Telephone office, as call for Night wat I. i i i r 1 Jan 10., 0 2 o man and that arrangements be made with the Telephone Co.' for their co-operation, Carried. Atty to write Moved byvTrustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews agreement In that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up necessary re/ wiring on agreement with R. L. Obarr in regard to the maintenance buildingo and rempval of light from his building. Carried. "Ho parking" Moved by Trustee Andreyrs seconded by Trustee Obarr signs to be that Street Supt. be instructed to have all- !No Parking" removed. signs and other obstructions removed from sidewalks on Main Street from Ocean Avenue to Olive Avenue.Carried. Paving to be Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Andrews repaired. that the Street Supt• confer with Mr. Berkley in regard to having paving, where torn up to install Gas System put in proper condition. Carried. ' b Atty to confer Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson with H.B.Coo� that City Attorney be instructed to confer with the in re/ Park Huntington Beach Company in regard to having the restric- restrictionsotions removed from Grammar School Park. Carried. Moved by Trustee Andrews seconded by Trustee Obarr Adj. to San 17. to adjourn to Monday, January 17, 1921, at 7.30 P. M. 7.30 P.Mo A Carried. dy 'p ,�{ � C-1erk. i Approved o . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 a o 0 0 0 / President of the Board of Tr ste a of the City of Huntington Be c ., California. Attest. 0 0 0 . 0 0 . City Clerk and ex=officio Cl of the Board of Trustees-of the City of Huntingt each., Cal. k J° City Hall, Huntington Beach, Cal. ., Jan. 17, 1921. Regulars, The Board of Trustees called to order at 7.30 P. M. pursuant to adjournment of January 7th, 1921. Roll call. Trustees present Manning, Obarr, Onson, Drew. Absent, Andrewa, ' Li ;hating Moved by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee Onson Districts to be that City Engineer be instructed to commence proceedings r' formed. to establish the following lighting districts: First, XffWfflKfiXM=XX Taking in the property on the East side of First Street to the Alley between 16th and 17th Streets from Ocean Avenue to Palm Avenue and Second Taking in from the alley between 16th and 17th Streets to include the Zest side of 23rd Street from Ocean I. Avenue to Palm Avenue. Carried. 'j OnsonoM.Como Trustee Onson was appointed to serve on the Finance pot . Committee pro-tem. So P. Co. to Communication from w. H. Whalen, Supt of the SP.Lines j submit fran- in regard to the franchise which he has frequently asked chise for the City Clerk to send him for the Union Oil Cots spur adoption. track across Acacia Ave. was presented and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr that the Southern Pacific Co. draw up and present a franchise fb r approval ' of the Board. , Carried. I